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• I can define a hyperbola.

• I can determine the standard form of equation of a
• I can recognize the equation and important characteristics
of the different types of conic sections.
• I can solve situational problems involving conic sections
Satellite systems make heavy use of hyperbolas and
hyperbolic functions. When scientists launch a satellite into
space, they must first use mathematical equations to predict
its path.
Using hyperbolas, astronomers can predict the path of the
satellite to make adjustments so that the satellite gets to its
A satellite is an object in space that orbits something else. It can be natural, like
a moon, or artificial. An artificial satellite is placed into orbit by being attached
to a rocket, launched into space, then detached when it is in the correct location
Lenses and Monitors
Objects designed for use with our eyes make heavy use of
hyperbolas. These objects include microscopes, telescopes
and televisions. Before you can see a clear image of
something, you need to focus on it. Your eyes have a
natural focus point that does not allow you to see things
too far away or close up. To view such things as planets or
bacteria, scientists have designed objects that focus light
into a single point. The designs of these use hyperbolas to
reflect light to the focal point.
A hyperbola is the mathematical shape that you obtain
when vertically cutting a double cone.
A hyperbola is the set of all points in a plane such that the
absolute value of the difference of the distances between two
fixed points stays constant. The two given points are the foci
of the hyperbola, and the midpoint of the segment joining the
foci is the center of the hyperbola.

Figure 1. Properties of Hyperbola

A hyperbola has two axes of symmetry (refer to Figure 1).
The axis along the direction the hyperbola opens is called
the transverse axis. The conjugate axis passes through the
center of the hyperbola and is perpendicular to the
transverse axis. The points of intersection of the hyperbola
and the transverse axis are called the vertices (singular,
vertex) of the hyperbola.


The standard form of the equation of a hyperbola with

center (0,0) and transverse axis on the x-axis is:
2 2
x y
 2
 1
a b
 the length of the transverse axis is 2a.
 the coordinates of the vertices are ሺ±𝑎, 0ሻ
 the length of the conjugate axis is 2b
 the coordinates of the co-vertices are ሺ0, ±𝑏ሻ
 the distance between the foci is 2c, where c2 = a2 + b2
 the coordinates of the foci are ሺ±𝑐, 0ሻ
 the equations of the asymptotes are y   x
The standard form of the equation of a hyperbola
with center (0,0) and transverse axis on the y-axis
 the length of the transverse axis is 2a.
 the coordinates of the vertices are ሺ0, ±𝑎ሻ
 the length of the conjugate axis is 2b
 the coordinates of the co-vertices are ሺ±𝑏, 0ሻ
 the distance between the foci is 2c, where c2 = a2 + b2
 the coordinates of the foci are ሺ0, ±𝑐ሻ
 the equations of the asymptotes are y   x
Note that the vertices, co-vertices, and foci are
related by the equation c​2​=a​2​+b​2​. When we are given
the equation of a hyperbola, we can use this
relationship to identify its vertices and foci.
Example 1:
What is the standard form equation of the
hyperbola that has vertices and foci
The center is at the origin (0,0)
The vertices so a = 6
The foci (±20), so c = 2
But we do not have value for b2, to find the value of b2 use
the equation for the focus:
c 2 = a2 + b 2
Substitute the value of a = 6 and the value of c =
= 6 2 + b2
4(10) = 36 +b2
40 = 36 + b2
4 = b2
Write the equation with center (0,0), a = 6 and b2 = 4,
2 2
x y
 2 1 So, the standard for of the standard
a b form equation of the hyperbola that
has vertices and foci is:
Example 2:
What is the standard form equation of the hyperbola that
has co-vertices and foci ?

Answer: - = 1
Example 3:
Write the equation of the hyperbola in standard from
given by: 4x2 – 9y2 – 36 = 0, the find the coordinates of
the following: center, vertices, co-vertices, foci, length of
the transverse axis, length of the conjugate axis, length
of the foci and equation of the asymptotes.
Write the equation of the hyperbola in standard form: 4x 2
– 9y2 – 36 = 0
4x2 – 9y2 – 36 = 0 transpose -36 to the right side
of the equation
4x2 – 9y2 = 36 divide each term by 36 so that
the right side becomes 1
Example 4.
Write the equation of the hyperbola in standard
from given by: 36y2 – 81x2 – 2,916 = 0, the find the
coordinates of the following: center, vertices, co-
vertices, foci, length of the transverse axis, length
of the conjugate axis, length of the foci and
equation of the asymptotes.
Write the equation of the hyperbola in standard form:
36y2 – 81x2 – 2,916 = 0 transpose -2,916 to the right side of the
36y2 – 81x2 = 2,916 divide each term by 2,916 so that the right
side becomes 1

Standard Form of the Hyperbola

The transverse axis is on the y-axis or vertical axis.
Then find the value of a, b, and c.
To find a: a2 = 81 extract the square root on both sides

= simplify to find the value of a

To find b:
b2 = 36 extract the square root on both sides
= simplify to find the value of b
To find c:
c 2 = a 2 + b2 sub the value of a = 3 and
c2 = (9)2 + (6)2 simplify
c2 = 81 +36 find the sum
c2 = 117 extract the
square root on both
sides and simplify
Now, we have , , c = and center at the origin (0,0)
center (0,0)
the coordinates of the vertices are ሺ0, ±𝑎ሻ; (0, ±9)
the coordinates of the co-vertices are ሺ±𝑏, 0ሻ; ሺ±6,0ሻ
the coordinates of the foci are ሺ0, ±𝑐ሻ; ൫0, ±ξ 117൯
the length of the transverse axis is 2a; 2a = 2(9) = 18
the length of the conjugate axis is 2b; 2b = 2(6) = 12
the length of the foci is 2c; 2c = 2(ξ 117 ) = 2ξ 117
a 9 3
 the equations of the asymptotes are: y   x ; y   x or y   x
b 6 2
Your Turn:
For numbers 1 to 2, write the equation of the hyperbola in standard
1) vertices: (-3, 0) and (3, 0); co-vertices: (0, -5) and (0, 5)
2) vertices: (0, -4) and (0, 4); foci: (0, -5) and (0, 5)
For numbers 3 to 4, write the equation of the hyperbola in standard
form, then find the coordinates of the following: center, vertices, co-
vertices, foci, length of the transverse axis, length of the conjugate
axis, length of the foci and equation of the asymptotes.
3) 8x2 – 12y2 - 96 = 0
4) 25y2 – 49 – 1,225 =0

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