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#1 Worth 5 Points
What chain of mountains
stretches from Alaska to South
#1 Worth 5 Points
The Western Cordillera
#2 Worth 5 Points
The area of hard rock and poor
soil that surrounds the Hudson
Bay is…
#2 Worth 5 Points
The Canadian Shield
#3 Worth 5 Points

The point beyond which trees

cannot grow is called…
#3 Worth 5 Points
The timberline
#4 Worth 5 Points
Which area in Canada has a
humid continental climate?
#4 Worth 5 Points
The Great Lakes area
#5 Worth 10 Points
What gives British Columbia a
marine-west-coast climate?
#5 Worth 10 Points
The Japan Current

Bonus 5 points! Which type of economy

exists in Canada?
#6 Worth 5 Points
Canada was one of the first nations to
legalize what?
#6 Worth 5 Points
Gay marriage
#7 Worth 10 Points
The largest religious group in
Canada are the ______.
#7 Worth 10 Points
Roman Catholics
#8 Worth 5 Points
What was the main purpose of
the residential schools?
#8 Worth 5 Points

To help the First Nation children assimilate.

#9 Worth 10 Points
What does the term cultural
“mosaic” mean?
#9 Worth 10 Points
Canadians retain the distinct attributes of their
home culture.
#10 Worth 10 Points
What type of area does most
Canadians live?
#10 Worth 5 Points
In dense urban areas
#11 Worth 10 Points
Who represents the British
monarch in Parliament?
#11 Worth 10 Points
The governor general
#12 Worth 10 Points
The executive of the province is
called the _____.
#12 Worth 10 Points

Bonus 5 points! T or F
Canada retains the British monarch as its
head of state.
#13 Worth 5 Points
In the 1990s the Wall Street Journal
labeled Canada an honorary member of
the Third World. T or F
#13 Worth 5 Points
#14 Worth 5 Points
Quebecois are the First Nation tribe
in British Columbia. T or F
#14 Worth 5 Points
#15 Worth 5 Points
Who runs the executive branch in
Canada’s political system?
#15 Worth 5 Points
The prime minister
#16 Worth 5 Points
What is one way Canada helps new
immigrants acculturate?
#16 Worth 5 Points
It offers free hockey lessons for children
#17 Worth 5 Points
What is the main goal of the Great
Lakes Water Quality Agreement?
#17 Worth 5 Points
Stop pouring sewage into the
#18 Worth 10 Points
Why has the oil industry been an
environmental concern for Canada?
#18 Worth 10 Points
THe oil must be extracted from the
soil, which creates a significant amount
of waste.
#19 Worth 10 Points
Which of the Great Lakes are most
likely to have the strongest pollution
levels due to their location along the
Great Lakes chain?
#19 Worth 10 Points
Ontario and Erie
#20 Worth 5 Points
What may happen to the Artic if it
continues to melt?
#20 Worth 5 Points
It could become a location of international
conflict because Canada and international groups
debate on who is responsible for maintenance.
#21 Worth 5 Points
How has seal hunting changed over the

BONUS: What do diamond- mining

companies now do with the land after
the mine is closed?
#21 Worth 5 Points
Hunters seek to kill the seals humanely
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9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
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25 26 27 28 29 30
Student Number 4 from
each group, rotate to the
next group.
Someone from your group must
volunteer to swap places with the
player of that same number in the
group with the lowest score. If you are
the lowest group, swap with the player
in the highest group.
Take five points from the group
with the highest score and give
them to your group.
All Number 2 students
stand up - swap your #2
with any other #2.
Give five of your points to any
groups that have fewer students
than your group. If you have the
fewest students, get five points!
The team with the most points
gives five of their points to the
team in second place.
All Number 1 students
stand up - swap your #1
with any other #1.
Swap points with the team that has
the fewest points.
If you have the fewest points, swap
with the team that has the most!
Every other team gets 5
Give ten of your points to
any other group of your
Flip a coin - heads and your
team gets 10 points, tails and
the team with the lowest score
gets 10 points.
First place and second
place groups swap
Take five points from any
group and give them to
another group.
All Number 3 students
stand up - swap your #3
with any other #3.
Take half of your points and
divide them evenly between
the other groups.
Take one point from each
team and add them to your
team’s score.
Every other team loses 3
The team with the fewest
points can earn ten points if
they sing and act out ‘Head
Shoulders Knees and Toes”
Double the points you just
earned if everyone in your
group sings the ABC’s while
standing on one foot.
One person from your group, and
one from the group with the lowest
score, take turns throwing wads of
paper into the trashcan -first person
to get the wad into the trash can
earns 5 points.
Earn five points if everyone
in your group stands and
does five jumping jacks.
Student Number 5 from
each group, rotate to the
next group.
Choose one person from your
group to throw a wad of paper
into the trash can - earn 5 points
if they make it! You get three
Choose another group to earn
five points if they stand and
sing ‘Twinkle Twinkle Little
All Number 1 students stand -
your #1 play Rock Paper
Scissors with another #1 of your
choice - winner of two out of
three gets five points.
All Number 3 students stand -
your #3 play Rock Paper
Scissors with another #3 of your
choice - winner of two out of
three gets five points.
The team with the fewest points
can be tied with the 2nd place
team if every student in the
group runs in place for one
Your team can earn ten
points if everyone sings
Happy Birthday while
Earn ten points if everyone
in your group sings (and
does the motions to) ‘I’m a
Little Teapot’
Choose another team to sing
‘Row Row Row Your Boat’ in
a round - if every student in the
group sings, they earn 10

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