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Competency Mapping for

Non-profit Leadership

For charity organizations to have a lasting social impact, effective leadership is

crucial. The "Competency Mapping for Non-profit Leadership" project aims to
identify the core skills necessary for successful leadership in this industry. Let's
explore the objectives and expected outcomes of this study.

Govind Nagar
Aakash Bhardwaj
Anjali Priya
Himanshi Goswami
Jeetu Verma
The Importance of Effective Leadership in
Non-profit Organizations

Positive social impact Organizational effectiveness

Effective leadership ensures that nonprofit The right leadership enables nonprofit
organizations make a lasting and meaningful organizations to operate efficiently and achieve
difference in society. their goals.

Professional growth
Collaborating with Non-profit Leaders
to Define Core Competencies

1 Initiating dialogue

Engaging in open conversations with executives of non-profit organizations to determine their

challenges and needs.

2 Identifying fundamental skills

Working with non-profit leaders to define the competencies that are essential for effective

3 Developing a competency framework

Using the insights and expertise of non-profit executives to create a comprehensive framework
for competency mapping.
Developing Leadership Development
Initiatives for Non-profit Professionals
Customized Training and Addressing unique
programs workshops challenges
We tailor leadership We provide non-profit We recognize the unique
development initiatives to professionals with the tools challenges faced by non-profit
address the specific and resources they need to professionals and strive to
competencies identified enhance their leadership skills make our leadership initiatives
through collaborative work and guide them on their relevant and impactful.
with non-profit executives. professional journey.
Monitoring the Impact of Programs on
Organizational Success
1 Program Implementation

We initiate leadership development initiatives for non-profit organizations.

2 Evaluation and Feedback

We design evaluation and feedback systems to track progress and assess efficacy.

3 Evaluating Program Impact

We conduct regular evaluations of the impact of competency-based leadership development

on organizational performance, mission fulfillment, and overall success.
Expected Outcomes of the Project
Clearly defined competencies Customized programs
We intend to create leadership development
This project aims to identify the core
initiatives that are tailored to the identified
competencies required for non-profit
competencies, which will contribute to the
leadership, which will be valuable to nonprofit
professional growth of non-profit professionals.
organizations and their leaders.

On-going observation and evaluation Improved leadership capacities

This project will create processes for Our ultimate goal is to equip non-profit
monitoring and evaluating the impact of professionals with the skills and knowledge
competency-based leadership development on they need to lead with confidence and make a
non-profit organizations and identify best positive social impact.
practices for the industry.
The Bottom Line

The right leadership makes all the A professional approach is necessary

By identifying and developing the necessary
Effective leadership is critical to the success of non- competencies for non-profit leadership, this project
profit organizations in achieving their missions and will help professionals grow and contribute to the
making a significant social impact. betterment of society.
Our Commitment to Non-profits
We are determined to... Provide non-profit organizations with the tools
and resources they need to thrive.

We aim to... Create customized leadership development

initiatives that take into account the unique
challenges and requirements of non-profit
professionals and organizations.

We believe that... Through collaboration, we can identify and

develop the core competencies that are essential
for effective non-profit leadership, which will
make a lasting social impact.

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