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 iswriting about a technical subject for a

particular audience with a stated purpose. The
technical information should reflect what user
expect and want to do with it.
How will you categorize whether the
information is of good quality or not?
-The technical information is said to be of good quality, if it
is comprehensible, usable, and easy to find.

And, how will you achieve that?

-Follow these 5 C’s, to get the most of your writing and
effectively convey the information you intended it to:
 The first C is Clarity. The technical
information is said to be clear when the
reader understand it for the first time.
 In order to be clear, use technical terms only
if they are necessary and appropriate.
 Try to focus on the meaning, avoid the
technical jargons, if you can. Use words
which have one and clear meaning.
 Be concise.
 Repetition is good when it appropriately emphasizes and
reinforces important points. Repetition is also good when
you don’t know where users might enter your information,
as in the case on the web. Repetition is bad as irrelevant
details waste reading time and might give a wrong
impression about what is important.
 Hence, make every word count. Avoid being verbose in
writing. Try to provide crisp, short, and succinct information.
 The topic should be related to each other. The reader
should not get lost in the information. The content should
be placed in such a manner that the reader can relate to it.
It should be easy to follow.
 Your writing is cohesive, if the reader can understand your
information and transit smoothly from one point to another
with minimal effort.
 Completeness refers to the information about the subject
i.e. complete, relevant, and sufficient detail.
 Follow the thumb rule of paragraph according to which “a
good paragraph should have at least three sentences-one
to introduce the subject, one to develop the subject, and
one to summarize the additional information and lead into a
new subject.
 You must provide information accurately and free of errors.
If the information provided is not correct, there are chances
that you lose credibility and trust of your readers.
 In order to achieve correctness in your writing, have it
reviewed as many as necessary to ensure that it is
accurate by the time when you publish the information.
 Accuracy problems can result when you include graphics
that show all part of the user interface, if the interface
changes after the information is finalized. Therefore make
sure interface descriptions are consistent with the actual

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