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Community building-

Social Awareness
Research shows that social-emotional skills like social
awareness, self-management, and growth mindset are crucial
to college and career readiness

 Parents and teachers have long known the

importance of these skills and have taught them to
their students
 Current standardized tests don't assess these skills
 Schools don't always prioritize these skills or give
teachers the support they need and the credit they
deserve for teaching these skills
 Social awareness can be defined refers to
the ability to understand and empathize
with the perspectives and experiences of
others, both within one's immediate
community and on a global scale.
Social  It involves recognizing and appreciating
awareness diversity, practicing empathy, and
demonstrating respect for others
 Cultivate a sense of belonging, foster
positive relationships
 Cultural, ethnic, economic, and
social diversity, social awareness is
crucial for fostering understanding
and tolerance
 It enables individuals to appreciate
the richness that different
perspectives bring to communities,
workplaces, and societies
 By understanding societal inequalities
and advocating for fairness and equality,
individuals can actively contribute to
creating a more just and equitable world.
Social Justice  Socially aware individuals are more
likely to challenge discrimination and
work towards positive societal change.

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