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Sira-an Hot Spring and Health Resort in
Anini-y, Antique, is a well-known tourist
destination on Panay Island. Nestled on a
cliff-edge overlooking the Sulu Sea, the
resort features pools filled with therapeutic
hot spring water. The site offers spectacular
sea views from a platform that doubles as a
viewing deck. The name "Siraan" is derived
from the whitish specks in the water
resembling ruined face foundation. Visitors
can rent kayaks to explore the area, and
locals often relax in the pools during the
warm mornings along the seashore. The
resort is known for its unique geological
phenomenon, where warm spring water
continuously flows from crevices in a basalt
bulge along the beach, attributed to the
escape of gases from magma beneath the
Earth's surface.

If you are coming from San Jose, Antique,

all you have to do is take the Ceres Bus
that passes by the town of Anini-y and go
down at the gate of Sira-an Hot Spring
Resort which is located on the side of the
road, pictured here.

Muscle Relaxation: The warm temperature of hot springs can help

relax muscles and alleviate tension, making them beneficial for
individuals with muscle pain or stiffness.

Improved Circulation: The heat from hot springs can enhance blood
circulation, which may help deliver oxygen and nutrients to tissues
while removing waste products.

Joint Pain Relief: The buoyancy of the water and the heat can
provide relief for individuals with arthritis, joint pain, or certain
inflammatory conditions, offering a soothing effect on the joints.

Stress Reduction: Soaking in a hot spring can promote relaxation,

reduce stress levels, and contribute to an overall sense of well-
being. The warm water can stimulate the release of endorphins,
which are natural mood enhancers.

Respiratory Benefits: Inhaling steam from hot springs may have

benefits for respiratory conditions like asthma and bronchitis, as the
warm, moist air can help open up airways and ease breathing.
1. What did you need to research to plan this trip?
-To plan this trip, we needed to research the
following: the place where it is exactly located, the
service and foods the resort offers, the
transportation back and forth, the budget range that
we are going to spend for a day and if we plan to do
overnights, the safety of the area, and unique
experiences of other people who are able to visit the

2. How were you able to find sources for your

-We are able to find the sources through searching
on Google using the internet, by asking some
individuals who did travel there, and by using social
media such as Facebook.
Facebook.3. What types of sources did you use for your itinerary?-
The type of sources we used are websites which are considered as
secondary sources, and personal narratives and photographs which
are primary sources.

4. What kind of information do you think would help improve your

-To improve our itinerary, the kind of information that we need to
use is the factual information that came from first hand experiences,
official websites, and proven by most of the people who did travel in
the place.

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