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Definition, Nature and Need of

Forensic Science

By: Hifajatali Sayyed

• Crime is a concept which evolved with the civilization.

• Societal norms were set for identifying the do’s and don'ts for the people,
if they were to live together.
• The aim was to recognize the people who do not follow the norms and
penalize them and isolate them from the mainstream and therefore keep the
society clean.
• This gave birth to the processes of discovery and investigation of crime
and administration of criminal justice, which in order, led to the
establishment of institution for investigation and trial.
• Initially, the criminal justice system was profoundly dependent on the
testimony of eyewitness to the crime. The dependence on “eyewitness”
did not prove to be effective, as they were found to turn hostile, many a
time due to threat to life or lure of money, hence it lacked reliability.
• The crime investigators then resorted to “third degree methods” for
examination of the suspect to reveal the truth , which, due to the cultural
change and values accepted generally, were considered cruel, as many
innocent people also suffered and sometimes inadvertently.
• In the meantime, lot of scientific research and development took place,
and it was then visualized that the modern scientific techniques could
provide quick solution to a majority of problem of human being in crime
investigation , and therefore, “forensic science” evolved.
• The word “forensic” is derived form Latin word ‘forensis’ which means
“relating to court of law”, discussion or debate in public related to laws.
• Forensic Science can be defined as the science which deals with the
principles and practice of different branches of science which explains
doubtful questions in court of justice.
• It can also be defined as the scientific discipline which helps the criminal
justice system by analyzing the crime articles in identification,
individualization and evaluation of the physical clue materials using
the principles and methods of all natural sciences.
• Forensic Science includes all branches of science and applies them to the
purposes of law.
• It includes various scientific disciplines like chemistry, medicines,
surgery, biology, physics and mathematics.
• In past few decades it has developed not only its own techniques but also
its own branches such as fingerprints, document examination, forensic
ballistics which belongs to forensic alone.
• The most significant development of the twentieth century has been DNA
profiling for identification of human being.
 There are two characteristics of Forensic Science.

1. It is Multi-Professional:
• For proper functioning of forensic science, the forensic scientist has to
depend upon the investigating officer on one hand, and on the
presenting counsel and the judge on the other hand, for its effective
utilization in the dissemination of justice.
• If the investigating officer does not know how to collect the evidence,
how to preserve them, how to pack them, then even the best of the
expertise and the best of the instrumentation with the scientist would not
help. The investigating officer has to be a specialist in handling the
 There are two characteristics of Forensic Science.

1. It is Multi-Professional:
• Likewise, the counsel and the judge have to know the science broadly so
that they can co-relate the scientific evidence with the rest of the
• Public has also to know the importance of science and of the evidence
so that they do not disturb, destroy or contaminate the evidence at the
scene or elsewhere and can demand application of forensic science from
the authorities if they failed to do so.
 There are two characteristics of Forensic Science.

2. It is Multi-Disciplinary:
• Forensic Science is an all-inclusive science call for comprehensive
forensic science laboratories which should have experts in all
discipline, equipment for all branches and other required utilities.
• It becomes too costly.

• Assistance for the specialties are rarely utilized which is obtained from
higher learning and research where such facilities are available.
Need of Forensic Science
• The present scenario of crime investigation and prosecution of criminals
in India is not as much effective as it required to be.
• A large percentage of the trials, in heinous crimes, ultimately, end in
• Because of such acquittals not only the criminal goes scot-free in the
society but the worse consequence of the frequent acquittals is that the
citizen loses respect for law.
• So there is an urgent need for application of forensic science in the
dissemination of justice .
Need of Forensic Science
• The following factors are responsible for application of forensic science.

 Social Change: India has changed from colonial subject nation to a

democratic republic.
• Sizeable industries has been established.

• The transport facilities and means of communication have been

revolutionized. The criminal may commit crime and in two hours may be
hide himself somewhere in any corner of the metropolitan city.
• These changes have made the old techniques of criminal investigation
Need of Forensic Science
• The following factors are responsible for application of forensic science.

 Anonymity: The quick means of transport and the high density of

population in cities have facilitated the criminal to escape from immediate
arrest after the commission of crime.
• The individual is becoming self-centered. He, especially in cities, does not
know even his next-door neighbor.
• Thus even if the neighbours are killed, the murders come to light only
when the body emits foul smell.
• In the meanwhile the accused leave the scene of crime and the eveidence is
also diminished.
Need of Forensic Science
• The following factors are responsible for application of forensic science.

 Technical Knowledge: The technical knowledge of an average man has

increased tremendously in recent years. The criminal is using this
technical knowledge and the crime technique is getting refined.
• The investigating officer, therefore, needs scientific methods to combat the
modern scientific criminal.
• Eg: the night vision appliances were being used by the terrorists in Punjab.
Here the security forces could meet the challenges only when they also
employ night vision devices to fight them.
Need of Forensic Science
• The following factors are responsible for application of forensic science.

 Wide Field: The field of operation of the criminal is widening at a terrific

rate. Previously, the criminals were local, now we find that criminal from
other countries are involved in many crimes.
• Eg: Smuggling, drug trafficking, money laundering, financial frauds,
forgeries, international terrorism and cyber crimes.
Need of Forensic Science
• The following factors are responsible for application of forensic science.

 Better Evidence: Forensic Science evaluates physical evidence which is

• If a fingerprint is found at the crime scene, it can belong to only one
person. If this person happens to be the suspect, he must account for its
presence at the scene.
• Similarly, if a bullet is recovered from a dead body, it can be linked to a
firearm. And if this firearm happens to be that of the accused, he must
account for its involvement in the crime.
Need of Forensic Science
• So, Forensic Science has become indispensable in the dissemination of
true justice because of the failure of the old order.
• Forensic science provides reliable results by its tools and techniques and
ever availability of its assistance.
• Forensic science must be promoted and utilized on a much larger
scale, only then it can serve the society effectively.
Scope of Forensic Science
• Forensic Science provides answers to questions like:
• Has a crime been committed?
• How and when was the crime committed?
• Who committed the crime?
• Who is the victim?
• Other functions:
• Provides leads to the investigation
• Whether the scene is fake or real
• Locates hidden clues
• Sequence of events

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