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Elephants or elephantids are a family of placental mammals of

the order Proboscidea. They were formerly classified, along

with other thick-skinned mammals, in the now-invalid order of
pachyderms. Nowadays there are three species and several
subspecies. Wikipedia
Gestation period: African elephant: 22 months
Height: African Elephant: 3.2 m
Family: Elephantidae; Grey, 1821
Animalia Kingdom
Domain: Eukaryota
Class: Mammalia
Average Lifespan: African Elephant: 60 – 70 years, African
Elephants: 33 years
Diet:Elephants eat roots, grass, fruit, and bark, and they do so
in large quantities. An adult elephant can consume up to 135
kilograms of food in a single day.
The lion is a carnivorous mammal of the Felidae family and one
of the five species of the Panthera genus. Wikipedia
Scientific name: Panthera leo
Family: Felidae
Species: P. leo; (Linnaeus, 1758)
Average lifespan: 15 – 16 years (Female, Adult, Wild), 8 – 10
years (Male, Adult, Wild)
Body Mass: 190 kg (Male, Adult), 130 kg (Female, Adult)
Height: 1.2 m (Male, Adult, Shoulder), 90 – 110 cm (Female,
Adult, Shoulder)
Diet: Carnivorous; mainly medium and large animals
such as wildebeests, impalas and other antelopes, zebras,
giraffes, buffalo and also carrion.
The emperor penguin is a species of sphenisciform bird in
the Spheniscidae family. This species, endemic to
Antarctica, is the largest and heaviest of all penguins.
Male and female are similar in plumage and size; They
can exceed 120 cm in height and weigh between 20 and 45
kg. Wikipedia
Scientific name: Aptenodytes forsteri
Height: 1.1 – 1.3 m (Adult)
Length: 1.2m
Conservation Status: Near Threatened (Stable)
Average lifespan: 15 – 20 years (in freedom)
Species: A. forsteri; Grey, 1844
Body Mass: 23 kg (Male, Adult, After breeding season)
Diet:The Emperor Penguin feeds throughout the water
column where it consumes fish, crustaceans and squid. .
The emperor penguin is an important top predator.
The wolf is a species of placental mammal of the order of
carnivores. The domestic dog was considered to be a
member of the same species based on evidence, DNA
sequencing, and other genetic studies. Wikipedia
Scientific name: Canis lupus
Height: 80 – 85 cm (Adult, Shoulder)
Length: 1 – 1.6 m (Adult)
Species: C. lupus; Linnaeus, 1758
Order: Carnivora
Family: Canidae
Class: Mammalia
Diet: Gray Wolves are carnivores – meaning they eat
meat. Wolves hunt in large groups for large food such as
deer, elk, sheep, goats, caribou, bison, and muskox.
Wolves also eat rodents, beavers, fish, and birds.
The common chimpanzee or simply chimpanzee is a
species of hominid primate typical of tropical Africa.
Scientific name: Pan troglodytes
Conservation Status: Endangered (Reduction)
Order: Primates
Length: 63 – 94 cm (Adult, Tailless, Standing on all fours,
Nose to hip)
Species: P. troglodytes; (Blumbach, 1776)
Average Lifespan: 39 years (Female, Captive), 32 years
(Male, Captive)
Their diet includes fruits, leaves and other plant parts,
honey, insects (especially termites), and occasionally eggs
and meat. They eat with their hands and are capable of
throwing objects and creating tools. Females give birth to
one calf, or occasionally two, every five or six years.
The giraffe is a species of artiodactyl mammal, of the Giraffidae
family, typical of Africa. It is the tallest of all existing land animal
species, as it can reach a height of 5.8 m and a weight that varies
between 750 and 1600 kg. Wikipedia
Scientific name: Giraffa camelopardalis
Length: 4.2 m (Adult) Encyclopedia of Life
Species: Giraffidae camelopardalis; Linnaeus, 1758
Family: Giraffes
Kind: Mammal
Order: Artiodactyla
Body Mass: 800 – 1900 kg (Male, Adult), 550 – 1200 kg (Female,
Giraffe Feeding:
Giraffes are herbivorous and ruminant animals. Their
main diet is acacia leaves, their favorite dish and one of
the tallest trees.

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