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• To fully comprehend the needs of your 4C hair, it’s important to know that the hair
follicles are tightly coiled, making it difficult for natural oils to travel down the hair
shaft. This leads to dryness and breakage if not properly moisturised and cared for.

• Key Nutrients for Promoting Hair Growth

• A healthy diet plays a crucial role in the growth and overall health of your hair. To
accelerate the growth of your 4C hair, ensure that you are consuming a balanced diet
rich in essential nutrients.

• Protein is the building block of hair, so be sure to include sources such as lean meats,
fish, eggs, and legumes in your diet. Additionally, vitamins A, C, and E, as well as biotin
and zinc, are vital for promoting hair growth and maintaining healthy hair follicles.
• The Best Regime For Growing 4c Hair
For anyone who has type 4c natural hair, your secret weapon is always
going to be water.
moisturizing conditioner for 4c hair
curling cream for natural 4C hair

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