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Calcarea carbonica

 Names:calcarea ostearum,carbonica
 calcium carbonate [CA CO3]
 Middle layer of oyster shell
 This great HAHNEMANNIAN antipsoric (functional distarbance
માટે ની સારા માં સારી med) is a wonderful constitutional remedy par
 Dr.mrs.Tyler remarks about calcarea that-
"with the chalky complexion goes-
(ગોરા હોય પણ સાચવણી વિના નો ...)
fatness without fitness,
swaeting without heat,
bones without strengh,
tissue of plus quantity and
minus quality
mere flabby,bulky with weakness
and weariness"
 The main seat of action of calacarea carb are bones,
glands, blood, skin, mind and ,female genital organs.
Calcarea carb produce..
 Imprament in nutrition of various oragans,
Particularly in bones .(હાડકાં ના પોષણ માં ક્ષતિ )
 Altresion in composition of blood with chief action of skin
and bones,(લોહી ની રચના માં ફે રફાર )
 Local or genral perspiration (પરસેવો)
 Swelling of glands,(ગ્રંથિઓનો સોજો )
 Softening and bending bones (હાડકાં નરમ અને વાંકા)
 Polypi and exostoses.
 Calcarea carb is adapted to
“LEUCOPHLEGMATIC”(BODY માં liquid વધારે પ્રમાણ માં જોવા મડે )
 Make up of the body:
• It is suited to fair,fatty,and flabby (વધારે પ્રમાણ માં ગોરું અને ચરબી
ધરાવતું )patient who becomes easily fatigued (જલ્દી થાકી જાય )
• And tired on walking,with much sweating(પરસેવો),cold
extremities and sour smell of the body.(ઠંડા હાથ પગ અને અને તેમના
શરીર થી ખાટી દુર્ગંધ).
• There is TENDENCY TO OBESITY (જેટલી વધારે ખાવાની ક્ષમતા એનાથી પણ
વધારે માત્ર માં શરીર વધે )in youth,slow in movement.
*Children who grow fat.chalky(ગોરોચટ્ટો) look with
Red face,large belly like an interverted saucer
(ઊંધી રકાબી જેવુ મોટું પેટ)with large head open
FONTANELLS AND SUTURES(મોટા માથા સાથે તેમાં ખાડા)
Flabby muscles,pale skin(ફિક્કી ત્વચા)soft bones. Who sweat
easily,Specially on backside of the head and neck and
swollen glands.
 Girls who are fleshy,plethoric and grow too rapidly.
(જે છોકરીઓ માંસલ,રુધિરપરિવહન વધારે પ્રમાણ માં અને ઝડપ થી વૃદ્ધિ પામે)|
 Relation with heat & cold:chilly patient,disposed to catch
Cold very easily.
… &

It is one of the greatest antipsoric and
antisycotie remedies.
Antisycotie:( over groth of disease condition)
Scrofulous,rachitic,and tubercular diathesis.
Guiding symptoms:
~The patient has great sensitivness to take cold ;gets
Frequent coryza(શરદી)which is chronic in nature(લાંબા સમય
શરદી ની તકલીફ )and psoric in origin; cannot tolerate
cold(એ શરદી ને સહન કરી શકતો નથી)
~disposed to grow fat, corpulent and uniwieldy.
(જાડા થવાની સંભાવાના વધારે અને fat and difficult to move )

~sweat : swaet of carb. Is very characteristic. Head

sweats profusely(માથા માં વધારે પ્રમાણ માં પરસેવો જોવા મળે),
while sleeping wetting the pillow far around.
profuse(વધારે પ્રમાણ માં)perspiration mostly on back of
head & neck or chest &upper part of the body.
- sweat of single part,head,scalp(માથા નો ઉપર નો ભાગ),nape of
chest,axillae(under arms),sexual
Knees,feet,sole,etc.with coldness.the sweat is sour
Smelling.rawness of soles of feet from perspiration
(પરસેવા ના કારણે પગ ના તડીયા ફોગાઈ જવા)blister and offensive

foot sweat.(ફોલ્લા પડે લા અને ખરાબ ગંધ વાડો પરસેવો)

~coldness in general and the single
part;head,stomach,abdomen,feet and legs
habitually cold and damp(ભેજવાડું),as if they had
Cold damp stocking on;continuously damp air;the
patient has great liability( easy to catch cold) to
take cold.
~feels better in every way when constipated,stool
has to be removed mechanically.
~calcarea is an excellent remedy for polypi
(overgrowth of mucous membrane) and exostosis
(over growth of bones).

~the patient desire and likes to be magnetised.
~all discharges smell sour e.g.
Sweat,eructation(ઓડકાર) ,sour odour of the whole
~longing(ઈચ્છા)for eggs especially during either
sickness or convalescence(recovery time);craves
undigestible things;has aversion(unlike)to
meat;great longing for fresh air which
inspires,benefits and strenghens.
 Mind :
-There is a great apprehension( fear,anxiety );
which becomes worse towards evening.(કે જે રાત ના
સમયે ખુબજ ડર લાગે) . Fear of darkness,loss of
reason,misfortune(કઈક ખરાબ થવાનો
ડર),contagious(ચેપી), and chronic (લાંબા સમય સુધી
થતાં )disease.fear that she will lose her reason or
that people will observe her mental
confusion.very forgetful,confused and low
spirited.restlessness of mind and gloomy
mood.great desire to be magnetised.the least
mental excitement cause profuse return of
menstrual flow.
Main Particulars:
 menses: it is suited to ladies whose first
menstruation commenced at an early age.
 Time: too early
 Quantity: too profuse
 Duration:too long lasting with subsequent
amenorrhoea (એક વખત આવે બીજી વાર ના આવે )
 Character of blood: bright red blood
 Modality:least mental excitement causes
profuse return of menstrual flow.
 Bone symptoms :the bone symptoms of
cal.carb are very striking and prominent .(તરત
ખબર પડે એવા symptoms). This symptoms are mostly
BONES are –
- soft and weak
-develop slowly
- unable to hold the weight of bulky,flabby
- delayed dentition in children.
-calcium and phosphorus are deficient in

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