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And their importance to the human body

Fruits are a vital aliment that should belong in everyone’s diet
and consumed as much as intended.
They are easily accessible, being found in almost every local store and
can even be grown in your garden.
Fruits contain all sorts of vitamins and nutritive chemicals, while still
having a delicious taste. They can be eaten alone, combined with
other food or consumed as a salad, smoothie, etc.
Fruits contain some of the following vitamins:
- Vitamin A (found in mangos, apricots, cantaloup…): this vitamin helps
with the general health of the human body and its wellbeing
- Vitamin B, which is divided in several categories and each one has its
own benefits and are provided by different fruits
- Vitamin C (found in strawberries, citrus…): this vitamin fortifies the
immune system and protects it from diseases and infections
- Vitamin K (found in kiwi, plums, blueberries…): this vitamin helps with the
production of proteins and maintains your blood healthy
Obviously, there are many more vitamins, but these ones are the most
Important and are found the easiest in all sorts of fruits.
In conclusion, not only doctors, but most of the world recommends the
daily and moderate consumption of fruits for a healthier life, full of
sweetness and a refreshing snack for your family and pets.

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