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Cleaning and fabricating

and preserving fin fish

Looking back

1. Name five market forms of fin fish

2. Name five market forms of shellfish

Trimming and scaling
Fins are removed followed by scraping the scales
from tail to head using the back of a knife or fish
Cleaning and Washing
Scrubbing fish under running water to
remove blood and scales of fish
Processing fish by slicing fish open from tail
section to belly area to remove internal organs
After the fish is cleaned,open the fish by turning the
fish flat on it's side and cutting along the belly to the
tail and slicing the fish horizontally to make a
butterflied fish. Snap the backbone of the fish below
the head and pull the spine carefully down to it's tail.
Using a tweezer,pull pin bones and avoid pressing the
fish too hard. After removing the bones,wash the fish
with salt,soak fish in brine solution and chill fish for
future processing.
This is done by laying fish on it's
side and using a flexible knife,slice
from the back of the gills,to the rib
cage, cut along the back bone,down
to the tail to remove the flesh from
the rest of the body. Further
removal of pin bones using
tweezers is done before skinning
the fish and prepared for cooking.
After the fish has been fillet, use a flexible knife to cut and score
the fish. Start from the tail section of the fish, score the skin off
and lift the flesh and hold the skin of the fish as you continue to
score the meat using the sawing motion. Flesh should peel away
from the skin. Trim of the remaining skin and remove flayed
meat for a clean finish.
Refers to cutting the fish to sizes and portions, this is
done to separate the highly sought after parts of fish
such as head and tail of bangus for soups, belly of
tanigue for fish steaks, and lean meat sides of tuna
for sashimi.
Brining (Combination of water and
base chemical such as salt and some
amounts of sugar) fish to slow the
growth of bacteria which will
compromise the quality of the fish.
Salting/bagoong by adding high
sodium chemicals and then fermented,
filtered and bottled as condiment.
traditionally done under the sun, or artificially using dehydrators
to reduce moisture content of the fish down to 10% to 15%.
Freezing fish and seafood are required to extend the shelf life of
the fish and reduce the risk of pathogen and parasite reproduction
by removing heat and bring temperature down to freezing point
1. Scrubbing fish under running water to remove blood
and scales of fish
a. Eviscerating
b. trimming and scaling
c. cleaning and washing

2. Refers to cutting the fish to sizes and portions,

a. Fabricating
b. Skinning
c. Filleting
3. What is Brining?
a. Combination of water and base chemical such as salt
and some amounts of sugar
b. made by two ingredients that don't easily mix together
c. causes a chemical reaction that produces a salt (sodium
acetate) and water, as well as carbon dioxide gas
4. Trimming and _______
5. _______ and washing
6. Processing fish by slicing fish open from tail section to
belly area to remove internal organs
a. Evaluating
b. Elevator
c. Eviscerating
7. In deboning the fish what kind of shape is it called?
A. Heart
B. Butterfly
C. Shell
D. Flower

8. In drying how much percentage does the process

reduce the moisture of the fish?
A. 5%-10%
B. 10%-20%
C. 10%-15%
D. 5%-20%

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