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IELTS Speaking

 From a middle class family , I was born in
, on . My father is a civil official at
government. My mother is a house wife good at
cooking. Although I am the only child of my
parents , I am by no means a spoiled one. On
the contrary , I have been expected to be a
successful man with advanced education. I
study hard at school. Besides texts
knowledge , journalism is my favorite;
whenever reading , my heart is filled with
great joy and interesting.
 After completing my military service, I have been looking
for a challenging goal for me to achieve. And I found that
the Intermediate of General English Proficiency Test fits
my new achievement properly. I graduated from Taipei
Commercial Junior College, majored in business
administration. Instead of spending much time in playing,
I devoted myself to my studies and paid attention to all
meaningful things happened in daily life. By the way, I
learned a lot from Mr. Wang, the professor of my business
class. He is my good friend till now and often gives some
appropriate suggestions toward my problem confusion.
 Describe your favorite season or time of the year.

What season (or time of the year) it is

What the weather is like at this time
What you usually do at this time
Why you enjoy that season or time of
the year

 在回答这个问题时,除了上面介绍的各个季
 例如 , A typical Chinese winter would
around __ months between ___ and ____ .
The reason I’ve chosen winter as my
favorite season is because I like ______.

 谈到春天,大家想到的是一幅万物复苏,花
开草绿的美丽景色,那怎么用英语来表达呢 ?
 万物复苏 - everything comes back to life
 花开草绿 - flowers are blooming and trees
turn green, the scenery is very spectacular
 春日里温暖的阳光 : It’s warm enough to sit
outside in the sunshine.
 谈到夏天,大家首先想到的是热 - hot 。除了
hot 之外我们可以用 unbearable hot,
scorching ( 灼热的 ) 来表达难以形容之热。
 夏天可以不用像冬天一样穿一层层的衣服
(layers of clothes), 可以穿一些简单的
shorts and T-shirt
 户外活动 – there are more things to do in
summer, such as going to beach,
amusement parks, have barbecue parties.
It’s so energetic and vibrant.
 秋天给人的印象是美丽的落叶。 In autumn, the
leaves fall off the trees/the leaves begin to
change color, transforming landscape into an
array of autumn colors
 另外谈到秋天我们还想到的是秋高气爽的天气 -
the sky is crystal clear
 收获的季节 -Autumn is also the season of
 既不太热也不太冷,气温很适宜,让人感到很舒
服 It’s neither too hot nor too cold. The
temperature is mild and pleasant, making
people feel comfortable”.
 很多同学喜欢冬天的原因是因为冬天有美丽
的雪景 It often snows; we have periods of
quite heavy snowball. Last winter I
remember looking out of the window one
morning and seeing everything covered in a
layer of white.
 冬天天气很冷 (freezing cold), 天气经常在
零度以下 During those really wintry
months, the temperature drops below zero.

 外很多重要的节日在冬季,例如 Christmas,

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