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Explain the benefits to clients of good personal hygiene

Good personal hygiene is the first step to good health. It not only protects you from poor health,
but also shields those around you from suffering illnesses that arise from poor personal habits.
1.1 Concepts of good Personal hygiene
1.2 Better personal care
1.3 Ways to improve personal hygiene.

2.1 Concepts of good Personal hygiene

Good personal hygiene is the first step to good health. It not only protects you from poor health,
but also shields those around you from suffering illnesses that arise from poor personal habits.

2.2 Better personal care

Habits such as washing your hands, bathing, and brushing, flossing, may all look monotonous
and boring, but they all come under important personal hygiene. They make you feel good about
yourself and keep you free of bacteria, viruses, and illnesses

2.3.ways to improve personal hygiene

 Here 20 instructions / guidelines/ for personal hygiene that you must follow routinely.
2.1.1 20 instructions / guidelines/ for better personal care
 Personal Hygiene Habit# 1
Foot Care
 Wash your feet properly while having a bath, specially between the fingers
 Wear the right socks
 Make sure your shoes aren't too tight.
 Switch shoes
 Wash shoes or insoles of your shoes
 Stay in bare feet at home
 Personal Hygiene Habit # 2
For Food storage
Store and prepare raw meat, poultry, and seafood away from other foods
 Store food in the fridge at 5°C/41°F, do not overfill and allow cold air to circulate
 Prevent raw food juices from dripping onto other foods.
 Personal Hygiene Habit # 3
While preparing your food
Cut meat and vegetables with separate knives and chopping/cutting boards
 Soak, scrape, brush, scald, peel or wash all fruit, salad and vegetables
 Do not wash raw meat in the sink prior to cooking as this spreads germs around the sink
 This is also not necessary as proper cooking of the meat will destroy any harmful bacteria
 Personal Hygiene Habit # 4
Peeing etiquettes
Don't hold it in
 Stay hydrated
 Relax when you pee
 Wipe from front to back
Personal Hygiene Habit # 5
Fighting bad breath
 Drink plenty of water.
 Brush and floss regularly.
 Treat any existing oral diseases.
 Eat crunchy fruits and vegetables.
 Cut out coffee.
 Chew sugarless gum.
 Eat yogurt
 Get your vitamins. a, but can also help prevent two other causes of bad breath—gum
disease and gingivitis.
 Avoid tobacco products.

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