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Introduction to Class

Hierarchy and Inheritance

Class hierarchy and inheritance are fundamental concepts in ADBMS, essential for
structuring and organizing data. They form the backbone of object-oriented database
management systems, enabling efficient data modeling and management.

by Mary Sushmita
What is Class Hierarchy?
1 Definition 2 Purpose
Class hierarchy is a way of organizing It helps in defining a clear structure,
classes in a hierarchical order, creating a providing a basis for inheritance and
parent-child relationship among various polymorphism.

3 Implementation
It is implemented through the process of inheritance, allowing derived classes to inherit properties
and behaviors from the base class.
Benefits of Using Class Hierarchy in ADBMS

Modularity Code Reusability

It enhances modularity, allowing the database Enables code reusability, reducing redundancy and
schema to be organized into manageable units. enhancing maintainability.

Dynamic Binding Scalability

Facilitates dynamic binding, enabling polymorphic Supports scalability, enabling easy addition of new
behavior and increased flexibility. classes without affecting the existing structure.
Understanding Inheritance in ADBMS
Concept Types

Inheritance allows a new class to inherit properties and It includes single, multiple, multilevel, hierarchical, and
behaviors from an existing class, promoting code reuse. hybrid inheritance, each serving specific purposes in
database design.
Types of Inheritance in ADBMS
1 Single Inheritance 2 Multiple Inheritance
A class inherits properties from one single A class inherits properties from multiple
class, forming a linear parent-child classes, allowing for complex
relationship. relationships and combinations of

3 Multilevel Inheritance
It involves a chain of inheritance, where a derived class serves as the base class for another class,
creating a multilayered hierarchy.
Implementing Class Hierarchy and
Inheritance in ADBMS
1 Design Phase
Define the class structure and hierarchical relationships to establish the foundation for data

2 Mapping Classes
Map the class hierarchy to database tables, ensuring seamless integration and data consistency.

3 Implementing Inheritance
Apply inheritance principles to leverage code reuse and establish parent-child relationships effectively.
Examples of Class Hierarchy and Inheritance
Parent Class Derived Class

Employee Manager

Product ElectronicProduct
Conclusion and Key Takeaways

Structured Data Flexibility Enhanced Productivity

Class hierarchy and inheritance Enable seamless modifications Promote code reuse and
provide a structured approach to and extensions to the database maintainability, contributing to
data organization, enhancing schema, ensuring adaptability to enhanced development
database efficiency. changing requirements. productivity and streamlined
database management.

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