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What is order?
 An order is a specific message
conveyed by a leader to a follower
for the purpose of influencing the
follower to take desired action.
 Orders are either verbal or written.
When to use verbal orders?
● When the order is simple and the message can be clearly heard.
● When privacy is important.
● When the follower is intelligent and reliable.
● When a demonstration is involved.
When to use written orders?
● When precise figures or complicated details are involved.
● When orders must be passed on to someone else.
● When the workers involved are slow to understand and forgetful.
● When you want to hold the receiver strictly accountable.
● When particular sequence must be followed exactly.
● When a notice board can be suitably used.
● When you are quoting general instructions on higher authority.
● When a record is desirable, perhaps the order may need to be referred to in the future.
Four distinct categories of every order;
01 Request
 Use a request whenever you want specific action from the people

02 Suggestion
 There is a lot of value to be gained from the use of carefully
phrased suggestions

03 Asking for Volunteers

 The leader explains what is to be done and asks for volunteers to
do it.
Four distinct categories of every order;
Direct Order or
04 Command
 One should only use a direct order under a circumstance;
 In case of danger or extreme urgency
 When haste is important
 With lazy and indifferent workers, or chronic objectors
 For careless workers
 When all other methods have failed repeatedly
Guiding principles on how to
phrase orders effectively.
1. To make an order clear, phrase it in simple terms and repeat
anything that might be forgotten or misunderstood.
2. To make an order complete, answer all the questions who,
what, how, when, where and why.
3. To make an order concise, is to make it short enough for the
receiver to be able to repeat it to prove that he received it
4. To make an order acceptable is to ensure that the receiver
will readily act on the order as he sees it justified, practical,
tactful, challenging and accompanied by sufficient authority
Every order has three meaning;
 The meaning you think you convey
 The meaning you do convey, directly and
by implication
 The meaning the receiver thinks you

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