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Propagates trees and Fruit -

bearing Trees
Ways of Propagating Fruit-
Bearing Trees
1. Sexual propagation- propagation using
viable seeds or seeds containing
live embryo that will give rise to a new
plant. These seeds have the capacity
to germinate and grow. This is the most
common and easiest method of
propagating plants.
2. Asexual propagation- method of plant
propagation that is done without
the help of the sexual organ of the plant. It
is the production of the new
plants from leaves, stems and roots. It can
be done manually, either
naturally or using scientific approach
Methods of Asexual
1. Budding
In this method, a single bud forced to
grow on the stock. It uses one bud as
the scion, instead of the stem bearing
several buds.
2. Grafting
In this method, a scion or top portion
of a stem of a plant is joined with or
inserted into the rootstock of another
plant, to make them grow together into
one plant.
3. Marcotting
A method that allows the stem to
develop roots while still attached on
the mother plant.
Tools and Equipment used in
Plant Propagation
A. Pruning shear— is used for cutting small
branches including the unnecessary branches.
B. Budding Knife -is used for cutting and
slicing planting materials.
C. Sprinklers- used to water seedlings and
young plants
D. Garden scissors- used for cutting grass and
shaping the plant or shrub
A. Pruning shear— is used for cutting small
branches including the unnecessary branches.
B. Budding Knife -is used for cutting and
slicing planting materials.
C. Sprinklers- used to water seedlings and
young plants
D. Garden scissors- used for cutting grass and
shaping the plant or shrub

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