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Inner Reflection Into Self

Arric Self
April 8, 2024
Trista Guzman Glover
In the coming slides I will be diving into
past and present work to compile and
code in the Thematic Analysis. I will be
using work and self assessments from this
present course as well work and
assessments from other courses
previously taken.

Introduction •

Gather Data
Code Data
• Group Data
• Insert into theme slides
This will be a challenging task as some can
easily be placed in multiple themes but
breaking them down further and
reflecting will allow for a more accurate
presentation of data and facts.
Here I will list all the sources for
My Data the upcoming themes and
Sources provide a legend to allow
Data Sources

• What am I good at? – This assignment was designed to require us to think and reflect on qualities and values that we might be
good at and what values we hold dear (3QS)
• Diversity – This was a category we got to chose to discuss based on previous experiences and lessons learned in previous courses
• Kuder Career Interests Assessments – This is an assessment that registers personality traits with Careers we might be interested in
• Kuder Skills Confidence Assessments – This assessment registers skills based on our confidence level and personality to match us
with careers that may be best suited for our styles of working (KSCA)
• Super’s Work Values – This assessment takes our values and what we look for in a job to match us and our personality to the best
categories for us (SWV)
• Motivation and Career Anchors Assessment – An assessment to see what motivations and values rank highest to lowest in a
career (MCAA)
• Humanmetrics Jung Typology Test - Personality assessment to see what type of personality we have (HJTT)
• Big Five Personality Test – Personality assessment to see what type if personality we have (BFPT)
• Leader Identity Narrative – A complete rundown of moments in our past to reflect and gauge how they affected our journey as
leaders (LIN)
• Cultural Dimensions Self Assessment – An assessment to see how our cultures affect our personality and work decisions (CDSA)
Data Sources Cont.….

• EI and Empathy – This was a worksheet designed to show what levels of empathy in leadership as well as personal life (EIE)
• Kolb Learning Styles - A worksheet designed to see how we learn and what style best fits our personalities (KLS)
• Super User – A classification of employee that excels in their job area and helps others in the same job category with questions and
tips to better assist them. (SU)
• Father / Husband – Being a father and husband makes me want to be a strong leader and an excellent and supportive person (ID)
• Listening Assessment – An assessment to see whether you have good listening and communicative behaviors (LA)
• Indigo Assessment - An assessment to judge work strengths and weaknesses based on answers to the survey allowing us to find
our top five work skills (IA)
• Culminating Project – This assignment was designed to have us try and teach how to do an organizational assessment to our own
teams (CP)
• Team Executive Project – This project was for us to learn not only how to conduct an organizational assessment but how to work
together as a team to reach a common goal (TEP)
• Core Competencies – Picking and choosing the Core Competencies that work best for our style of leadership and work ethic (CC)
• Promotion to Sales & Campaign Coordinator – Was promoted to be able to better financially take care of my family but to develop
new skills and further grow within the company (PSCC)
• Youth Leadership – This was a program for Black Belts to learn leadership techniques at a young age to try and prepare themselves
to become leaders in the future (YL)
Data Sources Cont.….

• Baby Safety – A course for new parents to better project their children from choking, breathing, and sleeping hazards (BS)
• Boy Scouts of America – We were taught how to lead by following and even running our own community events (BSA)
• Black Belt – An incredibly tough rank to hit and harder to move up each degree means adding another year before testing. For
example, second degrees must wait 2 years before they can test for third. During this waiting period you are subjected to
leadership training skills assessment and physical training as well (BB)
• Video Game Tournaments – This is a love and hobby for me sometimes even make money from them and stream live games for
others to watch. This started as just something cool but found that it was a great way to work on communicational skills and
multitasking skills (VGT)
• Gym – This is a way to maintain my physical health and mental health as stress takes over from work and school. (G)
• Microsoft Office – Went to courses to complete certifications in Microsoft office for school and professional reasons as most
businesses use these applications. (MO)
• On Job Training – Any time my company offers a training seminar or training option regardless of the category I block a section to
attend even if not mandatory to create more opportunities and learn new techniques and strategies. (OJT)
• Yearly Check Ups – This is an important part of growing up and taking care of your health. I visit the doctor once a year minimal to
run check ups and make sure I am healthy. (YCU)
Data Sources Cont.….

• Recognize Birthdays and Events – I do this for teambuilding and motivation. Coworkers love the little acknowledgements like a
birthday or anniversary. It lets them know you care, and they are more motivated to enjoy work and working with you. (RBE)
• Getting up to Walk – When sitting at a desk for eight hours it can get numbing and hurt your eyes. It is more productive to get up
and stand as well as take a quick short walk to rest your eyes and get blood flowing. (GW)
• Bachelors Degree – Getting this will open many doors into a career in the future as well as continuous education for personal
growth. (BD)
• Camping- Taking time to enjoy nature resets mental health and makes you a better employee when stress is released instead of
bottling this up. (C)
• Create Fun Sales Tactics – Creating new sales challenges keeps the sales team on there toes allowing for friendly competition and
new ideas to flow. For example, a sales competition using a map where you ping a new account and the one that has the most in all
territories wins. (CFST)
• Pop Quiz – Pop quizzes in team meetings is a fun way to test the knowledge of employees while rewarding them for correct
answers with their favorite snacks. (PQ)
• Stress Counseling – I do this once a week to maintain and learn new ways of controlling stress such as breathing techniques once a
day to relieve and maintain mental health. (SC)
Data Sources Cont.….

• Reading – I love reading it is a lovely hobby and keeps you mentally sharp as you take in new information. (R)
• Toastmasters Club – Being apart of this club allows for continuous education and learning public speaking. This is the hardest for
me and the more I learn the more I practice the easier communication becomes in personal and work life. (TC)
• Office Help – When downtime is available it is beneficial to aid coworkers especially those overwhelmed. This creates bonds and a
healthy work environment. (OH)
• Team Lunches – Taking your team out to reward them for completing a huge task or breaking a goal is a way to congratulate them
on doing above and beyond and lets your team know you recognize the hard work they put in. (TL)
• Movies – Watching movies is a way to escape reality and get lost in the different stories and locations they transport us to. (M)
My 10 Themes

I chose the following themes to better track and analyze

my past assignments and achievements to make sure I
am still on the path I wish to be on.
Theme Statement: As I grow older and things evolve, I find
family being the leading element to many decisions. Especially
now with a brand-new Infant.

Supporting Data:
• Being a new father and a husband is rough, but I make all
decisions based on them to ensure they are taken care of. (ID)
• I have been working continuously to learn and listen to my
wife but also communicate better as relationships rely on
communication. (LA)
• Accepted a new position that was new to me so that I could
better provide for my family and offer more financial stability.
• Being able to learn how to lead early on was a great way to
see how I want my daughter to look up to me as a role model.
Family Cont.….
Supporting Data:
• Children safety is so important I got certified in CPR and Baby
CPR as well as choking so I could protect my child. (BS)

Contradictory Information: I do not believe there is any in this

case. Had I begun this analysis 5 years ago I would have put work
before family as I was young and unmarried.

Reflection: After becoming married and having a child my views

have changed. I need to make sure I do right by them and take
care of them which can happen by working and promotions but
to make sure I follow and so not loose sight of why I work and
never put work ahead of my family.
Leadership Roles
Theme Statement: How and what kind of leader do I see my self as and what kind of
techniques will I use.

Supporting Data:
• Looking through past experiences and learning from them creating what I
envision as a leader should be. (LIN)
• Part of being a leader is being able to teach someone new skills and training. (CP)
• Leading a community event from creation to scheduling to even running and
cleaning up after is a daunting task especially at a young age but taught valuable
life lessons planning and leading through example. (BSA)
• Another opportunity for leading was my second-degree black belt test. To pass
the test and move up the rank not only did I have to perform at a high level, but I
had to demonstrate how I would lead an entire class. (BB)
• Being asked by the company to be the one to answer questions for others in the
same job is a huge honor. It shows that your skills and leadership qualities are
high enough that they want you to pass them along to others. (SU)
Leadership Roles
Contradictory Information: This can be a little contradictory as
many of these roles use different skills and techniques none were
all the same. Each task and request was a different level of difficulty
and sometimes even failed at leading.

Reflection: Through recognizing what your followers' needs are and

what the project, task, or assignment requires only then can you
truly understand what leadership role to assume.
Theme Statement: In the workforce and in our personal
lives we need skillsets to handle different tasks and
challenges as they present themselves.

Supporting Data:
• Based on the ability to time manage and organize skills
have become a huge part of my routine to become a
better leader. (3QS)
• Diversity is a skill used by many teams and companies to
bring new ideas to the table and have creative solutions
flowing. (OM)
• Testing and recognizing what your strengths and
weaknesses are is a vital task that all leaders need to do
Leadership but also for personal growth. (IA)
• When working with a team Conflict Management skills
Skills are necessary. As you add more members to a team you
add more chances to have a conflict occur. (TEP)
• With any leader there are a set of skills they rely on
more than any others. These are the core competencies.
After finding your set that works train and practice to
hone these set skills. (CC)
Contradictory Information: There is nothing to contradict
this field as all leaders use and develop skills that work
for them through experience and lessons learned.

Leadership Reflection: I have learned through these courses and my

Skills Cont. degree that a leader is someone who never stops

learning. These skills are never mastered and depending
on the situation practice will be needed to be able to
…. successfully lead your team.
Theme Statement: This is where I see myself after my degree and in the

Supporting Data:
• Looking at my interests to find where I would best fit and what
career that would be. (KCIA)
• Measuring skills and confidence level to find the best career. (KSCA)
• Measuring my values and work ethics to complete and see what
ranks highest on my priority list (SWV)
• Taking what motivates me to compile and see what personality and
what I look for in a career to better assist me in a long-term career
placement. (MCAA)
Contradictory Information: This theme has a little contradiction as I
took both the KCIA and KSCA both these recommended completely
different career choices. There was some overlap but there was more
variations than consistency.

Career Reflection: Based on these tests I was able to narrow down my career
search. They did happen to recommend what I was already thinking
which was Business Accounting. I can manage numbers and help make
larger purchase decisions for businesses.
Theme Statement: Personality is what makes us who we are and how we handle situations.

Supporting Data:
• Looking at my results of the HumanMetrics test of I ended up as an ISTJ. (HJTT)
• Another test to see what dominate and submissive personality traits I may have and how
they affect my career and personal life. (BFPT)
• Depending on one's culture your personality traits may differ hence the diverse workforce
no one is identical creating new unique situations. (CDSA)
• One underrated personality trait is Empathy. I tested high in this category it is important to
be able to understand others' emotions whether customers, family, coworkers, or strangers.
You never know what someone is going through but showing just a little empathy goes a
long way. (EIE)
• Lastly how people learn and understand materials is part of one's personality as well. I am a
task-oriented person and work better when I handle things one at a time and create a list as
to not be overwhelmed.

Contradictory information: These can be contradicting not only to each other, but it contradicts
with Career assessments and leadership traits. Some leaders are more outspoken than others
but not all leaders are.
Reflection: Overall personalities differ from person to person. I try to maintain and grow with
my personality while avoiding bad habits. I never want to be known as having a sour outlook or
Theme Statement: Taking care of one's health is often last on the priority list but little
things a day can make it more manageable.

Supporting Data:
• Working out 15 minutes to 30 minutes a day can help with mental and physical health
and has many long-lasting benefits. (G)
• Doctor visits are tedious costly and time consuming. Making time once a year to get
the necessity checks helps prevent long term or severe illnesses. (YCU)
• When walking and standing up this rests your eyes and helps when working 8 hours a
day staring at a computer screen. (GW)
• Enjoying nature is a good way to resolve stress issues and health issues from those
stress related issues. (C)
• Stress is a huge complication that causes issues of mental health as well as other
complications such as heart health. (SC)

Contradictory Information: There is no contradiction with health. If you can take care of
yourself then your personal life and work life will also be healthy.

Reflection: This was one category I was never keen on and needed to work on. I would let
stress wipe me out I was constantly sick and damaging my body. Work become harder and
harder to get the drive to go. After doing these simple things and getting into a routine I
was able to find the joy in day-to-day life.
Team Building
Theme Statement: Creating healthy relationships helps breed success and productivity.

Supporting Data:
• Simple recognition goes a long way in terms of team building. Such as birthdays and
anniversaries. It is a way to show you care about everyone. (RBE)
• Changing things up with simple competitions and new fun sales tactics keeps the tedious
sales job forever interesting and creative. (CFST)
• Doing short pop quizzes and rewarding employees with their favorite snacks is a fun way to
create a bond and educate procedures and policies that may not or may be known (PQ)
• When downtime is available it is beneficial to aid coworkers especially those overwhelmed.
This creates bonds and a healthy work environment. (OH)
• Taking your team out to reward them for completing a huge task or breaking a goal is a way
to congratulate them on doing above and beyond and lets your team know you recognize the
hard work they put in. (TL)

Contradictory Information: This is a straightforward practice in most team-oriented positions.

Many do different things or rewards for their teams. These are just simple items I used and am
currently using to show my appreciation.

Reflection: I have been on teams that did nothing, and it seemed like you faded into the masses
and the leaders did not recognize you or your accomplishments. Being on teams that did one or
many of these I felt wanted and needed as a part of the team. I go out of my way to make my
team know that I notice what they do and appreciate them as much as possible.
Theme Statement: Learning is a constant even out of school we learn from many
different people, places, and things. To grow as a person in a personal or
professional output.

Supportive Data:
• Being apart of this club allows for continuous education and learning public
speaking. This is the hardest for me and the more I learn the more I practice the
easier communication becomes in personal and work life. (TC)
• Went to courses to complete certifications in Microsoft office for school and
professional reasons as most businesses use these applications. (MO)
• Any time my company offers a training seminar or training option regardless of
the category I block a section to attend even if not mandatory to create more
opportunities and learn new techniques and strategies. (OJT)
• Getting this will open many doors into a career in the future as well as
continuous education for personal growth. (BD)

Contradictory Information: This is a straightforward process. We learn from many

different avenues such as job training and even elective education like college or

Reflection: I have learned through my years that the more you take the opportunity
to then the more doors you have to chose from in the future. It allows you to have
more options instead of limiting yourself to what you know or have done.
Theme Statement: Hobbies are a great way to take time for yourself and do what you
love away from the busy day-to-day life.

Supportive Data:
• I love reading it is a lovely hobby and keeps you mentally sharp as you take in new
information. (R)
• This is a love and hobby for me sometimes even make money from them and
stream live games for others to watch. This started as just something cool but
found that it was a great way to work on communicational skills and multitasking
skills (VGT)
• Watching movies is a way to escape reality and get lost in the different stories and
locations they transport us to. (M)

Contradictory Information: Taking time to do what you love is a great reset and is
much needed to maintain a healthy work life balance.

Reflection: I have learned that if you do not take time to do what you love then things
that bring you joy like work or family start to annoy you. It is something you need to
take time away from and do what you love to maintain the happy balance.
My Personal Vision
I am dedicated to constantly improving and bettering my
life for my family. As well as for my own personal growth.

Reflection: I have learned that having powerful

motivators like my family supporting and wanting the
best for me helps create a loving environment where I
can strive and reach for the stars while providing the life I
want for them.
My Personal Mission
I will remember to constantly love and never take my family for granted. As I work
and grow in my business endeavors never sidelining them for personal gain.

Reflection: With people in my corner, I will attain any goal I set for myself putting my
family first and making sure they are always taken care of before embarking on a new
journey or career.
Before starting my journey to get my degree I never knew how
much things can really change within. I became a father and
my degree become more important than ever before. I am
doing this not just for myself but for them as well. This analysis
is eye opening as I have looked and researched through past
experiences to see how different event s and projects have
affected my journey.

• Caulfield, J. (2019, September 6). How to Do Thematic Analysis | Step-by-Step Guide & Examples.

• Enge, J. (n.d.). Free open-source BigFive personality traits test. Bigfive.

• Home | Kuder | Career Development & Assessment Systems. (n.d.). Kuder.

• Humanmetrics Inc. (2023). Personality test based on Jung and Briggs Myers typology.

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