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Hear them roar, for they

may be no more.


Presentation by Tejasvi Tripathi cl- 8th
“Tiger is a symbol of beauty,
bravery, strength, and Nationality
so save the Tiger. save the Nation
—Someone Famous
Celebrating 50 Years of PROJECT TIGERS

To spread the word about the

significance of tiger conservation,
The Times of India initiated the
"Saving Our Stripes" campaign.
The initiative honors Project
Tiger's 50th anniversary, a
federally funded program that
began in 1973 and aims to
maintain the tiger population in
specially designated tiger reserves
across India.
How has PROJECT TIGERS benefitted us?

Project tigers in India has significantly impacted the country's economy, focusing on tiger conservation and
habitat protection. The initiative has brought numerous benefits, including :

BOOSTING TOURISM - Tigers are a captivating and widely recognized animal that draw travelers from all
over the world. Due to conservation initiatives, India's wildlife tourism sector has prospered, drawing tourists to
the animals' natural habitats and boosting regional economies through accommodations, transportation, and other
INCREASING EMPOYMENT - Wildlife tourism creates employment possibilities for locals in the form of
safari guides, park rangers, and hotel workers, ensuring sustainable lifestyles.
LIVELIHOOD - By incorporating locals in ecotourism and conservation initiatives and motivating them to
maintain tiger habitats, Project Tigers enhances tourist and local livelihoods.
FOREST COVER - In healthy wooded regions, tigers thrive, and efforts to maintain habitat support crucial
ecosystem functions including carbon sequestration, soil conservation, and water management.
 RESEARCH & EDUCTAION - Insights into tiger behavior, ecology, and habitat preservation are provided by
the initiative, which promotes scientific study and education on tiger conservation. This information helps India
and other nations that border the range of the tigers create stronger conservation policies.
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Soo…What’s the Importance of TIGERS?

Tigers are essential for reducing the effects of climate change and promoting biological regulation in their
environments. It is essential for preserving a healthy and balanced ecosystem to protect regions of biological
significance, including those that are home to tigers. Here are some crucial details that highlight their
 IMPORTANCE IN TERMS OF FORESTS - Huge forests are shielded by tigers from human encroachment
and destruction, maintaining healthy ecosystems and vital functions like soil preservation and water control.
Large areas are necessary for them to wander and hunt, guaranteeing their continuous survival.
BALANCING BIODIVERSITY - Tigers, as apex predators, regulate prey populations, ensuring balanced
biodiversity in ecosystems. They maintain balanced populations by preventing overgrazing and species
overpopulation, ensuring apex predators maintain balance in their ecosystems.
 IN THE FIELD OF MEDICINE - With significant medicinal characteristics in plant and animal species, the
different ecosystems of tiger habitats provide possibilities for medical research and bioprospecting, thereby
enhancing human health and wellbeing.
 REDUCING GREENHOUSE GASES - Tigers inhabit vast forested areas, acting as carbon sinks and
absorbing carbon dioxide. Protecting tiger habitats helps reduce greenhouse gas concentrations, combating
climate change.
Tigers in the HEART of INDIANS

The tiger holds a special place in the hearts of many nations, including India, where it is celebrated as the
national animal and a symbol of pride. This majestic creature plays a unique role in binding the country together
in several ways:

HISTORICAL & CULTURAL BINDINGS - Tigers have been deeply ingrained in India's culture and history,
depicted in art, folklore, and mythology. Their representation fosters a sense of shared heritage and national
pride, showcasing the nation's rich cultural heritage.
SYMBOL OF WILDLIFE CONSERVATION - Tiger's national status in India symbolizes wildlife conservation,
inspiring efforts to protect endangered species and conserve biodiversity. Its prominence in conservation
campaigns and awareness programs encourages conservation efforts.
LOGO SYMBOLIZING DIFFERENT MEANINGS - Tiger's image is prominently featured in sports teams'
logos, government agencies' emblems, and national institutions, symbolizing pride, unity, strength, power, and
In The CORE of Indian HERITAGE
For millennia, the woods and all living things have been central to Indian heritage and have been closely linked
to the nation's way of life, spirituality, and culture. Several factors may be used to observe this connection:

SUBSISTENCE - Indian tribes who are close to woods have a wealth of traditional knowledge about the
environment, including information on medicinal plants, animal behavior, and seasonal changes. This knowledge
is essential for conservation and sustainable resource management techniques.
TRADITIONALISM - Forests in India hold significant spiritual and cultural significance, as mentioned in
ancient texts like the Vedas and Upanishads. They serve as sacred groves and forested areas, revered and
protected for centuries, offering spiritual contemplation and divine connection.
ART, LITRATURE & CULTURE - Indian art, literature, and folk traditions often depict forests and wildlife as
essential elements, celebrating their beauty and diversity through cave paintings, dance forms, and folk songs.
CONSERVATION SINCE CENTURIES - India's conservation traditions, dating back to ancient times, have
shaped modern conservation efforts, including national parks, wildlife sanctuaries, and initiatives like Project
Tiger. These practices safeguard wildlife and provide a foundation for future conservation efforts.
Now, What has Happened to us?

As we discussed that since ancient

times our kings, queens, us have
been saving and conserving
wildlife so what about now? Did
we forget all those or we have
become a species lazy and selfish
who only thinks about itself? We
all are clearly aware of all the
Businesses and trading of these
tiger’s skin, meat, bones, etc but
still what do we do? Nothing, yes
we do absolutely nothing and its
pretty obvious that in the
upcoming years…tigers will only
be seen in pictures. And THAT’S

If Tigers have such an importance

in our culture, tradition, nature and
our hearts….then why do we still
allow all the hunting of tigers? I’m
sure none of us have an answer.

Its time to stand against tiger

hunting, especially WILDLIFE
hunting. So what are we waiting
for? Lets Encourage such
movements and projects like
make a better future for these
inarticulate animals, our nation,
nature and the whole world.
Tiger population among all these Years.

Tiger Population
1,00,000 (est.) 40,000 4,000 3,167

1900 1950 1980 2023

Although it has only gone down all these years but our government and projects like these are still
trying to increase the number.

It is slowly increasing as changes don’t happen in one night and we should all have hope that soon
we will have the same number of tigers we had around 100 – 200 years ago
Hope this presentation served
some info to you.

CREDITS: This presentation template was created by Slidesgo, including

icons by Flaticon, and infographics & images by Freepik

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