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Creating new course in moodle:Creating an online
course in Moodle involves several steps.

Step 1:Accessing Moodle:

1. Log in:
* Log in to your Moodle account using your

2. Access Dashboard:
* After logging in,you will land on the
dashboard.Locate and select the course
category where you want to create the
new course.
Step 2:Creating a New Course:
3. Navigate to courses:
* In the left sidebar or main menu,find and
click on “courses.”
4. Create a New Course:
* Look for an option to create a new
course.this might be labeled as “Create a
new course” or something similar.
5. Fill in Course Details:
* Enter essential details for you course,
including the course name,category,and a
brief might also set the
enrollment method,format,and visibility
Step 3: Configuring Course Settings:

6. Configure Course Format:

* Choose a course format
(weekly,topics,social,etc.)based on how
you want to organize your course
7. Set Course Start Date:
* Define the start date of your
course,indicating when learners will gain
access to the materials.
8. Manage Enrollments:
* Determine how learners will be enrolled.
Option may include self-enrollment,
Manual enrollment,or enrollment key.
Step 4: Adding Content:
9: Navigate to course Content:
* Enter your newly created course.
You’ll find tabs or sections for
various course elements.
10: Add Topics/sections:
* Moodle often organizes content into
topics or sections.Add these and
name them according to your
course structure.
11.Upload Resources:
* Within each section, add resources such as
files,document,videos,or external links.
Moodle supports various resources types.

12.Create Activities:
* Incorporate interactive elements by
adding activities like quizzes, assignments,
forums,and surveys.these engage learners
and assess their understanding.
Step 5: Customize Appearance:
13: Customize Appearance:
* Explore option to customize the
appearance of your course. This might
include adding a course image,
specifying display options, and
adjusting the course layout.
Step 6: Enabling Completion Tracking:
14: Enable Completion Tracking:
* If desired,set up completion tracking
for activities and resources.this allows you
to monitor learners’ progress
through the course.
Step 7: Save and Preview:
15: Save Changes:
* After configuring your course,ensure
to save your changes.
16: Preview Course:
* Before making the course available to
learners, preview it to ensure
everything looks and functions as
Step 8: Making Course Available:
17: Set Course availability:
* Once satisfied with your course setup,
set it to “available” or “visible” to allow
learners to access it.
Step 9: Announcements and Communication:
18: Use Announcements:
* Utilize the announcements feature
to communicate important updates,
changes,or information to
your learners.
Step 10: Continuous Monitoring and Updating:
19: Monitor Learners Progress:
* Regularly check learner progress,
participation, and
engagement. Use analytics And
reports available in moodle.
20: Update Content:
* Update course content as needed
based on feedback, changes
in cuuriculum, or Updates in
the field.

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