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3. Teach the language and not about the language. It is quite

against GTM that focuses on about the language and not on the
language itself, which is use of contextual language.
4. Related to the third point is the fourth one and that is a
language is what its native speakers say and not what someone
thinks they ought to say. It means that the language is as it is
spoken by its natives and not as suggested by the grammarians.
5. The last assumption is very important which considers
languages as different living entities. Bloomfield, L. (1942, 1)
stresses the point that the learners should ‘start with a clean slate’
as the different languages have different constructions, sound
patterns and meanings. Therefore, ALM materials provide drills
in these contrasting points.
Now based on the above-mentioned assumptions, following
are the major characteristics of the ALM:

 Material is presented in a dialogue form.

 Structural patterns are taught using repetitive drills.

 There is little or no grammatical explanation.

 Great importance is put onto pronunciation.

 Very little use of the mother tongue by teachers is

 Vocabulary is strictly limited in context.
7.4 Why Should I Use This Method?

As the GTM, students can learn by repetition. Students pay

attention and carry a sequence of what they are doing, but
despite of learning it in class, teachers can make activities
to be performed at home so they can practice writing and
reading. It sounds really boring the fact that students have
to repeat only. Teachers might find the way to make it
interesting and look for different and funny activities.

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