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what is remote sensing

• Remote sensing refers to the acquisition of information about an

object or phenomenon without physical contact with it. This is
typically done from a distance, often using sensors mounted on
satellites, aircraft, drones, or other platforms. Remote sensing
technologies capture data about the Earth's surface or other objects
by measuring the electromagnetic radiation they emit, reflect, or
Key components and concepts related to
remote sensing include:
• Sensors: Devices that detect and record electromagnetic radiation. These can be passive (measuring reflected or emitted energy)
or active (transmitting energy and measuring the response).

• Platforms: The vehicles or devices carrying remote sensing instruments. Examples include satellites, airplanes, drones, and ground-
based platforms.

• Electromagnetic Spectrum: The range of all possible frequencies of electromagnetic radiation, including visible light, infrared, and
microwave. Different sensors are designed to capture specific portions of the spectrum.

• Resolution: The level of detail that can be observed in a remotely sensed image. Spatial resolution refers to the size of the smallest
feature that can be detected, while spectral resolution relates to the number of spectral bands captured.

• Applications: Remote sensing is widely used in various fields, including agriculture, environmental monitoring, forestry, urban
planning, disaster management, and geology. It provides valuable data for mapping, analyzing changes over time, and
understanding patterns on the Earth's surface.

• Data Interpretation: Remote sensing data can be processed and analyzed to extract meaningful information. Techniques such as
image classification, change detection, and vegetation indices are commonly used.
Overall, remote sensing plays a crucial role in gaining insights
into the Earth's features, monitoring environmental changes,
and supporting decision-making in a wide range of disciplines.
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