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University of Sulaymaniyah

College of Engineering
Architectural Department

Advance research methodology

Research goal

Prepared by : khuncha Salam Qadir Supervised by :dr. wrya sabir

research goal

The research goal is the broad, overarching statement that defines the primary
aim or intention of the research. It encapsulates the general purpose of the study.
It outlines the ultimate outcome or what the researcher hopes to achieve with the
research but does not specify the precise steps or methods to achieve it.It's more
general and sets the direction without delving into specific details.
Research goals set the
stage for the entire
research process and
guide the formulation of
research questions,
methodology, and data
How to State the goal(s) for the research

 Goals need to be specific enough so you’ll know when you’ve reached an answer,
practical in that you could answer them within the scope of a study, and actionable in that
you could act on your findings once you’ve completed your research study.

 The goal is the central question that has to be answered by the research findings.

 Always start goals using a verb such as identify, understand, learn, gauge, etc.

 Limit the number of goals you define per project. Try to learn one or two things very well.
This will help you connect your research to a design outcome and emerge with a clear
understanding of one aspect of user behavior.
Usually, the research question or issue statement serves as the foundation for developing research
goals. They give the researcher a road map for the investigation, assisting with experiment
design, data collection, result analysis, and conclusion formulation. Research objectives must to
be reasonable, attainable, and pertinent to the study's overarching purpose.
Key characteristics of a research goal include:

Clarity: It should be clear and specific, defining the main purpose of the research.

Focus: It should be narrow enough to be achievable within the scope of the study.
Relevance: It should address a significant gap in knowledge or contribute to the existing body of
knowledge in the field.

Measurability: Ideally, it should be something that can be measured, observed, or analyzed

through the research process.

Timely or time-bound means you target a specific date to finish whatever you have started. Setting
a deadline gives you the urgency to finish your research project. As Parkinson’s Law says it: “Work
expands to fill the time allotted for its completion.

Attainable, as the word connotes, tells you that you should not have more than you can chew.
Write your specific objective in a way that you can achieve, perhaps with little hitches, whatever
you planned to do. Can you do it with the limited resources that you have? Or, do you have the
capability to do so? If your answer is yes, then by all means, go ahead.
Key characteristics of a research goal include:

Realistic: It should be attainable within the resources and time frame available for the research.
For instance, a research goal could be to "Investigate the effects of climate change on marine biodiversity in a
specific coastal region." This goal sets the stage for the research by clearly stating the focus (climate change
impact), the subject (marine biodiversity), and the context (a specific coastal region).Research goals are often
followed by specific research objectives or questions that help break down the overarching goal into smaller,
manageable components that guide the research process in more detail. These objectives or questions align with
the main goal and help researchers achieve the overall aim of the study.
Usually, the research question or issue statement serves as the foundation for
developing research goals. They give the researcher a road map for the
investigation, assisting with experiment design, data collection, result
analysis, and conclusion formulation. Research objectives must to be
reasonable, attainable, and pertinent to the study's overarching purpose.

 To explore the relationship between X and Y variables.

 To identify factors influencing a specific phenomenon.

 To develop a new method or technique for solving a particular problem.

 To compare the effectiveness of two or more interventions.

 To understand the underlying mechanisms of a biological process.

examples of research goal

Human-Centered Urban Spaces:

Research Goal: Explore the impact of architectural design on the well-being and social interactions of
urban dwellers. Investigate how the built environment can be optimized to create inclusive, accessible,
and aesthetically pleasing public spaces that foster community engagement.

Adaptive Reuse of Historic Structures:

Research Goal: Examine strategies for the adaptive reuse of historic buildings, considering both the
preservation of cultural heritage and the integration of contemporary functionalities. Evaluate the
challenges and opportunities associated with repurposing old structures for modern use.

Cultural Heritage Preservation in Contemporary Architecture:

Research Goal: Investigate methodologies and best practices for preserving cultural heritage in
contemporary architectural projects. Explore the challenges and opportunities associated with integrating
historical elements into new constructions, considering both the aesthetic and functional aspects of
cultural preservation.
‫المعايير األساسية لتطوير برامج التعليم المعماري‬
‫هدف البحث ‪ :‬تحديد العوامل المؤثرة في تطوير برامج التعليم المعماري وأقتراح التغيير االلزم إلجراء عملية التطوير بما يتالئم مع التطورات‬
‫الحديثة وأزدياد القاعدة المعلوماتيه من جهة وحاجة السوق المحلية اللختصاصات الدقيقة من جهة أخرى ومعايير األعتمادية‬
‫‪.‬العالمية من جهة ثالثة‬

‫آليات تحقيق الوحدة الشكلية في العمارة اإلسالمية‬

‫» دراسة تحليلية للواجهات الداخلية«‬
‫هدف البحث‪ :‬الكشف عن وجود آليات نتجت عنها الوحدة الشكلية في الواجهات الداخلية ألبنية العمارة‬
‫‪.‬اإلسامية؛ ولتحري ذلك تم تقسيم البحث إلى ثالثة محاور‬

‫المفاهیم في العمارة بین النظریة والتطبیق‬

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‫تحدید طبیعة ومستویات المفاهیم على صعید الجوانب النظریة والتطبیقیة للعمارة‬

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