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Student Pedagogy

Mid-Point Meeting

Teacher Partner: Kazim Ali

Student Partner: Maryam Farooq
Department: Management Sciences
Type: Course Delivery
Following goals were set before the official start of partnership:
1. Innovative way of learning
2. Focus on practical approach
3. Look past traditional slide-reading approach
Used Approaches to Achieve Goals
1. Socratic Questioning
2. Challenging Assumptions
3. Jigsaw Classroom
4. Problem-Based Learning
5. Scaffolding
6. Pre-class Readings
7. No PPT slides
8. Role playing for learning
Student Input and Response
Student Inputs
1. Prefer traditional slide-reading approach
2. Prefer syllabus to be in PPT format
3. Do not like pre-class readings
4. Do not like after class exit tickets
5. Like the in-class activities
6. Like the problem based learning approach
Student Response & Other Issues
1. Positive response from students who participate actively in and out of class
2. Negative response from students who do not participate
3. Negative response to pre-class readings
4. Correlation between subject and attendance VS. Causation

5. Perceived issue with data sample

6. Newer students are easier to change in terms of attitude than older students
Thank you!

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