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Presented By Group 2 of

• Wash your hands before preparing your
vegetables. Hand washing is very
important when it comes to food
preparing. It is vital in preventing
contamination of food by food
handlers. Harmful bacteria such as E.
coli, Salmonella and viruses present on
the hands of food workers are removed
by proper hand washing techniques.
• Wash or scrub fruits and vegetables
under running water—even if you do
not plan to eat the peel. Germs on
the peel or skin can get inside fruits
and vegetables when you cut them.
Washing fruits and vegetables with
soap, detergent, or commercial
produce wash is not recommended .
• Removing outer leaves or peeling
may decrease the amount of
pesticide residues or harmful
microbes on fruits and vegetables.
Fruit bruising heightens the risk of
microbial contamination, hence
providing potential causes for fruit
quality losses and lower shelf life.
So it is best to remove these.
• We refrigerate food to keep bacteria,
yeasts, and molds from the favorable
temperature they need to grow. Safe
storage can keep you from getting
sick from a food borne illness. All
fruits and vegetables must be stored
in the refrigerator once they are cut
or peeled.
• Wash your vegetables by
rubbing them or brushing them
under a cold running tap.

• Clean the kitchen tools you will

use by scrubbing them in soap
and rinsing it with clear water.
• Do not soak vegetables for long
periods of time to prevent
flavor and nutrient loss.
• Cabbage, Broccoli and
Cauliflower may be soaked for
30 minutes in cold salted water
to eliminate insects.
Is it really important for us to
know how to prepare vegetables
properly? Why?

Because the nutrition, taste and texture are

affected by how you handle them before
Why is hand washing before
preparing vegetables

Because it is vital in preventing

contamination of food by food handlers and
your hands can easily spread bacteria around
the kitchen and onto food.
How are you going to wash the
vegetables? And what do you
keep in mind?

By washing and scrubbing the vegetables

under running water. And what to keep in
mind is to not wash your vegetables with
soap, detergent or commercial produce wash.
Is it important to remove
damaged areas of vegetables?

Yes, so it can be eaten safely without

accidentally eating damaged areas which
could cause diseases caused by the microbes.
Where are you going to put
your vegetables after cutting
and peeling them?

In the fridge, because refrigeration slows

down their ripening process and it can also
help them stay fresh for longer.
Do you have any idea why
soaking vegetables overnight is
not recommended?

Long soaking is not recommended as it can

leach out important vitamins and minerals
from them also to prevent flavor and
nutrient loss.

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