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The Relationship Between Time Management and

the Academic Performance of Academic-Track


Alfonso, Luigi Miguel
Gonzales, Andria Chellsea
Magbanua, Lady Ruby Ann
Matalubos, Mark Angelo
Monterola, Hilda
Pangilinan, Carl Angelo
Roderigo, Meryl Gay
Rosello Alexander
Sareno, Ciana Jade
Time management shapes the student’s mind into the direction of discipline and sense of duty (The Time
2018). Time is defined as the duration in which all things happen, or a precise instant that something
happens. It is also the measured or measurable period during which an action, process, or condition exists
or continues. Time can be considered to be the fourth dimension of reality, used to describe events in
three-dimensional space. It is not something we can see, touch, or taste, but we can measure its passage.
(ThoughtCo 2019).

According to Bobby, if you truly honor the time, you must not waste it, because wasting time is like
wasting gold. Right these days, most of the students only know these words through their minds but not
on their realization, which has a big difference, of course.

This implies that effective time management can enhance academic performance among students. The
study underscores the importance of time management in academic achievement, suggesting that students
who manage their time effectively are likely to perform better academically (Cyril, 2015).
Background of the Study
“Time management” is the process of organizing and planning how to divide
your time between specific activities.
But, since we all get the same 24 hours, why is it that some people achieve so much? more with their time
than others? The answer lies in good time management,
but that is not what happened right these days in the lives of the students.
Prioritizing the important things is the best way to save time. management within you (Bobby, 2016), but
through that, you must first discipline yourself and learn to control things that can only delay your work.
The presence and availability of time are required for the development of other resources (Mohamadkhani
et al., 2017).
Some students lack effective time management abilities, which have a severe impact on their personal and
academic lives (Nasrullah and Khan, 2015).
Driven by this fact, particular emphasis has been paid in the modern education system to time management
issues by evaluating students’ attitudes and behaviors related to time and its management (Karim, Sevari,
Mitra & Kandy, 2015).
Statement of the Problem
Many academic track students struggle to balance their academic responsibilities, extracurricular activities, and personal
commitments, leading to potential impacts on their academic performance. This study seeks to identify the relationship of
time management and learners’ academic performance
1. What is the perception of frequency of time management strategies of the academic track learners from.
a) 11 HUMSS A?
b) 11 HUMSS B?
c) 12 HUMSS A?
d) 12 ABM A?
e) 12 GA A?
2. What is the level of academic performance of the learners from the academic track?
3. What is the relationship between note taking strategies and academic performance of academic track learners from
3.1 11 HUMSS A?
3.2 11 HUMSS B?
3.3 12 HUMSS A?
3.4 12 GA A?
3.5 12 ABM A?
3.6 Academic Track?
Significance of the Study
• School Heads
• Teacherd
• Parents
• Students
• Future Researchers
Scope and Limitation

• Academic Track students

• Total sample of 164 students at M.B.
Asistio Sr. High School Unit I
• Validated Questionnaire
Theoretical Framework
To begin, K. Anders Ericsson’s research has explored what makes world-class performers
different from everyone else, and his answer is a process he calls “deliberate practice." On
the Deliberate Practice Theory, he argued that simply repeating a mastered skill is not
enough to help people get better at it; to improve, we must push ourselves.

More so, he said, “Even the most motivated and intelligent student will advance more
quickly under the tutelage of someone who knows the best order in which to learn things,
who understands and can demonstrate.

In this theory, he is referring to that men should not waste their time and intellectual efforts
in too subtle speculations concerning divine or natural things; rather, they should work
actively to improve the conveniences of this life, be useful to others, and better themselves,
to comply with God's will.
Conceptual Framework
Review Related Literature and Studies
Time management is a set of practices that work together to help you get more value out of
your time with the aim of improving the quality of your life. On the other hand, academic
performance is the outcome of education, that is, the extent to which a student, teacher, or
institution has achieved their educational goals (Adebayo, 2015).
According to Adebayo (2015), there is a positive relationship between the academic
performances of the students and the factors affecting time management.
According to (Robbins and Coulter, 2022, p. 9), he discussed that management involves
coordinating and overseeing the work activities with others so that their activities are
completed efficiently and effectively.
According to Yeng Remulla (2022, p. 9), the mañana habit is something that the Filipinos
have learned from Spaniards.
This hypothesis implies that there is a relationship
between how well students manage their time and their
academic performance within the academic track
H1: There is significant relationship between time
management and the academic performance of academic
track students.
Relevant Theories
According to Maslow,’’As long as the efficient use of time helps us meet higher goals of
fulfilment, spiritually and wellbeing, we perceive it as helpful. But for the sake of
interests in better efficiency, if we give up bigger things like agenda and self-satisfaction
in life, then this can be seen as a moot victory’’. Maslow’s theory talks about the human
needs and hierarchy that are required to satisfy human wants. As a student, without been
in a good state of mind, it is very challenging to make study plans and proper time
management schedule. This theory reflects on how a student can manage his/her self-
better in order to feel satisfied (Jeffrey 2011). Maslow’s theory is related to the student
time management in the aspect of purpose and satisfaction. No matter how much a
student needs to work, he/she has to realize the purpose of study and the targeted aim.
Spending too much time at work or other activities can make a student lose focus on
his/her purpose.

The following literatures were used by the

researchers for the purpose of this research.
Definition of Terms
Time Management -Is the practice of managing and planning how to allocate available time
between various activities. Time management is crucial, and it can have a significant impact on an
individual’s overall performance and achievement. It is simply the process of organizing and
planning how to divide and arrange your schedule amongst specific undertakings in order to
maximize effectiveness in an efficient manner. (Irikefe & Pureheart, 2018)
Academic performance – Academic performance is defined as students’ ability to carry out
academic tasks, and it measures their achievement across different academic subjects using
objective measures such as final course grades and grading point average (Busalim et al. 2019)
Academic Track – The academic track consists of courses that will make college life easier to
adjust to in terms of subject variety and, to a certain degree, difficulty. The academic track is
simply the track that prepares students for the most common college courses such as business
management, engineering, and the sciences.
Research Design
The research will be conducted through the quantitative correlational design.
It adopted a descriptive survey design. Quantitative because this study aims to
know the number and level of learners engaging or practicing time
management. It is a correlational because it aims to discuss or to know the
relationship between two variables without the researcher controlling or
manipulating any of them. Its goal is to understand how well and to what
extent learners manage their time academically. The quantitative-descriptive
design will aid in determining the correlation of time management on
students' academic performance.
This study has an overall 164 sample from the
population of 254. In order to acquire the sample the
researchers used Slovin’s Formula which is a statistical
tool to calculate the minimum sample size needed to
estimate a statistic based on an acceptable margin of
error. The population came from the Academic Track
HUMSS, GA, and ABM strands.
Without the respondents, this study cannot be conducted. The
participants in this study will be the sections from the senior
high school of the Academic Track; Humanities and Social
Sciences (HUMSS), Accountancy and Business Management
(ABM), and last General Academic (GA) Strands of M.B.
Asistio Sr. High School Unit I, who will benefit from this
research, will be gathered in order to get the necessary data
and information.
Research Instrument
In this study, the researchers used a structured
questionnaire entitled Questionnaire of Time
Management with a five-point rating scale for data
collection. Each question has five preferences;
“strongly agree”, “agree”, “neutral”, “disagree“, and
“strongly disagree”.
Statistical Analysis
To analyze the data, the study has two analyses: descriptive statistics and inferential statistics.
Descriptive analysis summarizes the characteristics of a data set and measures the central
tendency or describes the center of the data set, thus the use of mean, median, mode, and
standard deviation. The tool used is the Pearson Correlated Coefficient (r), Using the formula:

It is a number between -1 and 1 that measures the strength and direction of the relationship
between two variables.
Data Gathering Procedure
Data Analysis
The main instrument used for data collection in this research
was a validated questionnaire. The purpose of the
questionnaire was to identify if the time management and
academic performance have a significant relationship among
students during the learning process. By analyzing the
responses obtained through the questionnaire, the researchers
aimed to gain insights into the time management of the
Presentation, Analysis, and Interpretation of Data
Table 1. Perception of Frequency of Time Management Strategies of the Academic Track Learners
Table 1 shows the learners' perceptions of the frequency of time management strategies in different subjects. For 11-HUMSS A, the students use time management strategies
relatively often, with an average score of 3.714. However, there is some variation in perception, as indicated by a mode score of 4.1 and a standard deviation of 0.475. On the
other hand, 11-HUMSS B students perceive a slightly lower frequency with an average score of 3.559 and a mode score of 3.05 and a standard deviation of 0.478. Moving to
12-HUMSS A, the students perceive the use of time management strategies with a similar frequency to 11-HUMSS A with an average score of 3.638. Most students perceive
the same frequency as shown by the median score of 3.675. A mode score of 3.7 occurs most often, and a standard deviation of 0.397 indicates that the observations are
relatively close to the mean.
In contrast, for the 12-ABM A, the students perceive the use of time management strategies slightly less often, with an average score of 3.429. Most students experience the
same frequency, as indicated by the median of 3.425. A mode score of 2.65 occurs most frequently, and a standard deviation of 0.482 indicates the spread of observations.
Finally, students in 12-GA A find a similar frequency of using time management strategies with an average score of 3.473. Most students follow the same frequency as shown
by the median of 3.475. A mode of 4 occurs most frequently, with a standard deviation of 0.473 indicating the spread of observations.
Table 2. Academic Performance
The academic performance of the students in various subjects is shown in Table 2. For 11-HUMSS A, the average mean score is high at 86.35, indicating strong overall
performance. A median score of 85.25 indicates that most students perform well, and a mode score of 87.75 indicates a concentration of scores around this value. A standard
deviation of 3.412929102 indicates the variation in performance.
In contrast, 11-HUMSS B students have a slightly lower mean score of 82.54, indicating slightly lower overall performance than 11-HUMSS A. A median score of 82.5 and a
mode score of 76 indicate that most students perform at the same level and a wider distribution of performance, as indicated by a standard deviation of 4.561440298.At
transition, 12-HUMSS A students have an average mean score of 87.91, indicating better academic performance compared to their 11-HUMSS A students. A median score of
86.555 and a mode score of 86.11 indicate that most students perform well and a relatively narrow spread of performance as indicated by a standard deviation of 2.939439431.

In terms of courses, 12-ABM A students have the highest average mean of 88.99, indicating a strong overall performance. A median score of 88.565 and a mode score of 87.13
suggest that most students perform well, with a relatively narrow distribution of performance showing a standard deviation of 2.888186214. Finally, the average score for 12-
GA A students is 87.60, indicating good overall performance. A median score of 87.315 and a mode score of 90.75 suggest that most students perform well, with a standard
deviation of 3.181645295 indicating variation in performance.
Table 3. Pearson Correlation Coefficient of Preferred Learning Style & Academic Performance
Table 3.1. 11 HUMSS A

The table 3.1 shows the result of Grade 11 HUMSS-A where a pearson correlation
coefficient (r) of 0.95599 indicates a vey high relationship between time management and
academic performance. This means that there is a very strong and positive correlation or
association between the variables. The variables are highly related, and as one variable
increases, the other variable also increases consistently.
Table 3.2. 11 HUMSS B

The table 3.2 shows the result of Grade 11 HUMSS-B where a pearson correlation
coefficient (r) of 0.89162 indicates a high relationship between time management and
academic performance. This means that there is a relatively strong positive correlation or
association between the variables. While it may not be as strong as a perfect or very high
relationship, it still suggests a significant level of association between the variables.
Table 3.3 12 HUMSS A

The table 3.3 shows the result of Grade 12 HUMSS-A where a pearson correlation
coefficient (r) of 0.85978 indicates a high relationship between time management and
academic performance. This means that there is a relatively strong positive correlation or
association between the variables. While it may not be as strong as a perfect or very high
relationship, it still suggests a significant level of association between the variables.
Table 3.4 12 ABM A

The table 3.4 shows the result of Grade 12 ABM-A where a pearson correlation coefficient
(r) of 0.96380 indicates a perfect relationship between time management and academic
performance. This means that there is a very strong and positive correlation or association
between the variables. In practical terms, it suggests that the variables are highly related,
and as one variable increases, the other variable also increases consistently.
Table 3.5 12 GA A

The table 3.5 shows the result of Grade 12 GA-A where a pearson correlation coefficient
(r) of 0.93728 indicates a very high relationship between time management and academic
performance. This means that there is a strong positive correlation or association between
the variables. In simpler terms, as one variable increases, the other variable also tends to
increase, and vice versa
The study found that time management techniques have a significant impact on academic
performance for academic track students. The analysis revealed a positive correlation between
time management strategies and academic performance in various subjects. Students who
effectively manage their time tend to perform better academically than those who do not. The
study showed that there is a strong positive correlation between time management and
academic performance, with significant relationships found in samples such as 11-HUMSS A,
12-HUMSS A, 12-ABM A, 11-HUMSS B, and 12-GA A. The average scores across all subjects
indicated that many students enjoy education, and the findings suggest that effective time
management strategies are crucial to the success of high school students. The correlation
coefficient demonstrated a significant relationship between time management and academic
performance for M.B. Asistio High School-I academic track students.
The study identified if the time management is effective for among
students and explored their potential impact on academic
performance. Based on the results in Chapter IV, that the relationship
between learning style preferences and academic performance was
established and the result showed that there is a perfect, very high,
and high relationship. This suggests that other factors may contribute
to academic success, and further research could delve into these
aspects for a more comprehensive understanding.
• School Heads and Administrations
• Teachers
• Parents
• Students
• Future Researchers
The Relationship Between Time Management and
the Academic Performance of Academic-Track

Alfonso, Luigi Miguel
Gonzales, Andria Chellsea
Magbanua, Lady Ruby Ann
Matalubos, Mark Angelo
Monterola, Hilda
Pangilinan, Carl Angelo
Roderigo, Meryl Gay
Rosello Alexander
Sareno, Ciana Jade

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