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Reynald R. Taguibe
John Edrian Tuscano Perez
Dan Leo
Benlans Galacite Mateo
Hernandez Romuel
Ariel acosta
jhohn kheiyeth caoili

Definition of Terminologies

Security Hazard

Types of Hazard

Person Internal Hazard

Pilferage and other Security Hazard

Factors Considered Pilferage

Espionage as Security Hazard

Subversive activity as security Hazard


Security risk refers to the possibility of harm or loss arising from a threat exploiting vulnerabilities in a system, while
security hazard refers to any condition that has the potential to cause harm or damage. In other words, security risks are
specific threats that can lead to negative consequences, while security hazards are broader conditions that may create
opportunities for these risks .

Overall, understanding both types of threats - risks and hazards - is important for maintaining safety and protecting
against potential harm.
Definition of Terminologies
A security threat pertains to any circumstance or incident that has the potential to cause harm
to an individual, entity, or system.
On the other hand, a security hazard refers to something that poses an immediate threat or
danger. This could be anything from a fire alarm going off to a hacker gaining unauthorized
access to sensitive information.

In summary, while both terms relate to potential threats to safety and security, a security risk
is more general and long-term while a security hazard requires immediate attention.
Security Hazard
A security hazard pertains to any
circumstance or state that could
potentially jeopardize the well-being
and safeguarding of individuals,
assets, or data. In essence, it
encompasses anything that may pose
a risk or peril.
Types of Hazard
Which includes things like sharp objects, electrical wires, or heavy machinery. These can cause injuries
such as cuts, burns, or fractures.

Risk of harm from exposure to harmful substances like cleaning products, pesticides, and industrial

They involve exposure to living organisms that can cause diseases or infections. This includes bacteria and
viruses found in food, water, animals and other sources.

These phenomena encompass natural calamities such as floods, earthquakes, and the like. They also involve
extreme temperatures (both hot and cold) as well as radiation emitted by the sun.
Person Internal Hazard

A personal internal hazard refers to risks or dangers within an individual’s work environment that can
adversely affect their physical, mental, or emotional well-being
Pilferage and other security hazard

it means there are risks of theft and other dangers that could compromise safety or
security. This can happen anywhere - in your home, workplace, public places like
parks or malls.

In summary, pilferage and other security hazards refer to the risk of theft and
potential dangers that threaten safety and security. It is important to be aware of
these risks so we can take precautions to protect ourselves from them.
Factors Considered Pilferage
Pilferage refers to the act of stealing items of little value. While each individual instance may seem insignificant, the
c u m u l a t i v e e ff e c t o f p i l f e r a g e c a n r e s u l t i n s u b s t a n t i a l l o s s e s f o r a b u s i n e s s e s t a b l i s h m e n t .
w h e n c o n s i d e r i n g p i l f e r a g e a n d h o w t o p r e v e n t i t f r o m h a p p e n i n g w i t h i n a n o rg a n i z a t i o n , i t ' s i m p o r t a n t t o t a k e i n t o
a c c o u n t a l l o f t h e s e d i ff e r e n t f a c t o r s a n d w o r k t o w a r d s a d d r e s s i n g a n y w e a k n e s s e s o r v u l n e r a b i l i t i e s t h a t m a y e x i s t . T h i s
can involve implementing new security measures, improving training programs for employees, and fostering a positive
workplace culture where everyone feels invested in preventing theft .
Espionage as Security Hazard

Espionage refers to the clandestine collection of information or intelligence by individuals or

organizations. It involves obtaining sensitive or classified data without proper authorization.

It refers to the danger posed by spying activities towards a person or organization's security. Espionage is
when someone obtains confidential information without permission, and this can be done for various
reasons such as personal gain or to harm others.
Subversive activity as security Hazard

• Subversive activity refers to actions or behaviors aimed at undermining or destabilizing

established institutions, norms, or practices within a society or organization.

• These activities are often carried out secretly and may involve attempts to change the
existing order, challenge authority, or promote alternative ideologies.

Overall, the idea behind this text is that subversive activity can be dangerous because it goes
against established norms and rules, which can lead to conflict and instability. By
recognizing these risks early on, steps can be taken to prevent them from causing harm.

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