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K V VIJAY THARUN (RA2331021020001)

K SASIRAJ (RA2331021020004)
A JAVED ASHRAF (RA2331021020029)
S ABISHWA (RA2331021020032)
Nmap is short for Network Mapper. It is an open-source
Linux command-line tool that is used to scan IP addresses
and ports in a network and to detect installed applications.
Nmap allows network admins to find which devices are
running on their network, discover open ports and services,
and detect vulnerabilities
Three Way Handshake

A three-way handshake is also known as a TCP handshake or SYN-SYN-ACK, and requires both the client and server
to exchange SYN (synchronization) and ACK (acknowledgment) packets before actual data communication begins.

For example, it supports communication between a web browser on the client side and a server every time a user
navigates the Internet.
We made an analysis IN Cloudflare’s IP Address

Verbose Scan- to check number of ports

Aggressive Scan – To scan the ports in a detailed manner

-f, --file <results file>

Open the given results file for viewing. The results file may be an Nmap XML output file (.xml, as produced by nmap -oX), or a file
previously saved by nmap

-h, --help
Show a help message and exit.

-n, --nmap <Nmap command line>

Run the given Nmap command within the nmap interface. After -n or --nmap, every remaining command line argument is read as the
command line to execute. This means that -n or --nmap must be given last, after any other options. Note that the command line
must include the nmap executable name: nmap -n nmap -sS target.

-p, --profile <profile>

Start with the given profile selected. The profile name is just a string: "Regular scan". If combined with -t, begin a scan with the
given profile against the specified target.

-t, --target <target>

Start with the given target. If combined with -p, begin a scan with the given profile against the specified target.

-v, --verbose
Increase verbosity (of nmap, not Nmap). This option may be given multiple times for even more verbosity printed to the console window
used to start nmap.
These Are The Some Port Numbers Used In Nmap

Some Abbreviation of

FTP-File Transfer Protocol

SNMP-Simple Network
Management Protocol

DNS-Domain Name System

Using NMAP to a stealth scan:
At the command line; type nmap –sS
TCP SYN scan is a stealth scan used to determine if ports on a target system are open, closed or filtered.
The –sS option tells Nmap to perform a TCP SYN stealth port scan. Since this type of scan requires Nmap to
behave on the network
in an atypical manner, you must have administrative rights. The scan should take about one second.

In the Filter box, type tcp.port==80 and press enter.

Look at the last three packets. Note that this time the three-way handshake is not completed.
The SYN packet is sent and the SYN/ACK is returned, but instead of sending back an ACK, the scanning
computer sends an RST.
This will allow the scanning computer to establish that the port is in fact opened, but is less likely to be
registered in the logs.

Using NMAP to determine veraion number
At the command line; type nmap –v -a

observe the output on the command line.

The –v option tells Nmap to perform a ping scan. The * at
the end of the address means to scan for every host address
on the 10.170.26 network. The scan should take about 20 to
30 seconds.

At the command line; type nmap –V

-“-v” option. It is used to get more detailed information

about the remote machines. We can scan multiple hosts by
writing IP addresses or hostnames with nmap

Using NMAP for Aggressive and fast scanning:

At the command line; type nmap –A

observe the output on the command line
This option tells Nmap to perform a TCP port scan. This is a full connection scan.
The scan may take few minutes.
Look at the signature of the scan Notice that there are many SYN packets sent from (the computer doing the scanning) and many RST/ACK packets being sent back.
RST/ACK is the response for a request to connect to a port that is not open.

The –A option tells Nmap to perform a TCP port scan. This is a full connection scan. The scan may take few


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