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6: AIR
Here is where our presentation begins
Learning Objectives:

By the end of this chapter, students will be able to

 Describe the composition and structure of the atmosphere.
 Explain the importance of the ozone layer, its depletion, and specific steps
taken to address it.
 Distinguish between indoor and outdoor air pollution and how these compare
among industrialized and less
 Identify natural and anthropogenic sources of air pollution
 Explain the effects of air pollution on human
and ecosystem health
 Explain how the Clean Air Act legislation works and describe its outcomes
01 02 03
Composition & Ozone Outdoor Air
Structure of the Pollution

04 05 06
Indoor Air Pollution Effects of Air Acid Rain
Pollution on Human
Air Pollution
Composition &
Structure of the
Composition & Structure of the Atmosphere
Atmosphere refers to the layer of gases that surrounds Earth and is held in place by Earth’s
gravitational attraction (gravity). The mix of gases in the atmosphere forms a complex
system organized into layers that together support life on Earth. Although there are numerous
gases, as shown in Table 6.1, the top four gases make up 99.998 % of the volume of
clean dry air (unpolluted air that does not contain water vapor). Of this dry composition of
the atmosphere nitrogen, by far, is the most common (78%).

Nitrogen is also needed and used by living things to make proteins, though as nitrogen gas,
N2, it is unavailable to most living things.

Oxygen is used by all living things to make molecules that are essential for life. It is also
essential for aerobic respiration as well as combustion or burning.
Argon is a non-reactive gas, and we use it in light bulbs, in double-pane windows, and to
preserve priceless documents such as the original Declaration of Independence and the

Carbon dioxide is an essential gas used by plants and other organisms to make sugar (food)
through photosynthesis. Carbon dioxide also acts as a blanket that prevents the escape of heat
into outer space.

Water vapor (water in a 'gas' state) is usually present up to about 4% of the total volume
depending on location. In the Earth's desert regions (30° N/S) when dry winds are blowing,
the water vapor contribution to the composition of the atmosphere will be near zero.
Earth’s atmosphere is divided into four distinct layers based on thermal
characteristics (temperature changes), chemical composition, movement, and
density (Figure 6.1).

The troposphere, the lowest layer, extends from the surface up to

approximately 18 km, though its height varies between 6 km and 20 km
depending on location. With gravity holding most air molecules close to Earth's
surface, the troposphere is the densest layer, containing roughly 75% of the
atmosphere's total mass. As altitude increases, gas density decreases, resulting in
thinner air and a corresponding decrease in temperature. Temperatures decline
from an average of 17°C (62°F) at sea level to about -51°C (-60°F) at the
The stratosphere extends from the tropopause to about 50-53
km above Earth's surface. It shares similar gas proportions with the
troposphere but contains almost no water vapor and about 1,000 times
more ozone (O3). Despite constituting only 19% of the atmosphere's
mass, the stratosphere has significantly lower density than the
troposphere. Temperature rises with altitude due to ozone formation,
ranging from an average of -51°C (-60°F) at the tropopause to about -
15°C (5°F) at the top. The stratopause marks the top of the stratosphere.
Above the stratosphere is the mesosphere which extends to about 85
km above Earth's surface and lacks ozone molecules. Oxygen and nitrogen, along
with other gases, become less dense with altitude in this layer. Consequently,
minimal ultraviolet and x-ray radiation from the sun is absorbed, causing
temperature to decrease with altitude. Both the stratosphere and mesosphere are
part of the middle atmosphere.

Between about 85 km and 600 km lies the thermosphere, known as the

upper atmosphere, readily absorbs high-energy ultraviolet and x-ray radiation
from the sun, causing its temperature to increase with altitude, reaching up to
2,000°C (3,600°F) near the top depending on solar activity. Despite the high
temperature, the thin atmosphere in this layer would feel very cold to our skin
due to the low number of molecules. There's no distinct boundary marking the
end of the atmosphere; pressure and density gradually decrease until they blend
with the near-vacuum of outer space.
Ozone (O3) comprises three oxygen atoms bonded together, while the
oxygen gas we breathe is O2, consisting of two oxygen atoms bonded together.
Ozone is relatively unstable and readily releases its third oxygen atom, making it
more effective at oxidizing and burning materials than oxygen gas. This property
renders ground-level ozone in the troposphere an air pollutant, but in the
stratosphere, ozone plays a vital role in safeguarding life on Earth. Stratospheric
ozone forms when high-energy ultraviolet (UV) solar radiation splits oxygen
molecules (O2) into separate oxygen atoms (O), which then combine with other
oxygen molecules to produce ozone (O3). Once generated, ozone absorbs UV
radiation, breaking down to regenerate oxygen molecules and oxygen atoms. This
continuous process of ozone creation and destruction, known as the "ozone-
oxygen cycle," balances ozone levels. Given the abundance of oxygen in the
atmosphere, this cycle continuously absorbs UV radiation
The Ozone Layer
Ozone, a minor component of our atmosphere, is mainly concentrated
in the ozone layer, situated approximately 17 to 30 km above the Earth's surface.
This layer acts as a protective shield by absorbing the harmful portions of high-
energy UV radiation from the sun, which are categorized into UV-A, UV-B, and
UV-C. UV-A, though the least energetic, can still cause damage to living cells
and is not absorbed by stratospheric ozone, reaching the Earth's surface. UV-C,
the most harmful type, is absorbed by the thermosphere and stratosphere and
doesn't penetrate to the surface, yet it contributes to ozone formation by splitting
oxygen molecules in the stratosphere. When ozone absorbs UV radiation, it
generates oxygen atoms and releases heat, warming the upper stratosphere. While
UV-B is the most harmful radiation reaching the Earth's surface, its impact is
significantly reduced as most of it is absorbed by stratospheric ozone, which is
the only known gas capable of absorbing UV-B.
The stratosphere maintains a
delicate equilibrium between
ozone creation and destruction,
crucial for sustaining the ozone
layer. Any disturbance to this
balance, where ozone destruction
outpaces creation, leads to ozone
depletion. This depletion allows
more harmful UV-B radiation to
reach the Earth's surface, which is
the essence of the ozone problem
under discussion.
The Ozone Hole
The term "Ozone Hole" is a misnomer; it refers to an area where the ozone layer is
significantly depleted rather than a literal hole. This depletion occurs annually during the Antarctic
spring and was initially disclosed to the public by the British Antarctic Survey in 1985. Over time,
the thickness of the ozone layer above Antarctica declined, and the geographic extent of the ozone
hole expanded, peaking in its lowest concentration in 1994 and its largest coverage in 2000.
However, recent data indicates that ozone concentration globally, as well as in the Arctic and
Antarctic regions, is no longer decreasing.
During the extended dark winter months over the Antarctic, atmospheric temperatures
plummet, creating distinctive conditions for chemical reactions not typical elsewhere in the
atmosphere. The Antarctic air mass becomes isolated and circulates around the pole within what's
termed the polar vortex. This isolation facilitates the formation of ice crystals at high altitudes.
Molecules like ozone, nitric acid, sulfuric acid, and chlorine-containing compounds adhere to these
ice particles. As the sun returns during the southern spring (October), light triggers the rapid release
of free chlorine atoms into the stratosphere. These chlorine atoms then react with ozone, breaking it
down into molecular oxygen and an oxygen atom. The polar vortex effectively confines the ozone-
depleted air within, preventing it from mixing with the unaffected air outside, thus forming the
ozone hole.
Ozone Depletion
Global ozone levels undergo regular fluctuations due to natural cycles such as changing
seasons, winds, and long-term solar variations. Ozone concentrations in the atmosphere are
typically measured in parts per billion (ppb). Ground-based instruments have been used to measure
ozone since the 1920s, while satellite measurements began in 1970 and continue today.
Ozone depletion occurs when the rate of ozone breakdown exceeds its creation rate,
disrupting the dynamic balance that sustains the ozone layer and increasing the amount of harmful
UV-B radiation reaching Earth's surface. Initially observed over Antarctica, scientists proposed that
reactions involving man-made chlorine-containing compounds were responsible for stratospheric
ozone depletion, based on the properties of these compounds and atmospheric conditions.
Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs), consisting of chlorine, fluorine, and carbon, were widely
used as propellants in various consumer products and as coolants in refrigeration and air
conditioning systems. Due to their stability, CFCs persist in the atmosphere for extended periods.
Upon exposure to ultraviolet radiation in the stratosphere, CFCs break down, releasing chlorine
atoms. Free chlorine atoms react with ozone molecules to form chlorine monoxide (ClO) and
oxygen molecules (O2). ClO then reacts with other atoms, releasing chlorine atoms to initiate a
cycle of ozone depletion.
If each chlorine atom released from a CFC molecule only destroyed one ozone
molecule, CFCs would pose minimal threat to the ozone layer. However, when a
chlorine monoxide molecule encounters a free oxygen atom, the oxygen atom
disassembles the chlorine monoxide, capturing the oxygen atom and releasing the
chlorine atom back into the stratosphere to destroy another ozone molecule. These
reactions repeat, with a single chlorine atom, acting as a catalyst, able to destroy
approximately 100,000 ozone molecules. Stratospheric ozone depletion leads to
heightened levels of UV-B radiation reaching Earth's surface, endangering human health
and the environment. Figure 6.6 depicts a lower-than-average amount of stratospheric
ozone over North America in 1997, which experienced abnormal cold compared to
1984, a warmer-than-average year, demonstrating that ozone depletion impacts regions
beyond just the South Pole (Antarctic).
The Montreal Protocol

International efforts to curb the production of ozone-depleting CFCs

culminated in the 1987 Montreal Protocol treaty, where signatory nations committed to
halving CFC production by 1998. Subsequent agreements, totaling at least five, further
deepened production cuts, accelerated compliance schedules, and addressed additional
ozone-depleting substances such as halons, methyl chloroform, carbon tetrachloride, and
hydrochlorofluorocarbons (HCFCs). Most countries worldwide have phased out the
production of substances covered by these agreements, with industries successfully
transitioning to safer alternative chemicals. Consequently, there is evidence indicating
that the Antarctic ozone hole has ceased worsening, although full recovery is not
anticipated in the near future. Phasing out CFCs and HCFCs also contributes to
safeguarding the Earth's climate, as these substances are potent greenhouse gases.
As part of the United States' commitment to enforcing the Montreal Protocol,
the U.S. Congress amended the Clean Air Act (section 6.7) to include provisions for
safeguarding the ozone layer. Primarily, the amended Act mandates the gradual
cessation of production of chemicals harmful to the ozone layer. Congress passed Clean
Air Act amendments, tasking the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) with
developing and enforcing regulations for the responsible management of ozone-
depleting substances within the United States. Under the Clean Air Act, the EPA has
established several regulatory programs to address various issues, including:

• Phasing out the production of ozone-depleting substances.

• Ensuring proper recycling of refrigerants and halon fire extinguishing agents.
• Identifying safe and effective alternatives to ozone-depleting substances.
• Prohibiting the release of ozone-depleting refrigerants during the servicing,
maintenance, and disposal of air conditioners and other refrigeration equipment.
• Requiring manufacturers to label products containing or made with the most harmful
ozone-depleting substances.
Outdoor Pollution
Outdoor Air Pollution

Air pollution encompasses the release of substances into the atmosphere that
pose harmful effects on humans, other organisms, and the environment, manifesting as
solid particles, liquid droplets, or gases. It may arise from natural phenomena like dust
storms, forest fires, and volcanic eruptions, as well as human activities such as biomass
burning, vehicle emissions, mining, agriculture, and industrial processes. Enhanced
technology and governmental regulations have led to a reduction in various forms of
outdoor air pollution in many industrialized nations, including the United States, in
recent years. Nevertheless, outdoor air quality remains a significant concern in less
industrialized countries, particularly in rapidly industrializing megacities such as those
in China and India.
Outdoor pollutants originate from either stationary (point) sources or mobile
(nonpoint) sources (see Figure 6.7). Stationary sources are fixed in location, such as
power plant smokestacks, construction sites, farmlands, and surface mines. Conversely,
mobile sources emit pollutants while moving from one place to another. Examples of
mobile sources include vehicles, aircraft, ships, and trains.
Pollutants are typically classified into two main types based on their
origin: primary and secondary pollutants. Primary pollutants are directly
released into the air in harmful forms from their sources. The primary
pollutants that contribute to almost all air pollution issues include carbon
monoxide (58%), volatile organic compounds (VOCs, 11%), nitrogen oxides
(15%), sulfur dioxides (13%), and particulate matter (3%). Secondary
pollutants, on the other hand, are formed through chemical reactions between
primary pollutants and normal atmospheric compounds. For instance, ground-
level ozone develops over urban areas through reactions, facilitated by sunlight,
between primary pollutants like nitrogen oxides and other atmospheric gases
such as VOCs.
Criteria pollutants

Under the Clean Air Act, particularly in section 6.7.1, the Environmental
Protection Agency (EPA) establishes air quality standards aimed at safeguarding public
health and the environment. The EPA has defined national air quality standards for six
common air pollutants: 1) carbon monoxide; 2) ground-level ozone; 3) nitrogen dioxide;
4) sulfur dioxide; 5) lead; and 6) particulate matter (also referred to as particle
pollution). Among these pollutants, particle pollution and ground-level ozone pose the
most prevalent health risks. The EPA categorizes these pollutants as "criteria" air
pollutants because it regulates them by formulating human health-based and/or
environmentally-based criteria (science-based guidelines) for determining permissible
levels. The standards based on human health considerations are termed primary
standards, while those aimed at preventing environmental and property damage are
known as secondary standards.
1. **Carbon Monoxide (CO):** Carbon monoxide is a colorless, odorless gas emitted during
combustion processes, particularly incomplete fuel combustion. In urban areas, mobile sources
predominantly contribute to ambient CO emissions. CO can lead to harmful health effects by
impeding oxygen delivery to vital organs like the heart and brain. At extremely high levels, CO
exposure can be fatal.

2. **Ground-level ozone (O3):** Ground-level ozone, a colorless gas with a faint sweet odor,
forms through the interaction of sunlight, heat, nitrogen oxides (NOx), and volatile organic
compounds (VOCs). It typically reaches unhealthy levels during hot, sunny days in urban settings.
Major sources of NOx and VOCs include emissions from industrial facilities, electric utilities,
motor vehicle exhaust, gasoline vapors, and chemical solvents.

3. **Nitrogen dioxide (NO2):** Nitrogen dioxide is among a group of highly reactive gases
known as "oxides of nitrogen" or "nitrogen oxides (NOx)." It appears as a yellowish-brown to
reddish-brown gas with a pungent odor and contributes significantly to smog and acid rain
formation. Nitrogen oxides form when atmospheric nitrogen and oxygen react at high temperatures
generated by combustion engines. In the United States, most emissions originate from vehicle
engines, electrical utilities, and industrial combustion processes.
4. **Sulfur Dioxide (SO2):** Primarily emitted from fossil fuel combustion in power plants
(73%) and industrial facilities (20%), sulfur dioxide belongs to the group of highly reactive
gases known as "oxides of sulfur."

5. **Lead (Pb):** Historically, major sources of lead emissions were motor vehicle fuels and
industrial activities. Regulatory efforts have significantly reduced lead emissions from
transportation (95% between 1980 and 1999). Current sources include ore and metal
processing, as well as piston-engine aircraft using leaded aviation gasoline.

6. **Particulate Material (PM):** Particulate pollution consists of solid particles and liquid
droplets suspended in the air. It includes various components like acids, organic chemicals,
metals, and allergens. Inhalable coarse particles (PM10) and fine particles (PM2.5) pose
health risks by penetrating deep into the lungs and bloodstream. Coarse particles originate
from road dust, while fine particles result from combustion processes.
Volatile Organic Compounds

Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) are carbon-containing chemicals emitted as gases

from both natural and human-made sources. Natural sources include plants, the largest contributor,
as well as bacteria in the guts of termites and ruminant animals. In the atmosphere, VOCs typically
oxidize into carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide. However, VOCs are concerning because they
serve as precursors for ozone formation, a secondary air pollutant.

Synthetic organic chemicals like benzene, toluene, formaldehyde, vinyl chloride, chloroform, and
phenols are widely used in various household products such as paints, varnishes, cleaning agents,
cosmetics, and fuels. These products release organic compounds during use and storage. The "new
car smell" associated with new vehicles results from a mix of dozens of VOCs. Indoor
concentrations of many VOCs can be significantly higher (up to ten times) than outdoor levels,
often contributing to sick building syndrome, an illness stemming from indoor pollution where the
specific cause is not easily identified.

Smog, a mixture of air pollutants like sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxides, ozone,
and particulates, often blankets urban areas due to fossil fuel combustion. Coined from
"smoke" and "fog," smog creates a brownish haze, reducing visibility and impairing
breathing for some individuals. Two primary types exist: industrial and photochemical
smog. Industrial smog results from fossil fuel burning, generating carbon dioxide,
carbon monoxide, sulfur, and mercury. Sulfur reacts with atmospheric chemicals,
yielding sulfur dioxide and particulate matter. Photochemical smog forms when sunlight
triggers reactions between vehicle emissions and atmospheric compounds, resulting in
over 100 chemicals, including ground-level ozone.
Toxic pollutants

Toxic air pollutants, also known as hazardous air pollutants, are substances known or
suspected to cause cancer, reproductive issues, birth defects, or other serious health and
environmental problems. Examples include benzene in gasoline, perchloroethylene from dry
cleaning facilities, and methylene chloride used in various industries. Other examples are dioxin,
asbestos, toluene, and metals like cadmium, mercury, chromium, and lead compounds.

Most toxic air pollutants stem from human activities, including mobile sources like vehicles,
stationary sources such as factories and power plants, and indoor sources like building materials
and cleaning products. Some also arise from natural events like volcanic eruptions and forest fires.
While primarily inhaled, pollutants like mercury can deposit onto soils or waters, entering the food
chain and posing risks to animals and humans alike over time.
Indoor Pollution
Indoor air pollution poses a greater health risk than outdoor pollution
in both developed and developing nations. According to the World Health
Organization (WHO) and agencies like the Environmental Protection Agency
(EPA), indoor air generally contains higher concentrations of toxic pollutants
due to various sources like combustion, building materials, and household
products. People typically spend more time indoors, amplifying the health
effects of indoor pollution in workplaces, schools, and homes.

Inadequate ventilation exacerbates indoor air quality issues by failing

to dilute emissions from indoor sources or expel pollutants. Outdoor air enters
buildings through infiltration, natural ventilation (windows, doors), or
mechanical systems (fans, ducts). The rate of air exchange impacts pollutant
levels, with low exchange rates allowing concentrations to rise, especially in
warm, humid conditions.
Numerous sources contribute to indoor air pollution, including
combustion sources like gas, wood, and tobacco; building materials such as
asbestos and pressed wood; household products like cleaners and air
fresheners; and outdoor pollutants like radon and pesticides. Radon, a
radioactive gas from uranium decay, can accumulate in basements and cause
lung cancer.

The significance of each pollutant source varies based on emission

levels and hazards, influenced by factors like maintenance and ventilation.
Activities like smoking, cooking, and using solvents intermittently release
pollutants, which can linger in the air. Risks from indoor pollution differ
between nations, with less industrialized countries facing higher exposure due
to the use of cheaper, unventilated fuels like wood and charcoal, while
industrialized nations primarily contend with cigarette smoke and radon
Effects of Air
Pollution on
Human Health
Air pollution is recognized by the World Health Organization (WHO) and other global
agencies as a significant threat to human health. Extensive scientific research has established a
strong correlation between air pollution and various health issues.

Immediate health effects of air pollution can manifest after a single exposure or repeated
exposures. Other health problems may emerge years later or after prolonged exposure.
The likelihood of immediate reactions to air pollutants is influenced by
several factors, including age and preexisting medical conditions.
Individuals with conditions like heart and lung diseases (e.g., heart failure,
asthma, emphysema), diabetes, older adults, and children are more
susceptible to air pollution-related health effects. Moreover, individual
sensitivity varies greatly among people, with some individuals becoming
sensitized to biological or chemical pollutants after repeated exposures.
This variability underscores the complex interplay between personal
health factors and environmental exposures.
Acid Rain
Acid rain is a form of precipitation, such as rain, snow, or fog, that contains elevated levels
of acidic compounds, primarily sulfuric acid (H2SO4) and nitric acid (HNO3). These acids
are formed when sulfur dioxide (SO2) and nitrogen oxides (NOx) emitted from industrial
activities, vehicle exhaust, and other sources react with water vapor, oxygen, and other
atmospheric components in the presence of sunlight.

The sources of acid rain are primarily human activities that release sulfur dioxide and
nitrogen oxides into the atmosphere, although natural sources such as volcanic eruptions
can also contribute to acid rain formation.
Environmental Effects of Acid Rain:

 Damage to Aquatic Ecosystems

 Harm to Terrestrial Ecosystems

 Corrosion of Buildings and Infrastructure

 Human Health Impacts

Air Pollution
The historical incidents you mentioned, such as the events in Belgium in 1930, Donora,
Pennsylvania in 1948, and the London fog in 1952, serve as stark reminders of the severe
health risks associated with air pollution.

In 1930, in Belgium, a phenomenon known as temperature inversion caused pollutants to

become trapped near the surface, resulting in elevated atmospheric sulfur levels. This event
led to the deaths of 63 people and sickness in 1000 others.

Similarly, in October 1948, Donora, Pennsylvania, experienced a thick cloud of air pollution
lingering for five days, which resulted in the deaths of 20 people and sickness in 6000
residents out of the town's population of 14,000.

One of the most infamous incidents occurred during the London fog of 1952, where acid
aerosols trapped in the lower atmosphere led to the deaths of approximately 4000 people.

These tragic events served as crucial wake-up calls regarding the serious threats that air
pollution poses to public health and underscored the urgent need for environmental
regulations and initiatives to mitigate its harmful effects.
Clean Air Act
In the United States, the response to air pollution began with the passage of the original
Clean Air Act in 1963, which allocated funds for studying and addressing air pollution issues.
However, it wasn't until 1970 that Congress enacted a much stronger version of the Clean Air Act in
response to growing environmental concerns.

In 1970, Congress also established the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and charged it with
the primary responsibility of implementing the Clean Air Act. Since its inception, the EPA has
overseen various programs aimed at reducing air pollution nationwide.

While the Clean Air Act is a federal law covering the entire country, a significant portion of the
implementation and enforcement occurs at the state, tribal, and local levels. These entities
collaborate with industries to reduce pollution, review and approve permit applications, and
undertake other measures to comply with the requirements of the Clean Air Act.
EPA's Role

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is tasked with safeguarding public health
and the environment from air pollution across the United States. To fulfill its mission, the EPA
administers various programs under the Clean Air Act with the following objectives:

1. **Reducing Ambient Air Pollutants:** The EPA focuses on lowering outdoor concentrations of
pollutants such as smog, haze, and acid rain, which can have detrimental effects on health and the

2. **Controlling Toxic Air Pollutants:** The EPA works to minimize emissions of toxic air
pollutants, which are known or suspected to cause serious health issues including cancer.

3. **Protecting the Ozone Layer:** Another priority is phasing out the production and use of
chemicals that harm the stratospheric ozone layer, which shields the Earth from harmful UV
Under the Clean Air Act, the EPA establishes limits on specific air pollutants, dictating
the maximum allowable concentrations throughout the country. The EPA also has the authority to
regulate emissions from various sources such as chemical plants, utilities, and industrial facilities.
While individual states or tribes may enact stricter air pollution laws, they cannot adopt weaker
pollution limits than those set by the EPA.

Additionally, the EPA collaborates with state, tribal, and local agencies to develop and implement
plans for reducing air pollution. If a state or tribal plan fails to meet the required standards, the EPA
can impose sanctions and, if necessary, assume enforcement responsibilities. The EPA supports
these agencies by providing research, expertise, engineering designs, and financial assistance to
advance clean air initiatives. Since 1970, significant funding has been allocated by Congress and
the EPA to support these efforts at the state, local, and tribal levels.
State and Local Governments' Role

Indeed, assigning responsibility for implementing the Clean Air Act to state and local air
pollution agencies is logical and effective. These agencies possess the local expertise needed to
address pollution issues effectively, considering factors such as local industries, geography,
housing, and commuting patterns.

State, local, and tribal governments play critical roles in the enforcement of Clean Air
Act regulations. They monitor air quality, conduct inspections of facilities within their jurisdictions,
and ensure compliance with regulatory standards. Moreover, states are required to develop State
Implementation Plans (SIPs), which detail the strategies for controlling air pollution in accordance
with the Clean Air Act. SIPs encompass a range of regulations, programs, and policies aimed at
improving air quality in polluted areas. Importantly, the development of SIPs involves public
participation and input from industries through hearings and opportunities for feedback. This
inclusive approach ensures that the strategies outlined in SIPs are well-informed and address the
specific needs and concerns of affected communities and industries.
Outcomes of the Clean Air Act

For more than forty years, the Clean Air Act has cut pollution as the U.S.
economy has grown. The combined emissions of the six criteria pollutants has
continued to decrease while population, gross domestic product, energy
consumption, and vehicle miles travelled have all continued to increase (Figure
6.14). The following is a summary of some of the accomplishments of the Clean
Air Act:

 Clean Air Act programs have lowered levels of the six criteria pollutants -
particulates, ozone, lead, carbon monoxide, nitrogen dioxide and sulfur dioxide -
as well as numerous toxic pollutants.
- Between 1970 and 2012, national emissions of the six common pollutants decreased by
an average of 72 percent, even as the gross domestic product increased by 219 percent.
This substantial progress is the result of collaborative efforts involving state, local, and
tribal governments, the EPA, private sector companies, environmental groups, and other
- The reductions in emissions have resulted in significant improvements in air quality
- These improvements have allowed many regions to achieve compliance with national air
quality standards established to safeguard public health and the environment. For instance,
all 41 areas previously designated as having unhealthy levels of carbon monoxide in 1991
now meet the health-based national air quality standard. This achievement is largely
attributable to cleaner motor vehicles, which comply with emissions standards mandated
by the Clean Air Act.
- Airborne lead pollution, once a widespread health concern, now meets national air quality
standards across most areas of the country, thanks to the EPA's phased elimination of lead
in motor vehicle gasoline under Clean Air Act regulations.


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