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Mod of Action:
Iodine has a direct action on the cells by
precipitating proteins. The effects are thus similar
to those produced by the corrosives.

The vapours of iodine are strongly irritant to the

respiratory passages.
Symptom and Signs.

When iodine is swallowed the symptoms and signs are those of

corrosive and irritant poisons.

i. Sever burning pain extending from mouth to stomach followed by

vomiting, diarrhoea and intense thirst.
ii. Lips and oral mucosa are stained yellow or brown.
iii. The vomit and stool may be dark yellow or brown with iodine smell.
iv. Micturation is pain full, the urine may be suppressed or scanty
containe albumin the colour of urine is “dark brown ” with “iodine
v. In addition to the irritative symptoms it causes:
Mark depression, weak pulse, delirium and collapse.

Inhalation of Iodine vapours is responsible for Oedema of

glottis and lungs causes death from asphyxia .
Prolong ingestion of iodine or iodine compound leads to
chronic poisoning is called Iodism.
The clinical features are,
i. Headache ii. Bronchial Catarrh.
iii. Conjunctivitis.
iv. Oedema of the face and eyelids.

Fatal Does :
The fatal does of iodine in the solid form is about
2gm and
8 to 10ml of tincture iodine may cause death.

Fatal Period :
The average fatal period is 24 hrs.
Rapid death may occur from anaphylaxis.
Treatment of Iodine Poisoning
i. Stomach should be washed with sodium
ii. Demulcents such as milk, oil and white of egg
are helpful
iii. 100ml of 5% solution of Sodium thiousulphate
orally is useful as it reduces free iodine to non-
toxic iodine.
iv. Rest of the treatment is symptomatic

In case of chronic poisoning the use of

iodine or iodides should be discontinued.
Postmortem Appearance of Iodine
External Signs
i. Lips and Mucous membrane may be stained yellow or
ii. Oedama of the eyes and face may be observed.

Internal Signs
iii. The Mucous membrane of the mouth, esophagus and
stomach is corroded.
iv. Oedma of the glottis and lungs.
v. Tubular necrosis of kidneys.
Medicolegal Importance
Iodine is used as antiseptic.
Iodine kill bacteria, fungus and amoeba.
Accidental Poisoning:
Acute poisoning by Iodine is usually accidental
specially in children attracted by its colour.
Suicide Poisoning:
Tincture iodine is occasionally taken to commit suicide.
Homicide Poisoing:
Iodine can not be used as homicide due to its
colour and smell.

Iodine in Strong solution has been employed for


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