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S.Y 2023-2024
Self-worth and self-esteem are two different things, despite the fact that theynare
used at interchangeably. Self-esteem is concerned more on your confidence and
healthy admiration of yourself, while self-worth is how you value yourself—an
inner sense of value. It is you who can determine how outside factors influence
your self- worth. These factors are actions or reactions and judgments of other
Researches say that an individual who validates his/her self-worth from external
factors may more likely have low self-worth. However, individuals who consider
their internal aspects tend to develop a healthy inner sense of value.
How to Improve your Self-worth

 Stop comparing yourself to others. Evaluating yourself based on standards of other

people may lead you to self-destruction or may develop maladaptive behavior.
 Challenge the critical inner self. Find effort to see who you really are. Listen to your
inner voice. Start understanding and appreciating your own feelings, thoughts, desires and
values. If you will challenge your critical inner voice and stop comparing yourself to
others, you can begin to get a feeling for your own self-worth.
How to Improve and Raise Your Self-esteem

 Be with people who treat you well. Some people act in ways that tear you down. Others
lift you up by what they say and do. Learn to tell the difference. Choose friends who help
you feel OK about yourself. Find people that you can be yourself with. Be that type of
friend to others.
 Set goals and work toward them. If you want to feel good about yourself, do things that
are good for you. Maybe you want to eat a healthier diet, get more fit, or study better.
Make a goal. Then make a plan on how to do it. Stick with your plan. Track your progress.
Be proud of what you've done so far. Say to yourself, "I've been following my plan to
work out every day for 45 minutes. I feel good about it. I know I can keep it up."
 Give and help. Giving is one the best ways to build self-esteem. Tutor a classmate, help
clean up your neighborhood, help in a donation drive campaign. Help out at home. Make it
a habit to be kind and fair. Do things that make you proud of the kind of person you are.
When you do things that make a difference (even a small one) your self-esteem will grow.
Complete the sentences and write it on a one whole
sheet of paper with the Self-affirmation Exercise.
Compile it in your portfolio.
Self-affirmation Exercise

1. My proudest moment was _____________________________________.

2. My strengths are________________________________________.
3. My source of joy is __________________________________________.
4. My friends really appreciate me as a ________________________________.
5. I can overcome all the challenges in life because_______________________.
6. I will reach my dreams because_____________________________________.
Respect, Understand and Listen
to Everyone!
 Recall a personal experience where respect was
shown to you and an observed scenario where
discrimination was evident.
Examine yourself and enumerate your behaviors that show respect to
others and behaviors that you think can be considered a discriminating to other
people. Be truthful to yourself in doing this exercise.

 I respect others when...

1. I give my full attention when someone is speaking.
 I may be discriminating others when...
1. I check the brand of the clothes they are wearing.

 try to recall a most significant decision

you have made in your life.
1. Why did you consider that decision as
your most significant?
 It is important that in decision-making, you take necessary steps to make it
sound. This will help you achieve what you have initially aimed for. You
may have made decisions based on your own judgment in the past, and the
result may not be what you have intended. This is true to many people who
rely on their own judgment, without feeling the need to reflect and seek
opinion from others. Other people may have different perspectives for your
situations, something that may be of help in your decision-making.
 Sound decision is when a person takes the time to fully discover and learn
the different choices and probable results of decisions. It involves gathering
facts, discussing the information, and making a reflection for a better and
deeper decision.
The following are some considerations in
making a sound decision:
 Personal needs and wants: We often prioritize this as we are mostly concerned of the things
that we have to satisfy during the situation.

 Family: Opinions of the members of the family are also considered as vital in decision-
making, especially of our parents before making a choice. This is because we know that our
parents know better about life therefore, their advice matters. In some cases however, the
parents have the choice over life decisions of a person.

 School and Community: We often ponder if our decisions are the same as to what we have
learned from our experiences and interaction with society, and what was taught to us through
our formal education. We adapt to the standards set by society and we also carefully see the
impact of our decision to ourselves and to the community to which we belong.
The following are some considerations in
making a sound decision:

 Religious affiliations: Our religious affiliation plays a significant role in our

decision-making process as we should always contemplate if our decisions obey
the teachings and values instilled upon us by our faith.

 Media and technology: With the widespread of media forms (mass media and
social media), communication is made with much ease as compared to those of
the previous generations. Media and technology made a huge influence on how
we send and receive information, assess our situation and make judgments and
The following are some considerations in
making a sound decision:

 Since in decision-making, the main focus is on the solution to a particular

problem/concern, we also use different approaches in dealing with it, depending
on the call of the situation. Whichever it is, we must ask ourselves the following:
What do your feelings tell you? Is it reasonable?
What are the available facts?
Which solutions are possible?
What alternatives do you have?
What is the best solution?
The following are some considerations in
making a sound decision:
In summary, the following are the steps that we must consider:
• Gather information
• Identify the alternatives
• Choose from alternatives
• Identify the decision to be made
• Take action
• Review the decision

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