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A Report about Equity,

Prudence & Frugality

By: Princess April baletin

In philosophy, equity refers to the concept of fairness, justice, and moral equality.
It is a principle that seeks to ensure fairness and impartiality in the distribution of
resources, opportunities, and rights among individuals or groups. Equity in
philosophy is often associated with the idea of treating individuals with equal
consideration and respect, regardless of their differences or circumstances. It
emphasizes the importance of fairness and justice in society, aiming to address
inequalities and promote a more just and inclusive society.
In philosophy, prudence is a virtue that involves making wise and practical decisions
based on careful deliberation and consideration of consequences. It is the ability to
assess different options, anticipate potential outcomes, and choose the course of
action that is most likely to lead to a desirable result. Prudence is not only concerned
with personal well-being but also with the well-being of others. It is considered a key
component of rationality and good judgment, guiding individuals in making morally
right choices and navigating complex situations. Overall, prudence is about
exercising practical wisdom and acting in a way that promotes the best possible
outcomes for oneself and others.
Frugality, in simpler terms, means being careful with how you use your money and
resources. It's about being mindful of your spending and avoiding unnecessary
waste. Frugal people prioritize what they truly need over what they want, and they
make smart choices to save money and make the most of what they have. It's not
about being cheap or stingy, but rather being smart and practical with your finances.
Frugality helps you live within your means, save for the future, and appreciate the
value of what you have.

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