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Parts of an essay
• Introduction
• Thesis statement (this is not a topic, but your argument)
• Shows what we will talk about
• Presents the authors stance

• Body
• Thesis sentence
• Info to back up that sentence
• Transition sentence
• Conclusion
• The solidification of your opinion
• No new information should be given here
When writing…
Do Do Not

• Use a formal tone • Use slang

• Speak in the 3rd person • Use idioms
• use linking phrases • Use coloquialism
• Use complex sentence sturctures • Use contractions
• Use personal language
• Change the verb tense
• Chocolate is a beloved treat enjoyed by people worldwide. Its rich and indulgent flavor has made it a
favorite in various forms, from bars and truffles to hot cocoa. While often considered a guilty pleasure,
chocolate can also offer numerous benefits that contribute to its status as a good food choice. Let's
explore the positive aspects, acknowledging both the advantages and potential drawbacks.
First body paragraph
• One of the primary advantages of chocolate is its ability to uplift mood. Chocolate contains compounds
that stimulate the production of endorphins, the "feel-good" hormones in the brain. Additionally, it
contains a small amount of caffeine, providing a mild energy boost. Dark chocolate, in particular, is rich
in antioxidants, which are known for their potential health benefits, including improving heart health.
Moreover, chocolate can be a source of essential minerals such as iron, magnesium, and copper,
contributing to a balanced diet. However, there are also some negatives when it comes to chocolate that
should be explored.
Second body paragraph
• While chocolate has its merits, it's essential to be mindful of its potential downsides. One concern is its
calorie content, which can lead to weight gain if consumed excessively. Some chocolate products also
contain added sugars, which may contribute to health issues like diabetes if consumed in large
quantities. Additionally, individuals with allergies or sensitivities to ingredients like milk or nuts need to
be cautious, as many chocolate products may contain these allergens. Moderation and awareness of
these factors are crucial for reaping the benefits without compromising health.
• In conclusion, chocolate can be a delightful and satisfying addition to one's diet when enjoyed in
moderation. Its mood-boosting properties, antioxidant content, and mineral contribution make it a food
with both sensory and potential health benefits. However, it's vital to be aware of the potential
drawbacks, such as high calorie and sugar content, as well as allergen concerns. By understanding both
the positive and negative aspects, individuals can make informed choices, savoring the pleasures of
chocolate without compromising their overall well-being.
Two types of letter
• Formal Letter • Informal Letter
• For boss or coworker • for Friends or other students
• Follow the rules of an essay • You can do all of the things you
shouldn´t do in an essay.
• Use slang
• Use idioms
• Use coloquialism
• Use contractions
• Use personal language
• Remember, a story doesn´t need to be linear, BUT it must make sense and be
• Use time expresions (First, then, after, before, during, all of the sudden).
• Use expresions to créate suspense (Suddently, All of the sudden, Without
warning, Just at that moment)
• Play with time tenses, Past simple, past contineous, past perfect.
• Use questions in the begining for an easy introduction or in the end as a fun
closing (but not both together)
• Use neutral vocabulary, this means it doesn´t need to be super formal, but also
not too informal, play with the use of both.

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