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10 members from each group will
spell the given words(1 word per
member) on the board. The group who
got the most correct spelling wins.
1. What does each picture shows about
Filipino culture?
2. What Filipino trait is depicted in each
3. Can you share your experiences related to
cooperation like as shown in each picture?
 What is BAYANIHAN?
A Filipino word derived from
the word “bayan” meaning town,
nation or community in general.
 What is BAYANIHAN?
“BAYANIHAN” literally means “being
a bayan” which is used to refer a spirit
of communal unity and cooperation, that
is, working together as a community to
achieve a common goal.
 What is the synonym of BAYANIHAN?
- mutual aid; cooperative endeavor
(especially in community project)
- damayan, tulungan, kooperasyon,
 What is the main idea of BAYANIHAN?
In the Philippines, it is the spirit and drive
of the community to help individuals in need
without expecting rewards and whether it be
to someone in the community or a complete
 What is the importance of cooperation in
building safe and harmonious community?
 Cooperation plays a significant role in
building strong, supportive relationships by
facilitating understanding and connection
between individuals.
 Tell something about the picture.
 Do you have the same problem in your
 What are the action taken by your
barangay to solve the problem?
 Is cooperation important in
understanding how to solve
different problems and
concerns in the community?
As a student and a concern citizen, how
can you show cooperation in order to
help solve different problems or concerns
in your community?
GROUP WORK: One of the community projects in
your barangay is a contest on collecting empty bottles
and sold to earn funds for other community projects.
Suppose 10 residents are to be selected as winners, in
how many ways are there to choose the top 10 out of 30
qualified participants from the residents in your
community? Apply ARGFSA to solve the problem.

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