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The gate of the kiss by Constantin


By Irina Bagrin
The kissing gate is a stone sculpture, made by Constantin Brâncuși,
which was located in Târgu Jiu.
The work was placed in place in October 1937 and carved in the first
part of 1938, being completed on 20 September and inaugurated on
27 October 1938.
Symbolism behind the "Gate of the Kiss"
Love and Unity
The sculpture symbolizes love and unity, representing the profound
connection between individuals and cultures.
Cultural Identity
It serves as an emblem of cultural identity, encapsulating the spirit of the
Romanian people and their traditions.
Eternal Affection
Brâncuși's creation embodies the timeless theme of enduring affection
and emotional bonding.
Impact on Tourism

Cultural Destination
The "Gate of the Kiss" draws art enthusiasts,
historians, and tourists, contributing to the city's
cultural tourism appeal.

Economic Growth
It significantly boosts the local economy, leading to
the development of infrastructure and businesses
catering to visitors.

Global Recognition
The sculpture has garnered international attention,
placing Târgu Jiu on the global map of artistic and
historical significance.

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