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Lesson 23:

The Second Coming of Christ

The Second Coming of Christ
I. The Second Coming of Jesus Christ Is a Thrilling Doctrine of the
New Testament.
A. The second coming of Christ is referenced a few times in the
Old Testament.
B. The second coming of Christ is a major subject of the New
C. There are various terms used in the New Testament to identify
this day.
1. It is called “the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.”
2. It is called “the appearing of our Lord Jesus Christ.”
3. It is called “the revelation of our Lord Jesus Christ.”
4. It is called “the day of our Lord Jesus Christ.”
D. The New Testament speaks of various “comings” of Christ, both
figurative and literal.
The Second Coming of Christ
II. The Future Event of the Second Coming of Jesus Christ Is Certain!
A. The second coming of Christ is an absolutely certain event.
1. Jesus Himself promised it (John 14:1-3).
2. The angels testified of it at Jesus’ ascension (Acts 1:9-11).
3. The apostles and inspired penmen of the New Testament focused on it
throughout their ministries and writings (1 Cor. 15:50-58; 2 Cor. 5:1-11;
Phil. 3:20-21; 1 Thess. 4:13-5:11; 2 Thess. 1:7-9; Heb. 9:28; 2 Pet. 3:3-13;
1 John 3:1-2; Rev. 1:7).
4. The resurrection of Christ guarantees His return (Acts 17:30-31).
B. The second coming of Christ must take place as the
culmination of God’s eternal plan.
C. The Bible foretells the thrilling event of Jesus Christ’s second
coming and guarantees it!
The Second Coming of Christ
III.The Exact Time of the Second Coming of Christ Is Unknown!
A. Over the centuries, many have tried to predict the timing of
Christ’s coming.
B. The Bible clearly teaches that the timing of Jesus’ return is
unknown by man.
C. It is irresponsible and unscriptural to speculate as to a certain
timing. We do not know!
The Second Coming of Christ
IV.The Manner of the Second Coming of Christ Is Going to Be
A. Jesus will come suddenly, without warning.
B. Jesus will come personally and literally Himself.
C. Jesus will come “in like manner” as He ascended.
D. Jesus will come in such a way that “every eye will see Him.”
E. Jesus will come “in His glory” and “in the glory of His Father.”
F. Jesus will come with “all the holy angels with Him.”
G. Jesus will come “from heaven with a shout.”
H. Jesus will come “with the voice of an archangel and with the
trumpet of God.”
I. Jesus will come “with all His saints” who “have fallen asleep.”
J. Jesus will come “to be glorified in His saints.”
The Second Coming of Christ
V. The Events of the Second Coming of Christ Will Be
Overwhelmingly Spectacular!
A. When Jesus returns, every dead person will be raised at the
same time.
B. When Jesus returns, those who are still alive will be lifted up
from the earth and transformed into the likeness of Christ.
C. When Jesus returns, He will deliver the kingdom to His Father.
D. When Jesus returns, the earth and everything in it will be
E. When Jesus returns, every person who has ever lived will be
F. When Jesus returns, eternal destinies will be rewarded to all.
The Second Coming of Christ
VI.At the Second Coming of Christ, Every Dead Person Will Be Raised
at the Same Time!
A. It is important to know that when the Bible speaks of the
resurrection of the dead, it is clearly the body that is being
raised from the grave and not the soul or spirit.
B. Some today are like the Sadducees of Bible times—they do not
believe in the resurrection of the dead.
C. The doctrine of the resurrection from the dead was known,
believed and taught in the Old Testament.
D. The doctrine of the resurrection of the dead was taught by
Jesus Himself.
E. The doctrine of the resurrection was central to the apostles’
The Second Coming of Christ
VI.At the Second Coming of Christ, Every Dead Person Will Be Raised
at the Same Time!
F. The doctrine of the resurrection of the dead is taught
emphatically in 1 Corinthians 15.
G. The apostle John described the resurrection in the closing
pages of the Bible.
H. Here is a key point: The resurrection of the dead involves all of
the dead, the righteous and the unrighteous, at the same time.
I. While all will be raised at the same time, the righteous and
unrighteous will experience two very different resurrections.
The Second Coming of Christ
VII.At the Second Coming of Christ, the Earth and Everything in It
Will Be Destroyed.
A. When all of the people (living and dead) are removed from the
earth, the Bible plainly teaches that this material planet, and
everything in it, will be destroyed by fire.
B. The Bible teaches that this will happen on the very day that
Christ returns.
C. However, some are teaching that the earth will not be
destroyed when Christ returns.
D. The Bible makes a clear distinction between heaven and earth.
E. When Jesus returns, the earth and everything in it will be
The Second Coming of Christ
VIII.At the Second Coming of Christ, Every Person Who Has Ever
Lived Will Be Judged!
A. The Bible has much to say about the day of judgment.
B. The Bible teaches that Jesus Christ will be the Judge.
C. The Bible teaches about the timing of the day of judgment.
D. The Bible teaches about the certainty of the day of judgment.
E. The Bible teaches about the persons who will be judged on the
day of judgment.
F. The Bible teaches about the standard that will be used on the
day of judgment.
The Second Coming of Christ
VIII.At the Second Coming of Christ, Every Person Who Has Ever
Lived Will Be Judged!
G. The Bible teaches about the conduct that will be judged on the
day of judgment.
H. The Bible teaches about the separation and the sentencing of
the day of judgment.
The Second Coming of Christ
IX.At the Second Coming of Christ, Eternal Destinies Will Be
Rewarded to All!
A. The second coming of Christ will be “the end” of many things
(1 Cor. 15:24).
B. At the same time, the second coming will be the “beginning”
of eternity for all people.
C. The righteous shall be rewarded with eternity in heaven.
D. The unrighteous shall be rewarded with eternity in hell.
The Second Coming of Christ
X. Every Person Needs to Be Prepared for the Second Coming of Christ!
A. God does not want any person to be lost (2 Pet. 3:9; 1 Tim. 2:4).
B. God wants every person to spend eternity in heaven with Him (John
3:16; Rom. 5:8).
C. Christ came the first time to save man from sins (Isa. 53:3-6; Mt. 1:21;
Gal. 1:3-4; Jn. 3:17).
D. Christ will come the second time to gather His saved to home in
heaven (1 Thess. 4:17).
E. At that moment, every person must be prepared to meet Him (Matt.
24:44) by:
F. If we neglect opportunities to obey, it will increase our guilt on that
day (Matt. 11:20-24).
G. Through the prophet Amos, God told His people, “Prepare to meet
your God!” (4:12).
H. Through the New Testament, God tells His people today, “Prepare to
meet your God!”

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