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The scope and delimitations of a study
outline the parameters within which the research
will be conducted and specify what will and will not
be included or considered. This helps to focus the
research and ensure that it remains manageable
and relevant. Smart
Subject Matter: This defines the topic or subject of the study. It outlines what specific aspect of the broader
field will be investigated.
Geographical Scope: Specifies the geographic area or location where the study will be conducted. This could
be a country, region, city, etc.
Temporal Scope: Defines the time or period covered by the study. It indicates the period or duration over
which the research will be conducted.
Population: Describes the target population or group of individuals the study will focus on. This could be
specific demographics such as age, gender, occupation, etc.

Exclusions: Identifies what aspects, variables, or factors will be intentionally excluded from the study. This
could be due to practical constraints, irrelevance to the research question, or ethical considerations.
Limitations: Acknowledges the constraints and restrictions that may impact the research process or the
interpretation of results. This could include factors such as time, budget, access to resources, sample size
limitations, etc.


Subject Matter: The study focuses on examining how the shift to online learning due to the COVID-19
pandemic has affected the academic performance of high school students.

Geographical Scope: The study may encompass high schools in a specific region, state, or country,
depending on the researcher's resources and objectives.

Temporal Scope: The study would cover the period of the COVID-19 pandemic when schools transitioned to
online learning, typically starting from around 2020 until the present.

Population: The target population would be high school students across different grade levels who
experienced online learning during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Exclusions: The study may exclude students from specific socioeconomic backgrounds or those with limited
access to technology, as their experiences with online learning could differ significantly. It may also exclude
students who were already enrolled in online learning programs prior to the pandemic to focus specifically on
the impact of the sudden transition.

Limitations: The study may face limitations in accessing comprehensive data on students' academic
performance and participation in online learning. There could also be limitations in generalizing findings
beyond the specific context of the pandemic and its effects on education. Additionally, the study may rely on
self-reported data from students or schools, which could introduce bias or inaccuracies into the analysis.
Furthermore, the study may struggle to establish causality between online learning and academic performance
due to the presence of other confounding variables.

When researchers clearly outline what they're studying and the limits they're setting, researchers
can ensure that their research remains focused, feasible, and relevant to the research question at hand.

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