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Reading ref :
LN 2.2.1, LN 2.3.1, ULR 2.3.2, ULR 2.3.3
• The word queue means line in English

• newcomers go to the back of the line. The

person at the front of the line is the next to be
served. Thus, queues release their elements in
order of arrival.

• In computing terms a queue is a list of data

items stored in such a way that they can be
retrieved in a definable order.
• A queue is a data structure that is
somewhat like a stack, except that in a
queue the first item inserted is the first to
be removed (First-In-First-Out, FIFO),
while in a stack, as we’ve seen, the last
item inserted is the first to be removed
Types of Queues
• Common queue types are
– Last-in-first-out queue (stacks)
– First in first out queue
– Circular queue
– priority queue
– deque (double ended)
– Blocking queue

• The main distinguishing feature between a
queue and a list or array is that :
– whereas all items in a list or array are
accessible by their position within the list
– the only item you can ever retrieve from a
queue is the one at the head. Which item is at
the head depends on the specific queue
• Queues are an essential part of algorithms that
manage the allocation and scheduling of work,
events, or messages to be processed.
• They are often used as a way of enabling
different processes either on the same or
different machines to communicate with one
• There are various queues quietly doing their job
in your computer’s (or the network’s) operating
A queue works like the line at the movies, or the till
at a shop The first person to join the rear of the
line is the first person to reach the front of the
line and buy a ticket or be served at the till and
leave the line

– Queues are used to model real-world situations such

as :
– people waiting in line at a bank, airplanes waiting to
take off, or data packets waiting to be transmitted
over the Internet.
• There’s a printer queue where print jobs wait for
the printer to be available.
• A queue also stores keystroke data as you type
at the keyboard, if you’re using a word processor
but the computer is briefly doing something else
when you hit a key, the keystroke won’t be lost; it
waits in the queue until the word processor has
time to read it.
• Using a queue guarantees the keystrokes stay
in order until they can be processed.
• Enqueue  adds a value to the queue increasing size
of queue to one
• Dequeue  removes a value to the queue size of queue
decrease by 1. (Throws EmptyQueueException if there
are no items in the queue)
• Clear  deletes all elements from the queue
• Size  gets the number of elements in the queue
• IsEmpty  checks if the queue is empty(size== 0) or
• Front  Return, but do not remove, the front object in
the queue (Throws EmptyQueueException if there are
no items in the queue)
• The Queue Interface
package com.wrox.algorithms.queues;
public interface Queue {
public void enqueue(Object value);
public Object dequeue() throws EmptyQueueException;
public void clear();
public int size();
public boolean isEmpty();
public Object front() ;

Cat Dog Apple


Dog Apple Banana

• Array Implementation

• List Implementation
Simple Array Implementation

24 Enqueue(24)

0 1 2 3 4

24 67 Enqueue(67)
0 1 2 3 4
24 67 32 Enqueue(32)
0 1 2 3 4

67 32
0 1 2 3 4 dequeue()
head tail
Simple Array Implementation
• A Simple Array-Based Queue Implementation
• We present a simple realization of a queue by
means of an array, Q, of fixed capacity, storing
its elements.
• Since the main rule with the queue ADT is that
we insert and delete objects according to the
FIFO principle, we must decide how we are
going to keep track of the front and rear of the
• If we decide Q[0] be the front of the queue and
then letting the queue grow from there.
• This is not an efficient solution, however, for it
requires that we move all the elements forward
one array cell each time we perform a dequeue
• Such an implementation would therefore take
O(n) time to perform the dequeue method,
where n is the current number of objects in the
• If we want to achieve constant time for each
queue method, we need a different approach.
• To avoid moving objects once they are placed in
Q, we define two variables f and r, which have
the following meanings:
• f is an index to the cell of Q storing the first
element of the queue (which is the next
candidate to be removed by a dequeue
operation), unless the queue is empty (in which
case f = r).
• r is an index to the next available array cell in Q.
• Initially, we assign f = r = 0, which indicates that
the queue is empty. Now, when we remove an
element from the front of the queue, we
increment f to index the next cell.
• Likewise, when we add an element, we store it
in cell Q[r] and increment r to index the next
available cell in Q.
• This scheme allows us to implement methods
front, enqueue, and dequeue in constant time,
that is, O(1) time.
enqueue(6) dequeue() enqueue(8) enqueue(9)
Size() = 4 Size() = 3 Size() = 4 Size() = 5
Isempty()=0 Isempty()=0 Isempty()=0 Isempty()=0
Front() = 5 Front() = 7 Front() = 7 Front() = 7

r=Tail Tail 8 8
6 6 6 6
2 2 2 2
head head
7 7 head 7 7
5 f= head Tail 9

f = head is the 1st element in the queue

r = tail is the next available array cell
Wrap around
MaxSize- 9 44 Rear
8 21
7 79 63

6 32
5 6
4 80
3 12 Front
Wrap around
MaxSize- 9 44
8 21
7 79
6 32
5 6
4 80
3 12 Front
0 63 Rear
Wrap around
• Insert a few more items. The Rear arrow moves
upward as you’d expect. Notice that after Rear
has wrapped around, it’s now below Front, the
reverse of the original arrangement.
• You can call this a broken sequence: The items
in the queue are in two different sequences in
the array.
• Delete enough items so that the Front arrow also
wraps around. Now you’re back to the original
arrangement, with Front below Rear. The items
are in a single contiguous sequence.
• Consider, for example, what happens if we repeatedly
enqueue and dequeue a single element N different
• We would have f = r = N. If we were then to try to insert
the element just one more time, we would get an array-
out-of-bounds error (since the N valid locations in Q are
from Q[0] to Q[N-1]), even though there is plenty of room
in the queue in this case.
• To avoid this problem and be able to utilize all of the
array Q, we let the f and r indices "wrap around" the end
of Q.
• That is, we now view Q as a "circular array" that goes
from Q[0] to Q[N-1] and then immediately back to Q[0]
• Implementing this circular view of Q is actually pretty
easy. Each time we increment f or r, we compute this
increment as "(f + 1) mod N" or "(r + 1) mod N,"
• Recall that operator "mod" is the modulo operator,
which is computed by taking the remainder after an
integral division. For example, 14 divided by 4 is 3 with
remainder 2, so 14 mod 4 = 2.
• By using the modulo operator, we can view Q as a
circular array and implement each queue method in a
constant amount of time (that is, O(1) time).
• MENTION CLOCK 12 or 24hr clock is
• Initially, we assign f = r = 0, which
indicates that the queue is empty.
• Now, when we remove an element from
the front of the queue, we increment f to
index the next cell (so its now f+1)
• Likewise, when we add an element, we
store it in cell Q[r] and increment r to index
the next available cell in Q (so Q[r+1].
• Performance of a queue realized by an
• Method Time
• Size O(1)
• isEmpty O(1)
• Front O(1)
• Enqueue O(1)
• Dequeue O(1)
• As with the array-based stack implementation, the only
real disadvantage of the array-based queue
implementation is that we artificially set the capacity of
the queue to be some fixed value. In a real application,
Setting it too high could waste memory, to low would
cause application to crash with
• A queue can be implemented either using an array as
the underlying data structure or a linked list.
• An array implementation of a queue is simple and
efficient but it has a fixed upper bound on the size of the
Link list implementation
• Implementing a Queue with a Generic Linked
• We can efficiently implement the queue ADT
using a generic singly linked list.
• For efficiency reasons, we choose the front of
the queue to be at the head of the list, and
• the rear of the queue to be at the tail of the list.
In this way, we remove from the head and insert
at the tail.
Linked list implementation
• Initially the queue is empty
• Enqueue(5) Head and tail both point to 5 , 5
points to null pointer
• Enqueue(6) head points to 5, 5 point to 6, tail
points to 6 and 6 point to null pointer
• Enqueue(9) head points to 5, 5 point to 6 , 6
points to 9 , tail points to 9 , 9 points to null.
• Dequeue() head point to 6 , 6 points to 9 , tail
points to 9 , 9 points to null



5 6

5 6 9



0 1 2
head head

head 0 1 2
5 6 tail
head 5 6
0 1 2
5 6 head 5 6 9

0 1 2
9 tail tail
• Each of the methods of the singly linked list
implementation of the queue ADT runs in O(1) time.
• We also avoid the need to specify a maximum size for
the queue, as was done in the array-based queue

• but this benefit comes at the expense of increasing the

amount of space used per element.
• Still, the methods in the singly linked list queue
implementation are more complicated
• There is special cases where the queue is empty before
an enqueue or where the queue becomes empty after a
• Print Server: maintains a queue of print
• Disk Driver: maintains a queue of disk
input/output requests

• Scheduler (e.g. in operating system):
All the processes that are submitted to
your CPU are first put in a queue which
are then processed as per various
• Similarly on a network if a number of users
want to access a resource their request is
taken in a queue and then processed
• When programming a real-time system
that can be interrupted (e.g., by a mouse
click or wireless connection), it is
necessary to attend to the interrupts
immediately, before proceeding with the
current activity. If the interrupts should be
handles in the same order they arrive,
then a FIFO queue is the appropriate data
• Round Robin Schedulers
• A popular use of the queue data structure is to
implement a round robin scheduler, where we
iterate through a collection of elements in a
circular fashion and "service“ each element by
performing a given action on it.
• Such a schedule is used, for example, to fairly
allocate a resource that must be shared by a
collection of clients.
• We can use a round robin scheduler to allocate
a slice of CPU time to various applications
running concurrently on a computer.
The three iterative steps for using a
queue to implement a round robin scheduler.
• We can implement a round robin
scheduler using a queue, Q, by repeatedly
performing the following steps :
1. e Q.dequeue()
2. Service element e
3. Q.enqueue(e)
Circular queues
• To avoid the problem of not being able to
insert more items into the queue even
• when it’s not full because items have been
removed from the Front and nothing else
can go to the Rear, the Front and Rear
arrows wrap around to the beginning of
the array. The result is a circular queue
(sometimes called a ring buffer).
deque (double ended queue)

• The deque abstract data type is richer

than both the stack and the queue ADTs.
• Elements are inserted and deleted at both
• The fundamental methods of the deque
ADT are as follows:
deque (double ended queue)
• addFirst(e): Insert a new element e at the
beginning of the deque.
• addLast(e): Insert a new element e at the end of
the deque.
• removeFirst(): Remove and return the first
element of the deque; an error occurs if the
deque is empty.
• removeLast(): Remove and return the last
element of the deque; an error occurs if the
deque is empty.
deque (double ended queue)
• Additionally, the deque ADT may also include
the following support methods:
• getFirst(): Return the first element of the deque;
an error occurs if the deque is empty.
• getLast(): Return the last element of the deque;
an error occurs if the deque is empty.
• size(): Return the number of elements of the
• isEmpty(): Determine if the deque is empty.
deque (double ended queue)
Operation Output D
addFirst(3) - (3)
addFirst(5) - (5,3)
removeFirst() 5 (3)
addLast(7) - (3,7)
removeFirst() 3 (7)
removeLast() 7 ()
removeFirst() "error" ()
isEmpty() true ()
deque (double ended queue)
• Since the deque requires insertion and removal
at both ends of a list, using a singly linked list to
implement a deque would be inefficient. (part of
• We can use a doubly linked list, however, to
implement a deque efficiently.
• inserting or removing elements at either end of a
doubly linked list is straightforward to do in O(1)
time, if we use sentinel nodes for the header and
deque (double ended queue)
• An input-restricted deque is one where
deletion can be made from both ends, but
insertion can be made at one end only.
• An output-restricted deque is one where
insertion can be made at both ends, but
deletion can be made from one end only.
• Blocking queues are queues that also expose
functionality for blocking on requests to retrieve
an element when no element is available with
the additional option to limit the amount of time
spent waiting.
• A Queue that additionally supports operations
that wait for the queue to become non-empty
when retrieving an element, and wait for space
to become available in the queue when storing
an element.

• Take a producer-consumer problem

• If a something is producing data and
another is consuming it, This problem
become worst when produce needs to wait
until the consumer is finished. Or the
consumer needs to wait for the producer
to produce data
Call Center Service

Generator Call 3 Call 2 Call 1

• The first main enhancement that a blocking
queue offers over a regular queue is that it can
be bounded.
• The blocking queue enables you to set an upper
limit on the size of the queue. Moreover, when
an attempt is made to store an item in a queue
that has reached its limit, the queue will block
the thread until space becomes available
– either by removing an item
– or by calling clear().
• In this way, you guarantee that the queue will
never exceed its predefined bounds.
• The second major feature affects the behavior of
dequeue(). Recall from the implementation of
ListFifoQueue presented earlier that an
EmptyQueueException is thrown when an
attempt is made to retrieve an item from an
empty queue.
• A blocking queue, however, will instead block
the current thread until an item is enqueued
perfect for implementing work queues where
multiple, concurrent consumers need to wait
until there are more tasks to perform.
• Implementing this would mean the code
would be designed with multi threading in
mind .
• A lock object or a mutual exclusion
semaphore (mutex), this is used to ensure
that only one thread can acess the queue
at the same time.
public Object dequeue() throws EmptyQueueException {
synchronized (_mutex) {
while (isEmpty()) {
Object value = _queue.dequeue();
return value;
ECG Call Centre 0302 611611

Call Center Service

Generator Call 3 Call 2 Call 1

Priority Queues
• A priority queue is a more specialized data structure than
a stack or a queue. However, it’s a useful tool in a
surprising number of situations.
• Like an ordinary queue, a priority queue has a front and
a rear, and items are removed from the front.
• However, in a priority queue, items are ordered by key
value so that the item with the lowest key (or in some
implementations the highest key) is always at the front.
• A priority queue is a queue that supports accessing
items from the largest to the smallest. Unlike a simple
queue that supports accessing items in the same order
that they were added to the queue,
• Items are inserted in the proper position to maintain the
Priority Queue
• In a queue, items are removed for processing in
the same order in which they were added to the
• In a priority queue, however, each item has a
priority, and when it's time to select an item, the
item with the highest priority is the one that is
chosen. The priority might have nothing to do
with the time at which the item was added to the
data structure.
Priority Queue
• Note that a priority queue is not, strictly
speaking, a queue at all, since a queue is a first-
in, first-out data structure and a priority queue is
• Another way to describe a queue is as an
implementation of a “first-come, first served"
policy. The items in the queue wait in line in
order of arrival. This is the right policy when all
the items in the queue are of equal importance.
Priority Queue
• In many situations, however, some items are
more important than others, and in that case the
more important items should be moved up in the
line, ahead of the other items. A priority queue is
an implementation of this idea.
• The priority of an item represents its importance,
so items of higher priority should be selected
before items of lower priority.
Application Priority Queue
• There are many possible applications of priority
queues. For example, a priority queue could be
used to hold packets of data waiting to be
transmitted over a network. Packets that contain
important data or data that must arrive in a
timely way would be given higher priority and
would therefore be transmitted ahead of lower
priority data.
Application Priority Queue
• In an operating system, a priority queue
might hold “jobs," that is, programs that
are waiting for execution when processing
time becomes available, a job would be
removed from the priority queue for
Application Priority Queue
• Because of the way priority queues work,
high priority jobs would be executed
before low priority jobs, even if the low
priority jobs have been waiting longer. Or a
priority queue might contain jobs in a more
literal sense that is, tasks waiting to be
assigned to workers as they become
Application Priority Queue
• A computer help desk, for example, might
use a priority queue to hold requests for
help until tasks become available to
process them. (Requests for help from,
say, a College President might have a
higher priority than a request from a
Priority Queues
• a priority queue is like a queue data
structure, but where additionally each
element has a "priority" associated with it.
• In a priority queue, an element with high
priority is served before an element with
low priority.
• If two elements have the same priority,
they are served according to their order in
the queue.
Priority Queues
• mail sorting analogy applies to a priority
• When you pickup mail from your mailbox
you sort them out in order of priority. The
higher the priority the higher the position in
the pile
• The top of the pile of letters corresponds
to the front of the priority queue.
Priority Queues
• When you have time to answer your mail, you
start by taking the letter off the top (the front of
the queue), thus ensuring that the most
important letters are answered first.
• Also, like ordinary queues, priority queues are
used in various ways in certain computer
systems. In a preemptive multitasking operating
system, for example,
• programs may be placed in a priority queue so
the highest-priority program is the next one to
receive a time-slice that allows it to execute.
Priority Queues
• In many situations you want access to the item with the lowest
key value (which might represent the cheapest or shortest
way to do something). Thus, the item with the smallest key
has the highest priority. There can be situations in which the
highest key has the highest priority.
• Other characteristics that may influence the choice of a
priority queue implementation are memory requirements,
code size, and the possibility of providing additional
operations such as retrieval of an arbitrary element.
• Besides providing quick access to the item with the smallest
key, you also want a priority queue to provide fairly quick
insertion. For this reason, priority queues are often
implemented with a data structure called a heap.
Priority Queues
• Types of Priority Queues
– an ascending-priority queue, in which the item with
smallest key has the highest priority and is accessed
with remove().
– A descending-priority queue would be where the
highest-key item were accessed.
• Efficiency of Priority Queues
– In the priority-queue implementation we show here,
insertion runs in O(N) time,
– while deletion takes O(1) time. We’ll see how to
improve insertion time with heaps.
Implementation work around
• Implementation Without an Item Count

• The inclusion of the field nItems in the Queue

class imposes a slight overhead on the insert()
and remove() methods in that they must
respectively increment and decrement this
• This may not seem like an excessive penalty,
but if you’re dealing with huge numbers of
insertions and deletions, it might influence
Implementation work around
• Accordingly, some implementations of queues
do without an item count and rely on the front
and rear fields to figure out whether the queue is
empty or full and how many items are in it.
• When this is done, the isEmpty(), isFull(), and
size() routines become surprisingly complicated
because the sequence of items may be either
broken or contiguous, as we’ve seen
Implementation work around
• Also, a strange problem arises. The front and
rear pointers assume certain positions when the
queue is full, but they can assume these exact
same positions when the queue is empty.
• The queue can then appear to be full and empty
at the same time.
• This problem can be solved by making the array
one cell larger than the maximum number of
items that will be placed in it.
• Although there are many ways to implement a
FIFO queue (and other types of queues, for that
• one of the simplest solutions for queue
implementation is to use a list as the underlying
storage mechanism.
• In many ways, this is a very natural fit: A queue
can be thought of as a simplified list that
includes some constraints on adding and
removing items.
• A queue allows access to the first item that was inserted.
• The important queue operations are inserting an item at the rear of
the queue and removing the item from the front of the queue.

• A queue can be implemented as a circular queue, which is based on

an array in which the indices wrap around from the end of the array
to the beginning.

• A priority queue allows access to the smallest (or sometimes the

largest) item.

• The important priority queue operations are inserting an item in

sorted order and removing the item with the smallest key
• These data structures can be implemented with arrays or with
other ,mechanisms such as linked lists.
• Queues are similar to lists with a simpler
interface and a defined order of retrieval.
• Queues can be optionally bounded such that
limits are placed on the number of items in a
queue at any one time.
• A linked list is an ideal data structure upon which
to build a FIFO queue.
• You can implement a thread-safe wrapper that
works with any queue implementation.
• You can implement a bounded queue—one with
a maximum size limit
• If the size of circular queue K (array version) is 4 with
indices number from 0 to 3
– what would be the state of the queue after the
following set of 8 operations below show in a diagram
the state of queue K
– if a final operation was applied to the queue K.
enqueue (“M”) , which index would it occupy in K.
show in a diagram the state of queue K

• K. enqueue (“W”) , K. enqueue (“R”), K.dequeue(), K.
enqueue (“A”), dequeue(), K.front(), K. enqueue (“P”),
K. enqueue (“C”)
• Suppose you have two nonempty stacks S
and Y and a empty Queue Z. state the
operations you would use so if you where
to finally output all elements in Queue Z
you would get “SEKONDI” a city in Ghana

25 S
Below is an INCORRECT pseudo code for the algorithm which is
supposed to
determine whether a sequence of parentheses is balanced:

• declare a character stack

while ( more input is available)
read a character
if [ the character is a ‘{' ] then
push it on the stack
else if [ the character is a ‘}' ] then
if [ stack is not empty ]
pop a character off the stack
else print "unbalanced" and exit
end if
} print "balanced“
Which of these unbalanced four sequences
below does the above pseudo code think is
balanced ? explain your answer
1. {{{}}
2. {}}{{}
3. {{}{}}}
4. {{}}}{}
• Enqueue
• Dequeue
• Front (like top in stack)
• Push
• Pop
• peek

• Given two queues Q & Z an two stacks A & B use the above
operations to execute the following questions below

• Assign your student id into



Take a look a the sequence of numbers above

where a letter means insert and an asterisk
means remove the maximum
If this is applied to an initially empty priority queue.
Give the sequence of values returned by remove
the maximum operations.
• Write a program that takes the name of a
directory as a command line argument,
and prints out all of the files contained in
this directory and any subdirectories. Also
prints out the file size (in bytes) of each
file. Use a stack instead of a queue.

(where a letter means insert and an asterisk

means remove the maximum) is applied to an
initially empty priority queue. Give the sequence of
values returned by remove the maximum
• Solution. R R P O T Y I I U Q E U (E left on PQ)

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