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Freud’s Theory of Psychosexual


•The id, or “pleasure principle” develops first;

linked to eros (the “life instinct”), thanatos (the
“death instinct”) and libido (sex drive)
•The ego develops in the 1st year to mediate
between the id and the demands of the real
world; often called“the reality principle”
•The superego develops last, around age 3
or 4; it’s a harsh “internalized mother’s voice”;
the ego now “referees” between it and the id
Freud’s Psychosexual Stages:

1- the oral stage (birth to about one):

focus is on the mouth
Freud’s Psychosexual Stages:

1- the oral stage (birth to about one):

focus is on the mouth

2- the anal stage (one to about three): focus is on the

anus, especially as regards toilet training
Freud’s Psychosexual Stages:

1- the oral stage (birth to about one):

focus is on the mouth

2- the anal stage (one to about three): focus is on the

anus, especially as regards toilet training

3- the phallic stage (about three to six): focus is on the

penis; this stage is marked by the Oedipus Complex,
which is resolved through sublimation and through
identification with the father
Freud’s stages continued …..

4- the latency stage (about six to twelve): this is

a period of sexual sublimation and repression
Freud’s stages continued …..

4- the latency stage (about six to twelve): this is

a period of sexual sublimation and repression

5- the genital stage (adolescence onward):

“normal” adult sexuality
If the major conflicts in each stage
are not adequately resolved:

•Oral fixation: adulthood may be

characterized by excessive eating,
smoking, drinking, talking
•Anal fixation: adult may be anal-retentive
(excessively clean, meticulous, obsessive)
or anal-expulsive (moody, sarcastic, untidy
in personal habits)
•Phallic fixation: vain, arrogant, self
•Latency fixation: sexually repressed

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