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Charmaine Joy D. Buscado Leander Edrial P. De Sena

Clarisse Angela Espina Kate Angel Mae Pocot Arrex Brett Tadlas
The article discusses the role of technology and gadgets, specifically smartphones, in the
lives of students. The Pomodoro technique, which involves using a timer to break up
studying and taking breaks, has proven effective in improving productivity, but using it as
an app on a smartphone can also be a source of distraction. Additionally, excessive screen-
time during online distance learning has become a concern for researchers. To address these
issues, the researchers propose creating an Arduino-powered Pomodoro timer as a practical
and efficient study companion that eliminates the distractions of using an app on a
smartphone. The goal of the study is to enhance students' productivity and eliminate
distractions while gaining the benefits of the Pomodoro technique.
Statement of the Problem
Problem 1
Is the Arduino enough to run the Pomodoro timer?

Problem 2

Is the Arduino-Powered Pomodoro Timer effective

in students’ productivity?

Problem 3

Will the Arduino-Powered Pomodoro timer can help

the students avoid procrastination?
Purpose of the Study

This study will be conducted to make an Arduino-Powered Pomodoro timer.

a. Increase the productivity and focus of the person using the device.
b. Build or construct a prototype of the Arduino-Powered Pomodoro timer.
c. Assess the accuracy of the Arduino-Powered Pomodoro Timer.
d. Serve as a companion for people especially students in learning.
Significance of the Study
STUDENTS. The output of this study will help students eliminate
distractions and effectively handle tasks.
TEACHERS. The outcomes of this study will assist teachers to better
plan their workloads and overcome distractions.
PARENTS. The device will allow parents to stop worrying about their
child’s time management, as this device has pre-programmed study intervals.
COMMUNITY. The output of this study will help community focus and
beat procrastination.
Review of Related Literature
Study habits, according to Rabica Mubarak et al. (2012), are the acquisition of dedicated
and unbroken time to commit oneself to the field of learning. As stated by Bharathi et
al., time management is self-management, requiring the ability to plan, organize, direct,
and control. The answer lies in the Pomodoro Technique, a time management strategy
developed by Francesco Cirillo. The Pomodoro technique is deceptively simple yet
extremely powerful (Zangriades, 2015). It is a time-management technique that can help
with work completion. This technique's goal is to create a focused, timed work session
to complete several tasks that can be completed in short intervals with short breaks in
between sessions (Gobbo & Vaccan, 2008).
Method Use

Applied research is designed to answer specific questions aimed at solving

practical problems. New knowledge acquired from applied research has
specific commercial objectives in the form of products, procedures, or
services. Fundamental research answers the initial question of now things
work. Applied research is the method of the study because it aims to design
an improvised devise to solve a problem. Experimental design is also use
since it is the process of carrying out research in an objective and
controlled fashion so that precision is maximed and specific conclusions
can be drawn regarding a hypothesis statement. The purpose is to establish
the expect that a factor or independent variable has on a dependent
Technicality of the Project

Many people, including teachers, students, and others, find it challenging to

prioritize and manage their duties, especially when they are overloaded.

An Arduino-powered Pomodoro timer is perfect for students and others to improve

focus and time management. A 5-minute timer reset is built into each 25-minute
block of work. There are three lights on it: a work light that will remain on for 25
minutes, a break light, and a warning light.

After 25 minutes, the work and warning lights will switch OFF, and the break light
will be on For 5 minutes. The warning light will always be on For the last two
minuter of that interval.
Details of the Technology of the Project

Arduino UNO - The board has regular innovation and a long fix in the design to make the board suitable for
the project use
Four (4) 3mm yellow LED- to represent the number of pomodoros completed.
One (1) 3mm Green LED - to represent work mode
One (1) 3mm Blue LED- to represent long and short break mode
One (1) 3mm Red LED- to represent warning mode
Piezo buzzer - to indicate start and end of short break mode and long break mode
Push button switch 12 mm- to start pomodoro or to restart after along break
Resistor 1K ohm - used to control the flow of electric current in a circuit
Breadboard-used to connect jumper wires, resistor, LED, buzzers, push button and the Arduino UNO.
Jumper wires - used to have an electric circuit for power distribution for the device
Research Timeline
Research Timeline
Research Timeline

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