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A. What is the significance of stating that the
administration and enjoyment belong to both
spouses jointly?
The significance of stating that the administration and
enjoyment belong to both spouses jointly, signifies:
• partnership
• equality and shared responsibility and privileges of
• underscores or recognizes that wife have equal
administration on the economic welfare of the family.
• the laws commit and pledge equality to both of the
• highlights not only the rights of two people bound by
• demonstrating mutual respect through consent, trust,
transparency, cooperation.
B. Evaluate the gender neutrality of the
provisions. Do they treat husbands and wives
equally in the decision-making process?

• Yes, it is apparent that the male gender has given the

leadership in a family.
• The decision making has more weight on husbands than
wife, and the husband’s decision is favored and shall prevail
• However, the court recognizes the equal voice of the
husband and wife.
• Evidently, subject to the exceptions, remedies, and
settlement incase irregularities and disagreement arise.
• There is still promotion of partnership, respect, and
• Balanced relationship dynamic.
C. Consider any potential implications or
challenges related to gender equality in the
administration of property.

• Society, families, cultural or societal standards and traditional

norms which is directive that economic administration and
responsibilities are still mainly the realm of one gender, potentially
dejecting the legal intent.
• Unequal access to financial information or decision-making control
within the marriage can hamper effective joint administration.
• Legal awareness also hinders the intended equality and it may not
be fully appreciated.
• When there is disagreement between husband and wife which
could perpetuate gender inequality, there will be biases on the
female part.
• An implied preference for husbands.
• A cumbersome process
• Real property conveyances is cognizant of the equal rights of
husband and wife.
• In addressing these issues, there are other bigger issues that
needed to be addressed first such economic disparities among
family and the society.
Love Vine C. Lavador Emmanuel A. Nartatez II Princes Nivea Berondo Celina Louisse I. Conde


Jireh Myka Presto Joielyn B. Barasbaras Clarish C. Bartolome Vanessa Jane Tion

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