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- imperfect (adj): không hoàn hảo
- method (n): phương pháp
- human beings (n): con người
- to examine: kiểm tra
- each other: lẫn nhau
- in this way: theo cách này
- to vote: bỏ phiếu bầu chọn
- to apply: áp dụng
Interviews are an imperfect method of (1)
………………. the best people for jobs, yet,
human beings like to examine each other
in this way.
A. bringing
B. voting
C. applying
D. choosing
Answer: D
CLOZE TEST 4 Q.2 & 3
- main (adj): quan trọng; chính yếu
- as = because: bởi vì
- form (n): hình thức
- to fill in: điền vào
- to fail: thất bại; không (ntb)
CLOZE TEST 4 Q.2 & 3
One of the main problems of this (2) ……..
…….…. as it is commonly practiced is that
the forms filled in by (3) ……….……….. often
failed to show people what they really are.

A. offer: lời đề nghị A. senders

B. choice B. writers
C. selection: sự C. applicants
tuyển chọn D. assistants: người
D. chance: cơ hội trợ giúp; trợ lý
CLOZE TEST 4 Q.4 & 5
This means that you can (4) ……………… all
the best advice when completing your form
and still find that you are (5) ……………..……..
at the next stage of the interview.
- stage (n): giai đoạn

A. follow A. lost
B. do B. careless
C. fill C. unsuccessful
D. complete = fill in D. successful
CLOZE TEST 4 Q.6 & 7
- similarly (adv): tương tự
- race (n): cuộc đua
- inadequate (adj): không đầy đủ
- human (n) = person = man: con người
CLOZE TEST 4 Q.6 & 7
Similarly, in the race cases where
interviews are automatic, a (6) ………….…..
with an inadequate form may (7) do
…………… surprisingly well.

A. human A. make
B. person B. do
C. man C. gain: đạt được
D. candidate D. complete
CLOZE TEST 4 Q.8 & 9
Of course, your form needs to show that
confidence in your ability to
you have (8) ……………………
do the job, but don’t try to turn yourself
into someone else a person you have to (9)
pretend to be at the interview.
A. interest (in): sự quan
tâm / thích thú A. manage
B. importance (of) B. pretend: giả vờ
C. attention (to): sự chú ý C. prepare
D. confidence (in): sự tự tin D. want
Realism and honesty are definitely the
best approach
(10) ……………….
- realism (n): tính thực tế
- honesty (n): sự chân thật
- definitely (adv): chắc chắn; nhất định
A. street
B. road
C. path: con đường
D. approach: phương pháp; phương cách

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