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March 15, 2024

Jumbled Letters
Unscramble the letters to discover the word.
1. BAAR- an ethnic group[c] mainly inhabiting the Arab world in
West Asia and North Africa. ARAB
2. LACEM- is an even-toed animal that bears distinctive fatty
deposits known as "humps" on its back. CAMEL
3. TERDSE-is a region of land that is very dry because it receives low
amounts of precipitation. DESERT
4. ENTT-it is a collapsible shelter of fabric (such as nylon or canvas)
stretched and sustained by poles and used for camping outdoors or
as a temporary building. TENT
5. ROFLEBATMCO- providing physical ease and relaxation.
-How many of you have pets?
-What is the name of your pet?
-How do you treat them?
-How do your pet respond when
they love something? When they
are angry?
Why did the Arab
throw his camel
outside the tent?
1. Why did the Arab throw his camel outside the
2. Why did the camel want to put his head and
neck inside the tent?
3. Is the Arab kind to his camel?
4. Is the camel right in pushing out his master?
5. In your opinion, who behaved more selfishly?
6. Give the lesson of the story.
(The Songwriters)
Write a song about the message of the story and be ready to sing it in class.

(The Actors)
Prepare a short dramatization of what happened in the story.

(The Organizers)
Make a diagram showing comparison of Arab and Camel.

(The Illustrators)
Illustrate or draw the actual events on the story.

(The Poemwriters)
Write a poem about the message of the story and be ready to recite it in class.
In a sticky note, write the
lesson that you get from the
story then paste it on the board.

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