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Line graph intensive

Dec 2023
Line 1: The line graph shows exports of rubber ducks from 2013 and 2017
• The line graph compares rubber duck export of three different regions and
indicates how it changed between 2013 and 2017. Overall, the export volume
from EU and the UK was on a significant increase whereas the figure for USA
experienced a reverse.
• As can be seen from the graphic illustration, in 2013 EU’s export came out first
with about 30 units per thousand while that of UK and USA was only 20 units
and 10 units respectively. A year later, although rubber duck export from both
EU and USA increased slightly, there was a negligible decline in the quantity
sold from the UK. From that time on, it is crystal clear that EU’s export dropped
for a brief period of a year and then recovered, reaching as many as 40 units by
2017. Simultaneously, the export from the UK kept going up and got to the
joint highest level of 40 units with EU.
• Turning to USA, it can be observed that its export always bottomed out. From
the initial amount of 10 units, the figure for the USA obtained a 5 unit increase,
plateaued for a long period of 2 years before dropping sharply to a mere 1 or 2
units, the lowest ever recorded quantity by the end of the period shown.

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