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Teacher notes:

- Use gaps from assessment to target and use lesson activities as guide
- Encourage pupils to use quotation log as this has valuable analysis and also the timeline/context
- Ensure pupils do make apt and specific reference to extract. For HA they should be making links across play so they offer
coverage succinctly
- I have set a fully improved essay to be uploaded on OneNote as hwork so they have a fully improved essay
-Essay exemplar: resource we have had for a couple of yrs: it has some nice ideas at points but s1 is underdeveloped. It also
demonstrates how to manage in time (do not write about everything: focus on what is specifically linked to Q.focus)
Thematic based Essays –Family Values Feedback
• DO NOW ACTIVITY (Complete in essay planning booklet – pg 64 of ACC Essay Planning Booklet)
- Recall and jot a quick plan for a “family values” essay question in ACC
Hint: Use your A3 revision sheet/quotation booklet to recall the most relevant scenes/quotes

1- Scrooge’s cold-hearted dismissal of Fred’s Christmas dinner
invitation (contrasting physical description reflects their
contrasting attitudes too)
Essays: Social Responsibility
Learning outcomes and knowledge components

By the end of the lesson, you will:

• improve two paragraphs of your ACC essay on family values

To achieve this, you will need to know:

• The key events in the play and pick out which link specifically to the focus of the
question, including relevant quotes.
• AO3 context and Dickens key messages
• The skills you need to focus on to improve your response
• Possible Plan – Family values

1 – Scrooge and Fred:

“ I want nothing from you; I ask nothing from you. Why can’t we be friends?”
“eyes sparkled” “cheerful voice” “all in a glow”
“Humbug”/”Every idiot who goes wrong with Merry Christmas on their lips should be boiled and buried/ “A time of finding yourself a year
older but not an hour richer”
“Grating voice” “eyes red” lips blue” “frosty rime”
“ A poor excuse to pick a man’s pocket” (to Bob)

2 – Scrooge’s past: Fan as a saviour from his lonely experiences at his melancholic boarding school/Belle: painful realisation of the love and
family he has missed out on in his pursuit for money.
“ lonely boy by a feeble fire”
“I have come to take you home, dear brother! “Father is much kinder now. Home is like heaven”
“Another idol has displaced me…a golden one”
The “children would have been a springtime in the haggard winter of his life”…”his sight grew very dim indeed”

3 – Cratchit family: exposes the hardships and poverty of the Victorian poor, criticism of those in power but also the great joy and comfort
family offers in the face of hardship and poverty
“Nobody said or thought it was a small pudding for a large family.I would have been flat heresy to do so…they were not a handsome
family…but they were happy, grateful, pleased with one another and contented with the time”
“Please tell me Tiny Tim will live. Say he will be spared”

4 – Tiny Tim’s prophetic death compared to Scrooge’s frightening future:

“My little, little child”…
Stripped and robbed of his belongings: “I shall go [to his funeral] if a lunch is provided
5 – Scrooge’s final realisation: It’s your Uncle. Will you let me in? /Became a “second father to Tiny Tim”/ “I shall raise your salary!”
• Highlight what you recognise are your targets that you must focus on to develop your essay

Sp2 ACC Feedback: Family Values

- Select the best scene/event/quote to support argument/idea (some used Fezziwig, but he would be better explored in social responsibility/poverty –
use Fan and Belle instead)
- Show clear focus and understanding of what the question is asking.
- Use Scrooge’s changing character/characterisation of other characters too to explore what is being shown and how – link to family values.
- Explore and engage with the extract (slip in links from elsewhere in the play as you are exploring the extract)
- Include/weave in relevant and clear context and know Dickens purpose and messages. Family was of great importance during the Victorian era; large
families would mean more opportunities for financial income in lower paid families as the young children would be sent to work, the disciplinarian
father, the risks the Industrial Revolution and poverty posed to families. Family also offered great emotional and spiritual comfort at the time and
served as a good support network as we see in the Cratchit family. Family values tie in with attitudes towards Christmas too – Christmas is time of
togetherness and celebrating with loved ones; a time to momentarily forget the hardships of life. Consider Bob – his family offer him respite from the
harsh working conditions he endures under Scrooge’s watch. Consider how Scrooge’s growing greed (capitalism) has driven him away from family.
- Cratchit family: central and fundamental importance when exploring family values in the novella. Structurally placed in Stave 3 (centrally in the
novella) to show the importance family holds – YOU CANNOT BRUSH OVER THEM.
- Sabbatarianism: try weaving this in for G9 – poor families like the Cratchits would have been victim to Sabbatarian attitudes and beliefs and even the
Poor Laws.
- Dickens purpose and craft at the forefront

- Academic writing
- Evaluation: Are the Cratchit family overly idealised or is this purposefully done by Dickens to draw sympathy for the poor but also highlight the comfort family brings?
- Find the focus of the question by
reading it twice and highlighting
key words in the question.
- Highlight what you can explore
from the extract linked to question
(AO1, AO2, AO3)
- Are there links you can make
across the wider play(something
that has changed/is beign
contrasted to elsewhere in the
Task: Identify the success criteria from WAGOLL overview for a social responsibility essay.
Use the WAGOLL and adapt it for a family values essay.
Staff may live model overview.

This overview was written for the following question:

How is social responsibility presented throughout the novella?

In Dickens’ morality novella, A Christmas Carol, Dickens explores the importance Success Criteria for Overview:
of social responsibility through his initial portrayal of Scrooge’s cold-hearted,
uncharitable, covetous character and his eventual transformation to a - Show clear focus on the
benevolent, caring and warm-hearted philanthropist. Through his journey to his question
past, present and future, Scrooge witnesses events and characters which - Use the BIG IDEA (WHAT,
remind and teach him the importance of caring for others, more importantly HOW, WHY) – AO1, AO2, AO3
those less fortunate than him. Set against the backdrop of huge economic and
social change, Dickens, as a social acitivist, uses his novella not just to entertain
his Victorian audience but to expose the harsh conditions of the poor and the
severe consequences if these continue to be ignored and capitalist ideologies
do not change.
Set 3 onwards: Live model first paragraph to close gaps OR read “family values” essay to
pick up ideas/interpretations
Set 1/Set 2: Read exemplar essay and identify achievements and targets (upload full essay)
- You will now improve 2 paragraphs of your response.
- Your focus for each paragraph will be to apply your targets and ensure you are applying
the success criteria below to develop your ideas
Slide 2: End of the lesson
Exit ticket – knowing and remembering more

You should now know:

• Using the skills you have been told to focus on to improve an exam
style essay question

To demonstrate this, your challenge is to:

• Highlight where you have met your target
• What key learning points have you learnt from today’s improvement that you will
apply to your next essay practice.

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