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PET Speaking

PracticeB1 Trainer Book

Part 1 Quick Partner Practice Monday, May 15, 2023
Grammar: Present Perfect or Past Simple
Present Perfect or Past Simple

1. You should take an umbrella with you. It started/ has started to rain.
2. It started/ has started to rain so I decided to stay inside.
3. Anna finished/ has finished her homework and then went out with her friends.
4. I finished/ have finished my homework. Can I see what’s on TV?
5. My father lived/ has lived in the same house until the day he died.
6. I lived/ have lived in this town for the past three years.
When to Use

We use past simple when we describe something that happened at a finished time such as
‘yesterday’, ‘last week’, or ‘this morning’.

We use present perfect to describe something that may have happened in the past but is
connected to the present. This might be because we are talking about an unfinished time
such as ‘today’, ‘this week’, or ‘this year’.
Let’s watch and review Part 2 of Roberto and Simone
Let’s practice!
Useful Phrases
Now you try!
Let’s watch Part 3 of Roberto and Simone
How to Approach Part 3

1. Concentrate on taking part fully using interactive strategies with partner.

2. Respond to each other’s ideas, give opinions on partner’s ideas and ask questions
3. Discuss all visual prompts and don’t end discussion too quickly
4. Don’t worry if interlocutor stops you before you have finished.
Part 3
Let’s watch Part 4 of Roberto and Simone
How to Approach Part 4

1. Listen carefully to questions

2. Talk about personal experiences, likes and dislikes, and share opinions
3. Give full answers and always say why. No minimal responses.
4. There are no right or wrong answers, just your opinions.

Task 1: Make a video to describe the picture on page C1 (located in the back of the book.)
Follow the steps and what we have learned in part 2 and record your video.

Task 2: Write a conversation between two people for part 4. Use the phrases and strategies
we have learned to create a written dialogue.
Task 1 photo

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