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By : Lukman Adi Maulana

NIM : 23108030009
In the Al-Qur'an Allah SWT informs that the origin of everything that lives starts
from water. This statement is clearly enshrined in surah al-Anbiya verse 30. as

‫َاَو َلْم َيَر اَّلِذ ْيَن َك َفُر ْۤو ا َاَّن الَّس ٰم ٰو ِت َو ا َاْل ْر َض َك ا َنـَتا َر ْتًقا َفَفَتْقٰن ُهَم ا ۗ َو َجَع ْلَنا ِم َن اْلَم ٓاِء ُك َّل َش ْي ٍء َح ٍّي ۗ َاَفاَل‬
‫ُيْؤ ِم ُنْو َن‬

"And do unbelievers not know that the heavens and the earth were both united then
We separate between the two and We made all living things come from water: then
why don't they believe?"

(QS. Al-Anbiya 21: Ayat 30)

Apart from the statement that the origin of living things was from water. the Al-Qur'an
also repeatedly explains that humans were created from soil and its derived elements. As
contained in surah al-Hijr verse 26

‫َو َلـَقْد َخ َلْقَنا اِاْل ْنَس ا َن ِم ْن َص ْلَص ا ٍل ِّم ْن َح َم ٍا َّم ْس ُنْو ٍن‬

And indeed, We created man (Adam) from dry clay from the black mud which was given
a shape." (QS. al-Hijr ayat 26).

In the contents of the above verse, at least, there are two important pieces of information
that we need to pay attention to

First, Allah states that humans were created from dry clay from black mud.
Second, the word "black mud" provides an indication that in addition to earth elements
there are other elements that support the life process namely water molecules or (H2O).
Water in this connection serves as a medium for chemical and biochemical reaction
processes to form a new molecule
Along with his creation from water and the essence of soil humans developed into higher
beings that reproduce by means of a reproductive system. The Koran explains in detail
how this reproductive process works
First, in Surah al-Insan verse 2, it is stated that the process of human reproduction
starts from the mixing of male-like cells and female ovaries in the formation of the

In The Koran, Allah says:

‫ِاَّنا َخ َلْقَنا اِاْل ْنَس ا َن ِم ْن ُّنْطَفٍة َاْم َش ا ٍج ۖ َّنْبَتِلْيِه َفَجَع ْلٰن ُه َسِم ْيًع ۢا َبِص ْيًر ا‬

"Indeed, We have created man from a mingled drop of semen which We are about to
test (with commands and prohibitions). therefore We made him hear and see." (Qs. al-
Insan: 2)
When the earth essence enters the human body it is then used by the body as starting materials
in the metabolic process for the formation of germs in reproductive cells. What is meant by this
is the mixing of germs or seeds from a man (sperm) and a seed from a woman in the form of an
egg or ovum

In the second phase after fertilization occurs the embryo occupies a comfortable and safe
place called the uterus. In the Koran that place is called "Qararim Makin" as stated in
surah al-Mu'minun verse 13.

The third phase is the formation of alaqah. The transformation from nutfah to alaqah takes
about 10 days until the zygote is formed. The zygote is the main human cell that contains
46 chromosomes dominant and resistant gene traits that will be passed on to the future

The fourth phase is the stage of forming the Mudghah. The process of embryo development
from the alaqah stage to the beginning of the mudghah stage which looks like a piece of meat
occurs on the 24th or 26th day. This process is faster when compared to the process of
developing the embryo into alaqah
This is in line with the explanation of Al-Qur'an in surah al-Hajj: 14, which uses
the letter "fa" as a conjunction in the verse which reads "fakhalaqnal alaqata
mudhghah" which means "then we make something sticky we make a lump of
After the development phase of the mudhgah goes well the next phase according to the
Qur'an is the "fakhalaqnal mudhgata idhaman" or bone formation phase

After 38 weeks or about 9 months it is time for the fetus to come out and end its
developmental phases in the uterus. The fetus is ready to be born in the realm of the
world It is to continue to grow and fulfill his mandate as khalifatullah fil ardl

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