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Hebrews 11:5
Hebrews 11:5

By faith Enoch was translated that

he should not see death; and was
not found, because God had
translated him: for before his
translation he had this testimony,
that he pleased God.

Hebrews 11:5
FAITH’S STEPS Hebrews 11:5

• In the “death chapter” of the Bible,
Genesis 5, we read of this man Enoch.
• We read of him again in the book of Jude,
verses 14-15.
• The only other place we read of him is in
Hebrews 11:5, which makes only a further
explanation of the account in Genesis 5.
• Here is a synopsis of the life of probably
the first preacher and prophet of Bible
FAITH’S STEPS Hebrews 11:5

• Much is left out of his life story, but

Terry Hamilton, from Lighthouse Legal
Ministry, tried to imagine what Enoch’s
day was like and wrote a series of
novels, starting with Enoch.
• Even though we don’t read much about
Enoch in the Bible, what we do read are
key statements that deal with the kind of
faith that pleases God: Enoch believed
that He is.
FAITH’S STEPS Hebrews 11:5

• Enoch believed so much that God was a

rewarder of those who diligently seek
Him that God honored that seeking by
rapturing him to heaven, and many
scholars believe he will be one of the
two witnesses in the tribulation period.
• Let us look at the life of Enoch, then,
from that approach.
FAITH’S STEPS Hebrews 11:5

I. Enoch’s Methuselah
a. He was 65 years old when he fathered
this son.
b. The meaning of the name related to
Enoch’s message.
c. He may not have begun his walk with
God until Methuselah was born.
FAITH’S STEPS Hebrews 11:5

II. Enoch’s message (Jude 14-15)

a. It was prophetic.
b. It points to the SECOND coming
of Christ.
c. It speaks of the final judgment of
Rev 19.
FAITH’S STEPS Hebrews 11:5

III. Enoch’s miracle

a. It came totally by faith.
b. He was not found—perhaps the
same type of search party for him
was conducted that went out
looking for Elijah.
c. He had a testimony that he
pleased God.
FAITH’S STEPS Hebrews 11:5

• A story is told of a little girl who was asked in
her Sunday School class one day to tell the story
of Enoch. “Well, God and Enoch took walks
together every day. Each day, they walked a
little farther. One day, God said, ‘Enoch, you
are closer to My house than you are to yours;
how about coming home with Me?’”
• I like that explanation. And really, even if God
does not reward us by our not seeing death and
being part of the rapture, our goal should be as
Enoch’s was—to walk close to God every day.

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