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• Overview of Blender
interface and navigation
• Understanding basic tools
and their functions
• Practice: Create simple
shapes and objects

2. Potential Application to the final project

• Efficient Workflow: A good understanding of Blender's interface will

allow me to work more efficiently, reducing the time spent navigating
menus and panels, and enabling me to focus more on the creative
aspects of the project.
• Object Placement and Manipulation: The ability to manage objects
within the scene, including positioning, rotation, and scaling, will be
essential for composing the elements of the scene effectively.
• Utilizing Editors: Depending on the requirements of the final
assignment, I may need to utilize various editors such as the modeling
editor for creating assets, the UV mapping editor for applying
textures, and the animation editor for animating objects.
Understanding how to use these editors will be crucial for completing
the project.
• Customization for Efficiency: Customizing the interface to suit my
workflow and creating custom hotkeys for frequently used actions
will help streamline the process of creating the 3D scene, allowing me
to work more quickly and effectively.
• Visualization and Presentation: Knowledge of viewport shading
modes and display options will enable me to visualize the scene
accurately as I work on it, ensuring that it meets the desired aesthetic
and technical requirements.
• Overall, the skills learned in understanding the Blender interface will
serve as a solid foundation for tackling the final assignment,
empowering me to create a compelling and visually appealing 3D

1. Skills Learned

• Navigating the Interface: Through tutorials and practical exercises, I

have gained proficiency in navigating Blender's interface efficiently.
This includes understanding the layout of various panels, editors, and
• Viewport Manipulation: I have learned how to manipulate the
viewport effectively, including rotating, panning, and zooming in/out
to inspect and work on different elements of a scene.
• Object Management: Understanding how to create, select, move,
rotate, and scale objects within Blender is a fundamental skill that I
have developed. This includes utilizing both the 3D cursor and
transformation manipulators.
• Understanding Editors: Blender offers a wide array of editors for
various purposes such as modeling, sculpting, UV mapping, and
animation. I have learned how to utilize these editors to perform
specific tasks effectively.
• Customization: I have explored Blender's extensive customization
options, including adjusting interface layouts, creating custom
hotkeys, and installing add-ons to streamline workflows.
• Working with Panels and Menus: I have become familiar with the
different panels and menus available in Blender, understanding their
functions and how to access various tools and settings efficiently.
• Viewport Shading and Display Options: Learning how to manipulate
viewport shading modes and display options has been crucial for
visualizing and editing objects accurately within Blender's 3D space.

-Following tutorial has been followed

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