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Learning Objectives:
A. Knowing the definition of Hyperbola
B. Principles of Hyperbola
C. Importance of Hyperbola to Engineering
D. Applying hyperbola to real-life engineering problems

Relation of Hyperbola to Engineering

A hyperbola is the mathematical shape that you obtain when vertically cutting
a double cone. Many people learn about this shape during their algebra courses in
high school or college, but it is not obvious why this shape is important. The
hyperbola has a few properties that allow it to play an important role in the real world.
Many fields use hyperbolas in their designs and predictions of phenomena. This
property is the basis for many practical applications, such as satellite communication
systems and sound engineering.
Application of hyperbola shape to real-life engineering problems:
Satellite - Satellite systems make heavy use of hyperbolas and hyperbolic functions.
When scientists and aerospace engineers launch a satellite into space, they must
first use mathematical equations to predict its path. Because of the gravity influences
of objects with heavy mass, the path of the satellite is skewed even though it may
initially launch in a straight path. Using hyperbolas, astronomers can predict the path
of the satellite to make adjustments so that the satellite gets to its destination.
Radio - Radio systems’ signals employ hyperbolic functions. One important radio
system, LORAN, identified geographic positions using hyperbolas. Scientists and
engineers established radio stations in positions according to the shape of a
hyperbola in order to optimize the area covered by the signals from a station.
LORAN allows people to locate objects over a wide area and played an important
role in World War II.
Inverse Relationships - The hyperbola has an important mathematical equation
associated with it - the inverse relation. When an increase in one trait leads to a
decrease in another or vice versa, the relationship can be described by a hyperbola.
Graphing a hyperbola shows this immediately: when the x-value is small, the y-value
is large, and vice versa. Many real-life situations can be described by the hyperbola,
including the relationship between the pressure and volume of a gas.
Definition of Hyperbola
A Hyperbola is the set of all points (x, y) in a plane, the different of whose
distances from two distinct fixed points, the foci, is a positive constant.
In mathematics, a hyperbola is a type of smooth curve lying in a plane,
defined by its geometric properties or by equations for which it is the solution set. A
hyperbola has two pieces, called connected components or branches, that are mirror
images of each other and resemble two infinite bows. (Wikipedia)
2 2
x y
The standard equation of hyperbola is 2 − 2 =1
α b

Rectangular Hyperbola

Parts of Hyperbola
 Foci of a Hyperbola: Foci of a hyperbola are points on the axis of the
2 2
x y
hyperbola. The two foci of the hyperbola 2 − 2
=1 are (ae, 0) and (-ae, 0).
α b
 Focal length: Distance between the two foci of the hyperbola.
 Transverse axis: The transverse axis is the segment that goes through the
two foci and the center of the hyperbola.
 Conjugate axis: The conjugate axis is the line passing through the center of
the hyperbola and perpendicular to the transverse axis.
 Center: The midpoint of the line joining the two foci is called the center of the
 Vertices: The vertices are the points of intersection of the hyperbola with the
transverse axis.
 Axes of symmetry: Axis of symmetric is a line that divides a hyperbola into
two equal parts or creates a mirror image. There are two axes of symmetry for
a hyperbola.
 Semi-major axis: The semi-major axis of a hyperbola is one-half of the
distance between the two foci of the hyperbola.
 Semi-minor axis: The semi-minor axis is a line segment that is perpendicular
to the semi-major axis. One end of the semi-major axis is the center of the
 Asymptotes: The asymptotes of a hyperbola are straight lines that the curve
approaches as the values of the independent variable increase.
 Eccentricity: for any point on the hyperbola, the ratio of its distance from the
foci and its distance from the directrix is a constant value called the

eccentricity of hyperbola and is greater than 1. Formula: e= 1+ 2

√ b2

The development of the standard form of the equation of a hyperbola is

similar to that of an ellipse.

Note, however, that a, b and c are related differently for hyperbolas

than for ellipses.
For a hyperbola, the distance between the foci and the center is
greater than the distance between the vertices and the center.

Standard Form of the Equation of a Hyperbola

The rectangular coordinate system enables us to translate a hyperbola’s
geometric definition into an algebraic equation. Figure 4, is our starting point for
obtaining an equation. We place the foci, F 1 and F 2, on the x−axis at the points (
−c , 0 ¿ and (c , 0 ¿.
Using the Standard form of the Equation of a Hyperbola
We can use the standard form of the equation of a hyperbola to find its
vertices and locate its foci. Because the vertices are units from the center, begin by
identifying in the equation. In the standard form of a hyperbola’s equation, a 2 is the
number under the variable whose term is preceded by a plus sign ( +¿ .If the x 2-
term is preceded by a plus sign, the transverse axis lies along the x−axis . Thus, the
vertices are α units to the left and right of the origin. If the y 2−¿ is preceded by a plus
sign, the transverse axis lies along the γ −axis. Thus, the vertices are α units above
and below the origin.
We know that the foci are c unit from the center. The substitution that is used
to derive the hyperbola’s equation, c 2=a2+ b2, is needed to locate the foci when a 2
and b 2 are known.

Notice the sign difference between the following equations:

Finding an ellipse’s foci:
2 2 2
c =a −b
Finding a hyperbola’s foci:
2 2 2
c =a + b

Example 1. Finding Vertices and Foci from a Hyperbo la’s Equation

Find the vertices and locate the foci for each of the following hyperbolas with the
given equation:
2 2 2 2
x y y x
a. − =1 b. − =1.
16 9 9 16
Solution Both equations are in standard form. We begin by identifying a 2 and b 2 in
each equation.
2 2
x y
a. The first equation is in the form 2 − 2 = 1.
a b
Because the x −term is proceeded by a plus sign, the transverse axis
lies along the x-axis. Thus, the vertices are “a” units to the left and right of the
origin. Based on the standard form of the equation, we know the vertices are
(-a,0) and (a,0). Because a 2=16 , a=4.Thus, the vertices are (-4,0) and (4,0).
2 2 2
c =a + b =16+ 9=25
We use c 2=a2+ b2 to find the foci, which are located at (-c, 0) and (c,0).
We know that a 2=16 and b 2=9 ;we need to find c 2 in order to find c.
Because c 2=25 , c=5. The foci are located at (−5 , 0 ) and ( 5 , 0 ). They are
2 2
y x
b. The second given equation is in the form − =1 .
9 16
Because the y 2−term is preceded by a plus minus sign, the transverse
axis lies along the y−axis . Thus, the vertices are “a” units above and below
the origin. Based on the standard form of the equation, we know the vertices
are (0, -a) and (0, a). because, a 2=9 , a=3. Thus, the vertices are (0, -3) and
(0, 3).
2 2 2
c =a + b =9+16=25

We use c 2=a2+ b2 to find the foci, which are located at (0, -c) and (0, c). We
know that a 2=16 and b 2=9 ;we need to find c 2 in order to find c.

Check Point 1 | Find the vertices and locate the foci for each of the following
hyperbolas with the given equation:

2 2 2 2
x y y x
a. − =1 b. − =1
25 16 25 16

Example 2. Finding the equation of a Hyperbola from its Foci and

Find the standard form of the equation of a hyperbola with foci at (0, -3) and
(0, 3) and vertices (0, -2) and (0, 2).
Solution Because the foci are located at (0, -3) and (0, 3), on the y−axis , the
transverse axis lies on the y−axis . The center of the hyperbola is midway between
2 2
y x
the foci, located at (0, 0). Thus, the form of the equation is 2 − 2 =1.
a b
We need to determine the values for a 2 and b 2. The distance from the center,
(0, 0), to either vertex, (0, -2) or (0, 2), is 2, so a=2.
2 2 2 2
y x y x
− 2 =1 or − =1
2 b 4 b2

We must still find b 2. The distance from the center, (0, 0), to either focus, (0, -3) or (0,
3), is 3. Thus, c = 3. Using c 2=a2+ b2, we have 32=2 2+b 2 or b 2=32−22=9−4=5.
2 2
y x
Substituting 5 for b 2in − =1 gives us the standard form of the hyperbola’s
4 b2
2 2
y x
equation. The equation is − =1.
4 5
Check Point 2 | Find the standard form of the equation of a hyperbola with foci at (0,
-5) and (0, 5) and vertices (0, -3) and (0, 3).
The Asymptotes of a Hyperbola
As x and y get larger, the two branches of the graph of a hyperbola approach
a pair of intersecting straight lines, called asymptotes. The asymptotes pass
through the center of the hyperbola and are helpful in graphing hyperbolas.
Figure 9.20 shows the asymptotes for the graphs of hyperbolas centered at
the origin. The asymptotes pass through the corners of a rectangle. Note that the
dimensions of this rectangle are 2a by 2b. The line segment of length is the
conjugate axis of the hyperbola and is perpendicular to the transverse axis through
the center of the hyperbola.

The Asymptotes of a Hyperbola Centered at the Origin

2 2
x y
The hyperbola 2
− 2 =1has a horizontal transverse axis and two asymptotes
a b
b −b
y= x and y= x.
a a
2 2
y x
The hyperbola 2
− 2 =1has a vertical transverse axis and two asymptotes
a b

a −a
y= x and y= x.
b b

Why are y=± x the asymptotes for a hyperbola whose transverse axis is horizontal?

Graphing Hyperbolas Centered at the Origin

Hyperbolas are graphed using the vertices and asymptotes

Graphing Hyperbolas
1. Locate the vertices.
2. Use dashed lines to draw the rectangle centered at the origin with sides parallel to
the axes, crossing one axis at and the other at
3. Use dashed lines to draw the diagonals of this rectangle and extend them to
obtain the asymptotes.
4. Draw the two branches of the hyperbola by starting at each vertex and
approaching the asymptotes.

Example 3. Graphing a Hyperbola

2 2
x y
Graph and locate the foci: − =1. What are the equations of the asymptotes?
25 16
2 2
x y
Step 1 Locate the vertices. The given equation is in the form 2
− 2 =1, with a 2=25
a b
and b 2=16.
Based on the standard form of the equation with the transverse axis on the x - axis
we know that the vertices are (−a ,0) and ( a , 0 ). Because a 2=25 , a=5. Thus, the
vertices are (−5 , 0 ) and ( 5 , 0 ) .
Step 2 Draw a rectangle. Because a 2=25and b 2=16, a=5∧b=4. We construct a
rectangle to find the asymptotes, using -5 and 5 on the x – axis (the vertices are
located here) and -4 and 4 on the y – axis. The rectangle passes through these four
Step 3 Draw the extended diagonals for the rectangle to obtain the
asymptotes. We draw dashed lines through the opposite corners of the rectangle to
obtain the graph of the asymptotes. Based on the standard form of the hyperbola’s
b 4
equation, the equations for these asymptotes are y=± x ∨ y=± x .
a 5
Step 4 Draw the two branches of the hyperbola by starting at each vertex and
approaching the asymptotes.
We now consider the foci, located at (−c , 0 )∧( c , 0 ) . We find c using c 2=a2+ b2 .
c =25+16=41
Because c 2=41 ,c =√ 41. The foci are located at (−√ 41 , 0 ) and ( √ 41 , 0 ), approximately
(−6.4 ,0 ) and ( 6.4 ,0 ).

Problem and Solution relating to Engineering

Problem 1: Cross section of a nuclear cooling tower is in the shape of a hyperbola
2 2
x y
with equation 2 − 2
=1. The tower is 150 m tall and the distance from the top of
30 44
the tower to the centre of the hyperbola is half the distance from the base of the
tower to the centre of the hyperbola. Find the diameter of the top and base of the


Since the distance from the top of the tower to the centre of the hyperbola is half the
distance from the base of the tower to the centre of the hyperbola, let us consider
3y = 150

y = 50

2 2
x y
− 2 =1
30 44

By applying the point A in the general equation, we get

2 2
x1 50
− 2 =1
30 44

2 2
x1 50
=1+ 2
30 44
x1 1936+ 2500
30 1936

x1 4436
30 1936

x 12 =

x1 = 45.41 m

By applying the point B in the equation, we get

2 2
x2 100
− 2
30 44

2 2
x2 100
=1+ 2
30 44

x2 1936+ 10000
30 1936

x2 11936
30 1936

x 2 2=

X2 = 74.45 m


A Hyperbola is the set of all points (x, y) in a plane, the different of whose
distances from two distinct fixed points, the foci, is a positive constant. The standard
2 2
x y
form of the equation of the formula is 2 − 2 =1.
α b
Name Leader’s rate Self-rate Teacher’s rate

Noel Jhon F. 10/10 10/10

Michael John L. 10/10 10/10
Ian Castillon 10/10 10/10
Brendon Gamol 10/10 10/10
Joby Justine 10/10 10/10
Joebert Bonn 10/10 10/10
John Michael 10/10 10/10
Keith John 10/10 10/10
Xavier Dave 10/10 10/10
Mae Czarina 10/10 10/10
Althea Mae I. 10/10 10/10
Hannah V. 10/10 10/10

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